Both eat our garbage can be disease ridden. The pigeon eat food dropped in the park. The seagulls eat at the landfill.
Hmmm.. you may not eat pigeons - but I have done! And as for seagull, just google seagull recipes - you will be surprised!
I've eaten pigeon before, but to be honest they are too small, and by the time you have picked off enough meat of the carcass to eat everything else gets cold.
We do... There is an absolutely vile dish called pastilla that is made with pigeon. It is not even the pigeon that ruins it!
Lots of people eat pigeons. Used as food they're called "Squab." A google search for "Squab recipe" turns up 456,000 hits. Here's one for Roasted Squab stuffed with wild rice:
Because we have better foods to eat. There's not much meat on those animals and they feed off garbage. A nice juicy grass-fed steak or grain-fed chicken breast is far more nutritious and filling, yum!
I suppose we would if we were hungry enough.
Are you Thritymaid from the old AB?
Not much meat for the work. Some people do eat it. Also they're dirty birds. But so is chicken.
We do...I can give you a recipe for Squab (pigeon)...I've never had seagull.
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