That they are taking steps to improve their health. Good for them!
I don't really care
I would be proud for them.
At least they're trying.
i know i'm insensitive for saying this, so all apologies. to put it in perspective, i used to be fat myself, and lost 100 lbs. but everytime i see a fat person running, a little voice in my head says: "GO-BUDDY-GO!!!"
congrats!!! they are on their way to a healthier them. at least its a step in the right direction!!
They're trying to lose weight.
I say to myself "there goes just another jogger", what else would I say?
I'd be glad that they would be making an attempt to lose weight.
"good for you buddy" maybe i wouldnt say that out loud...
They are brave! I hope they won't give up!
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Agreed. It take a lot to put you and all your defects out there.
I'm a thin person and I can't run as fast as many people who weigh significantly more than me. So my reaction certainly isn't negative, at least not at them.
My first reaction is that I hope their heart can take it. I applaud anyone who takes steps to better health.
The same as a skinny person.... good for them...they have more energy than me.
'Go for it'!
being 22st myself, not a pretty sight. my man boobs bounce up and down like real tits!
I think good for them, just as I'd think for a thin person, old or young person.
I hate running period. Does'nt matter who's running. I will play basketball though because its fun and it requires running.
Personally, i think "good for them and I hope they keep it up". I can't stand, and im sorry for saying this, fat people who eat and drink themselves to death.
I would run next to them and say "do it for yourself! and show to everyone else that you are not afraid to better your own life".
Depends...shirt on Im alright with it. Shirt off.......
Do I have to watch?
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You can always turn away and not look but physical fitness should be for everyone, not just the fit.
I'm happy they're making the effort to lose weight. Sometimes when i jog i see an over-weight man of woman and i smile, say you go girl or keep it up man in encouragement for them. i would never go jogging with someone though, i like to be alone when i jog.
Way to go! Hang in there!
I wish I had the heart to run with them.
I'm really happy for them.
Does he really need to be running. **SHOUTS**For the love of God man, take your time!!
It encourages me to keep up going to the gym. One day, I won't be in pain - and I won't have to just "bob" up and down in the pool, and I can join them.
If they can do it u can do it,So get of your ass and do it!!
A couple of things actually... the darker side of me thinks it is the most funniest thing, the sensitive side wants to congradulate them, the athletic side says to run with them, and my lazy side says more power to them
about time they get active. im not being a jerk. im not being rude. but i dont understand how people can allow themselves to become obeise. it doesnt matter what other people think of you. but its proven that its unhealthy both physically and mentally.
Army Veteran
When you have to explain yourself, you've lost your credibility. -
Linda Joy
How much effort have you actually put into understanding how some people do this? You're probably not even here anymore for me to inform, but if anyone else really wants to know ask the question. I've got a few answers I could give if anyone cares.
what i dont get is that the fat women never wear a bra when they run so along with all of their other fat, their nasty boobs are flopping all over the place.
I'm impressed with their effort to try to get themselves in shape.
Linda Joy
round is a shape!
Amazement that they even tried.
Keep it going!
Good for them, They are trying to get un"fat"
They look like a sack of potatoes tumbling down a chute.
Ehm.. do I need to have a reaction? Mostly I do not. Just as I don't have a reaction when I see a skinny person eating a hamburger.
A lot of the time I will stop and encourage them to not give up.
Good on them!
Inspiration and motivation.
i should be doing the same.
Good for you atleast you are trying..:)
Very positive reaction! It's great to see the person working off the excess weight. Congratulations to him or her!!!
keep it up only a few more lbs to go..
Keep it up!
I give them lots of credit for trying to get into shape.
"Good for you!"
My reaction to an obese person running is a thumbs up and well done to them for making the effort to do something for their health
I cringe. I look at them and say to myself, "that could be me." I'm overweight and do walk when the weather allows but I won't run. Running is a high-impact exercise that affects the joints later in life. The increased cardio-workout can be obtained from other exercises. Running is only good for promoting circulation. It doesn't burn that many calories - perhaps 160 for each mile. If you run a mile and then down an energy drink you've added those calories back into your system and then some.
He already did it. He was the governor of New Jersey. His name was Chris Christey.
will help them lose weight ..but would need a doctors ok first as it may kill em.....they need to cut food down to as well as exercise.. walking is good ,safer.27/2/22
Good for them!
I give them lots of credit.
as long as it dont give them a heart attack., why not??? ,its one way to lose weight for them
I think its great a fat person runs as long as they eat a healthy diet too.
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