Yes very and who wouldn't...
I do not, and my friends agree.
Sorry, I really honestly don't notice any guy except the one I'm married to. There isn't any guy out there who can hold a candle to him, so why bother looking at inferior goods?
Not I!
He is very skinny even though he has muscle. It's weird. But he has a nice face. But i only have eyes for one person in my life :)
Am a guy and I think he was hot
I do not!
Yep. Extremely. His son was also quite attractive.
Not to me.
yeah! he was lean and had some nice muscles. oh and those scars he got in Enter The Dragon! sexy! lol
He was too skinny and badly proportioned.
yeah! he was lean and had some nice muscles. oh and those scars he got in Enter The Dragon! sexy! lol
Sure why not...
Why so?
Not particularly.
I agree!
I most certainly do not think his body was attractive. He was too skinny and had ugly too short muscles plus quite bad proportions. I have never dated any man who was that tiny and frail. Two of my boyfriends were bodybuilders and powerlifters. One was nearly Bruce Lee's height but was 2.25 times as heavy. another was 1'-3" taller and 3,56 times as heavy. My biceps look bigger than Bruce Lee's pathetically scrawny upper arm. he is vastly overrated in absurd hoaxes that turn a scrawny man into Super Duper Man. Try to look objectively at photos of him. Compare him with powerlifting champions in his weight class. They look better by far.
probably but i dont even know who he is
totally ripped..
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