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sometimes yes, sometimes no. it depends on age, activity level and each females natural condition of the hymenal ring. they do vary in size, shape and elasticity, and they also become more pliable as the girl reaches sexual maturity (which contrary to popular belief isnt until LATE teens early twenties, not 13)
not really!!!!!!!
No not really your hymen is broken the first time you have intercourse. But it can also be broken if you exercixe vigourously. A boy can't tell if you are a virgin but he may be able to tell that you are less experienced then he is if he is more experienced.
well it depends, im still a vergin [im 16] im just REALLY dirty minded [i will add thats what she said to like everything, or i cant say wet or come without thinking sus] and guys that dont know me think ive had sex, like they dont think im a slut they just think coz im really dirty minded i have had sex at least once. but i havnt even given [or receved] a bj :)
A doctor can't even tell for sure if you're a virgin or not. Basically, so far as anyone is concerned, you are what you say you are and it's nobody's business anyway.
Non of us are virgins.
They might like to think they can but they cant. The only way to tell if you're a virgin is if you tell them truthfully.
actually there is one way to tell there is a membrane that exists in you5r vagina but the thing is this membrane can go away from other thing than sex such as exersise so its not true in some cases so its not a 100% accurate way to tell
No, they can't tell. Even if you seem "more experienced" it doesn't mean anything. I know my first time was with someone who had had previous sessions with other girls, and he remarked that I was better than any of the others he had. Why even worry about this anyway?! It doesn't matter.
what will it change if he's a virgin or not
The only way to determine if a woman is virgin is my a physical examination. Guys are not about to do that in the course of love making. Now, if you come across as inexperienced, that could be very exciting for a guy.
By the way he talks about sex... The less experienced he is, the more inaccurate is his information.
Not unless you tell him.
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