NOthing, Read Rousseau, John Locke, Plato - all the same complaints as today. That suggests nothing has changed.
Nothing is wrong with teenagers today. What is wrong with you that you think there is?
G'day Taylor, Thank you for your question. Pretty much what was wrong with us back in the day. Most of the things that are said about teenagers today was said when I was a teenager whether it was sex, drugs, gangs or bad behavior. There are some new factors such as technology and rising levels of obesity but often the general themes have changed little. While you often hear of the things that teenagers are doing wrong, you hear less often about the teenagers who are succeeding in life and making a positive contribrution. Regards
I think that's a good question. There are numbers of young girls getting pregnant(now more than ever), parents who teach their kids to commit crimes for them (and get away with em), perverts (on the internet and on the block), people who murder/rape/kidnap/steal withough remorse, freaks bringing weapons to school, and so much more. It most likely comes from bad influences. The worst; shows on the television and inapropiate music. It disgusts me to hear music about sex, and people who listen to it. It's disgraceful.
Teenage pregnancy is actually on the decline, however, STD rate has increased.
Nothing is wrong with us and if your a parent u better go around asking your son or daughter what's wrong with them. Just because some teens dosen't mean that everything and all teens fully have problem.
Well. I could ask you what's wrong with adults today. To my knowledge, there's nothing wrong with us.
It's that them there new fangled rock and roll music.
Shitty parents.
nothing is wrong with teenagers. We learn from our parents what is right and wrong. Look back on your parenting style and think about how you've gone wrong raising your child. We have been trained by you. I'm not saying all parents are bad parents but maybe instead of blaming someone else for your mistakes you should look back and think about your involvement. Its unfortunately like training a puppy. You let it pee on the carpet once without a scolding its bound to do it again, and yes we are like puppies. Some teenagers are harder to train than others, but if you train them right they will grow up with good morals and good behavior. Please stop blaming teenagers for thier attitudes and actions. Place the blame on the individuals who deserve the blame. Thier parents.
Todays teenagers are as wrong as the older generation when they were teenagers. Nothing has changed that much.
Teenagers today face more issues than in my day. I never had to worry about anything about me being posted on the internet, or if my parents had enough money so I could have a computer to do my school work, or if I had all the fun electronic gadgets that the other kids do. There were no shootings at schools during the time I was in school. Kids today have alot on their plate. There are alot more distractions. I think every generation has kids that fall through the cracks. This generation gets to have their mistakes posted live on the net for everyone to see-as fast as the news can post it. It's the same with the news-bad things have always happened. Now we can hear it, see it, read about it, as it makes things seem much worse.
I feel that they just take every thing for granted. It has nothing to do with parents all the time we have parents that try to do the right thing and the teens still fail to realize that they have done wrong. I just don't understand why they can't see what is happening to them and their peers. For instance teen pregnancy,and the diseases. They see that their friend has had it hard and they go and do the same thing. They just don't care look at how they talk to you and say what are you going to do the system has the all messed up. I am 35 and i just don't remember things being as bad with teenagers then as i do now. I say we have to pray a little harder for the generations to come.
Listen to the children. We are all sums of our life experience. The young look to the old for examples, there is no other place to look. If they seem lost, confused, angry. If they seem not to care much about anything. If they lack respect for authority you must look to the parents. So, who are the parents? Does the "Free Love", Everything is Groovey generation ring a bell for anyone?
sounds like you already have an answer to that...
why? do you have problems with us? cause i see nothing. I LIVE IN DENIAL!!! lol :)
"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and are tyrants over their teachers." ~Aristotle, circa 350 BC
Over-sexed and under-appreciated.
What's wrong with adults today? What's wrong with Americans today?...I'm sorry but I don't believe it's right to say it's just teenagers that are messed up. You know kids learn from their elders so if us teens are so messed up maybe that's because we learned from a messed up generation. And I don't think it's fair to judge all teenagers on a fews bad behavior. Not every teenager is bad. I know I'm not perfect but I wouldn't call myself a bad kid either. I volunteer in my community because I want to. I help tutor younger kids after school because I enjoy helping. I pick up trash because I respect our world. I thank my parents and the other adults I was raised around for teaching me the right thing...but not all teens are as lucky as I am.
Quite simply, these knuckle headed teenagers are being raised by knuckle headed parents.
the parents
They're not disciplined and taught morels by their parents like they used to be.
What's wrong with the parents. Not spending enough time with their kids. Too busy building their stupid "American Dream"?
Nothing. I agree with whoever posted that the parents were like this too. My mom was a total hoochie girl and my dad was a father the day after he turned 19. Bam.
I wish I knew,.... being one sure isn't easy, especially when you know what you don't like about them...
Lack of teaching by the parents to be sure,but it doesnt end there.Some behaviors they exhibit,i'm sure they know are wrong,but do them anyway.All the garbage on t.v. isnt helpful either.My niece talked me into watching MTV with her not very long ago.I could not believe the things they were saying and doing.My niece said thats just the way it is now.My parents would have been livid if i or my siblings ever tried any of the things teens today do on a regular basis.
Everything that happens to teens, can almost be directed to how they were rasied. Most children form good homes, are responsible and decent citizens. Others from bad home situations, good home situations with bad enviornments, too much racism, too much pvoerty or "dire" situastions, and voilence will act out. Although it depends more on the individuals. I have met teens who raised themselves and their siblings whiole dealing with a horrible situation and they seem just fine, they may have a slight lack of respect for adults...but thats what to expect if there werent any adults to respect while growing up.
nothing. personally, i don't think that's fair. you can't just assume that just cuz someone's a teenager, they're not strong enough to not give in to peer pressure & not do something stupid. some teenagers understand what's right & what's arong & some teenagers do actually care, enough that they're not going to go fall for something.
About the same things as when your parents said that :)
when i was in school i had everything, lots of books, lots of teachers, lots of subjects, music classes, sports programs , track and field teams and facilities, All kinds of activities Basketball team, baseball team, football team, school band, jeez, i was lucky. We were made to feel that we were part of the education process. So much to keep me learning, occupied and involved and out of trouble, and what do the kids have today? Most Music-cut Most sports=cut most teachers-cut most student supplies-cut most teachers supplies-cut most students are not made to feel that they are part of anything. Education is almost cut out of existence. Certainly this is not the complete answer, only part of it.
Your perspective. lolz
The same thing that's always wrong...their parents are nostalgic to the point of blindness. They always say "back in the day, this and that" only remembering the good things, not the fact that children behaved well because they quite literally feared their parents, rather than respecting them for a legitimate reason. RANDOM FACT: Regardless of the crap you hear in the news about "rising" teen violence...the crime rates among young adults have almost universally dropped since the 80s and 90s.
why does there have to be something wrong?
adults are messed up tooo
not enough ass whippin's!
ummm... maybe because we're <u>human</u> and apparently <u>imperfect</u>? hmmmm! geez do you really need much more of an answer than that?
they think they're grown, just like the teemagers back in the day thought too.
What's wrong with you? I can't think of a single generation alive today that doesn't have some serious screw-ups under its belt. Compared to the reactionary baby boomers and the me-me-me Gen X-ers, current teenagers are a breath of fresh air.
Teenagers today believe that the world owes them a living as everything apparently is just handed to them .. They have cell phones, I-pods, TVs in their bedrooms, Computers in their bedrooms, they MUST wear Name Brand clothes etc .... I believe that kids need to learn the value of a dollar ... Do chores around the home .... and lear RESPECT for the dollar as well as their elders ... It won't kill them ...
dont blame the teenagers. blame the people who raise us. they basically started all the shit we do.
They know much more than before which makes them get into so much more trouble and have bad attitudes towards others..TV increases that too..schools dont have the same strict rules like they had before,,hey some people are getting away with murder !! so dont always blame them,,nor am i saying that they are right,,! but i think time changed which changed how we deal with others,,and how parents raise there children these days ! hey am a teenager still and i know no one is Perfect !
The same thing that has always beenwrong with teens down the times and that is they are are hard headed and think they know it all. The same generation after generation. The only difference is that they are becoming more angry and violent as times goes on.
For some of them, they are not taught respect nor discipline.
My initial answer is...nothing. They are incredibly normal, poorly adjusted, confused young adults. They must wonder, "What's wrong with adults?" all the time. It's just that we have different perspectives for now.
they think that sex is love.5
The same thing that's always been wrong with teenagers.
The things wrong with teenagers today is that most of them lack any self responsibility, maturity, self discipline etc. But that is what is always wrong with teenagers any decade. It's life and it natural to want to beat the shit outta some little 15 year old who thinks he/she is hot shit. BUt that is life.
there is nothing wrong with us, it is society!!!!!!
The generation that raised them were a bunch of selfish idiotic prats, that's what is wrong with them.
Nothing is "wrong" with teenagers - they're just finding their way in life like everyone else. The difference is teenagers don't make a secret out of the fact that they don't know what they're doing; adults, on the other hand, have become very coy about the fact that they're still just as lost as everyone else.
Nothing, really. They're about the same as they always were.
It's all messed up. Don't make it sound like it's all the teenagers fault. We were here before the teenagers. In the past one generation tried to leave things better for the next. Now, for way too many, it's me, me, get outta my way, mmmmmmeeeeeeeeee.
They have their parents genes.
1 Corinthians 13:11 and Hebrews 5:14 help us to see that nothing is “wrong” with teenagers. It’s a time when young ones are transitioning from thinking and acting like children to reasoning as adults. Adolescents need guidance from loving, patient and responsible adults, in order to help them transition successfully. It is the most drastic transition that a human experiences during their lifetime, so we should be kind and nurturing, they can’t control their thoughts and feelings. But as adults, if we control our words and reactions to their words, we can show them,by our example, how responsible adults resolve problems. Teens can thrive in a healthy environment!! Now that I have 2 of them, I wish I had had more. They are an “inheritance from God” (Psalm 127:3). There is a lot of practical advice in the Bible parenting.
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