Online pundits and multiple sources that can provide evidence for their claims. Never legacy media.
umm! not heard of legacy media 'term' before, thanx Fishyfish.
I get most news online, but I also get it over the TV, or radio in a vehicle .
So you drive a truck (in the avatar) for a living/. -
Ice man
all over the place
A bird.
I mostly watch local news stations.
Democracy Now, The Real News, The Young Turks, Al Jazeera English, PBS, RT, Rational National, Kim Iverson, Jimmy Dore, Now This, etc.....from You tube (not so much the corporate media)
online from a website Real estate investors in dallas tx
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Computer and local news on TV!
I downloaded Google news and it's awesome and has so many different channels on it
BBC News, Google homepage and YouTube.
CNN, MSNBC, Twitter and TV
BBC News online
MSNBC, Democracy Now, HuffReport, NPR, The Young Turks
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