Its not like they don't blame us as a whole for things.
While I don't blame all Muslims for 9/11, I did see a lot of footage of Muslims dancing in the streets after the attacks and praising of the men responsible. I will not and cannot hold an entire religion responsible for the actions of a few, but I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to assume that a lot of people in Muslim countries rejoiced at seeing the USA wounded.
I don't blame the Muslims or the Middle Eastern people. I blame the government of U.S.A. Seriously, with the security they've got, how the hell did 2 planes get hijacked and ended up flying into the Towers?
Try not to believe everything you read, see on tv or hear about on the radio. dig a little deeper and see what you find.
Thank you! Exactly my freakin' point! What do you think these bunch of bigoted, racist, self-righteous Christians would do if, just to repay their kindness during The Crusades, the Muslims did the same thing to them? Something, which, BTW, they would very much deserve and have earned
take away all the violence and wars committed by 'both' sides and you get: two radically different religious beliefs which would have a hard time living alongside each other anywhere in the world i have had contact with many muslims - all good people and the same for christians BUT every section of society has its BAD minority with the world becoming more multicultural i can only see the problem getting worse before it can get better (if ever) which is a shame - but this has been around for 100s of years (crusades have been going on since the Romans)
Here is another site:, and, to balance the information given at the very controversial anti-muslim site posted in another answer above in response to this question. SO ALL sides are guilty of committing illegal acts of terrorism and everyone is responsible for seeing to it that it stops, for the sake of our children, and grandchildren and the memories of those who have died in such atrocious acts of violence.
Sadly, in this conflict there are no good guys. Western Europe and the Muslim world have been at war for a thousand years. In the same way that many westerners see all 'Arabs' or 'Muslims' as a solid block, many of them see all Western Europeans and Americans as a whole. It is easy to look at this as a Christian/Muslim conflict. Consider this: Both groups claim to accept Jesus Christ (giving him the English name) as a prophet and teacher from God. Jesus said the following (paraphrased): Love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you. Put your sword away; those living by it will die by it. You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength; love your neighbor as yourself. [My disciples] are no part of the world, just as i am no part of the world. Let your kingdom come; let your will be done, as in heaven also upon the earth. If someone slaps you on one cheek, let him slap you also upon the other. Note what one of his leading messengers (Paul)said: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he's hungry, give him a drink... As far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men... Return evil for evil to no one. In showing honor for others take the lead. Do not be bittely angry, but be tender and compassionate. There's a lot more, but you get the picture. This may not be the direct answer to the question, but let's face it--not one true follower of Jesus Christ, whether Christian or Mohamedan has lifted a carnal weapon against his fellow man. All those who have bloodied their hands on either side are apostates who have rejected the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and of the God who sent him, Yahua, Allah, Jehovah or Elohim. They have rejected the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom they claim to reverence as the fathers of us all. Only those who willingly form a worldwide brotherhood and live in peace and love for God and fellow man can prove their claim to be the true children of Abraham and worshippers of Abraham's God. Today there are a good handful of honest, God fearing Christians and Muslims who want peace and to live by the Creator's righteous standards. Those few (along with some of every other nation, tongue and creed), even now, are beating their swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, not learning war anymore. Jesus taught the prime identifying mark of true religion: By this all will know you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves. To sum up: there are no genuine worshippers of Abraham's God involved in this shameful bloodletting.
Fear tends to make humans stupid... in particular, subtle distinctions get lost and generalities prevail: if one is attacked by a particular species of spider, rather than simply being careful of that species, it's likely to be generalized into "all spiders are dangerous", or "all insects are dangerous", or even "anything small is dangerous". This is evolution at work... we're wired up for self-protection, and generalizing threats is an adaptive behavior that helps us avoid both the threat and anything that might be like the threat, even vaguely. But, because we're supposedly intelligent creatures, that explanation makes us seem a little too much like victims of our automated wiring, so we rationalize with long rantings about how Islam is the great enemy of civilization, etc.
The same reason people blame the whole of the Christian world due to the actions of a few. It seems that religion is fair game to judge, ridicule, attack, demean, blame... No group should be judged by the actions of a few.
Excuse me, but didn't those 19 die on 9/11? Yeah, that's what I thought too. I guess we are a little p-off at the others that are still attacking us.
I really don't think anyone blames the "Muslim World", at least not in the US. There are, by most estimates, 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. Of those, 300 million live in the Middle East. Those are the ones that take most of the heat. And since you can't really look at someone and determine their religion, Arab-looking people - regardless of their religion or ethnicity - end up taking the fall.
Because people for the most part are stupid.
Because no moslems have turned in Usama Bin Laden.
We blame the muslim world because of the mentality connected with it, not because of the actual people. It is a real problem, and I completly understand the blame given.
If anything, the US government's foreign policy (and that of the private sector) is to blame for 9/11. Extreme religion played a small part as an enabler. Blaming Islam is just another cultural mythology people cling on to.
Your question is woefully inacurate It has not been proven, under the links that it was 19 muslim hijackers. 9/11 attackers is still at very best theory. The US government has lied so many times over the 8 years, and lied directly with Iraq and 9/11 officially 935 times,as for fact. Are you stupid enough to believe that the official facts from the government are telling the truth. A few pencil drawn pictures, and a few C.C.T.V footages that could be anyone GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK.
I don't blame Muslims for 9/11, I know better than that and have researched the subject for over four years. I don't even blame the 19 who allegedly attacked us, they have been seen in their respective countries and pictures of them have been published, so I would have to ask: if they got killed in the planes that crashed on the WTC how come they are alive and healthy in their countries? Our people were lead to believe that it was those 19 who attacked the WTC, but there is too much information, studies, scientific proof and others by scientists, engineers, architects, US intelligence agents, US military people and many others who say and have proof it was not any Muslim least those 19 who attacked the WTC. Ignorance does a lot of damage, when people can be scared to death and lied to in such a silly way and they believe it then all we can do is feel sorry for them. There have been Congress hearings on this subject and it was found it was something else not a Muslim attack. If someone wants to know the truth they should do their own research.
Well, it was more than just 19 involved in the whole thing, you know. However, I think the intelligent people know that most Muslims are good people. And, the good Muslims can't stand the fact that their religion has certain assholes in it.
Its ridiculous to think that all 1.4 billion Muslims could attack all at once, but 67% of Muslims support bringing down the west by their own addmission.
Nobody sane is blaming all Muslims but the international Muslim community should be asking itself some serious questions and taking some action against the minority IMHO. Yes, nineteen attacked the TT. Several hundred more attack people everyday in Thailand, more in Indonesia, more in London. Even 'peaceful' Muslims can be divisive as the Danish cartoons episode showed. One of the most common apologies for this situations is: "Well every religion has its problems and people distorting its reputation". My response is simple: Show me more than one example of Buddhist jihad. Show me Buddhists protesting and making death threats against the author of a book they can't read. Show me Buddhists blowing up buildings in the name of their religion. I have read The Koran and it most certainly can come across as violent and aggressive. More so than The Bible. The Islamic community - if they are as peace loving as they profess - should be taking a lot more public action to denounce terrorists, fight the alleged 'distortion' of The Koran and so on. Instead, many of them seem content to do little except warn us not to blame the majority for the minority's actions.
When one sees 1.4 billion muslims celebrating it. One gets a little annoyed at such. How many of them condemned it?
Why? Because most Americans aren't smart enough to read up on the world. We just listen to little talking heads on the TV. And they will say anything that gets our attention because that means ratings. And ratings are what the TV guys live for.
That is not right. There is a saying now. All muslims are not terrorists, but all terorists are muslims. I am against blaming the whole muslim world on this. But if you look at it, there are not too many prominent muslims condemned the attacks or killing the people. Also the entire attacks or killing the people are all inspired by this religion. So it make some sense.
I'm not, but you have to realize that there are many many more that 19 Muslims that want to kill Americans, if you watched the news lately you saw several arrests of Muslims trying to attack American interests.There are many more good Muslims who want to succeed in America and detest the violence that is occurring by the radicals that are using their name.
Prejudice and blind fear! ;-)
Because Republicans can't differentiate the two.
It depends a lot. My girlfriend is muslim and by no means does she want to kill anyone, she really likes the west. But there are bad people in every relegion.
We aren't -- not all of us anyway.
The muslim world rejoiced and let it be known who our enemies are.
it's far less taxing for most americans than thinking!!! :(
I'll tell you why. In any other religion in the world, they take care of their own when one of them messes up so badly. If a Christian hijacked a plane in the name of God and killed thousands of people, it would be Christian faces you see on TV apologizing profusely to the rest of the world. There would be MASSIVE news coverage condemning the action! In the Muslim world, there is no such thing. And it wasn't JUST 9-11. These Muslim attacks have been going on for decades! I don't see any MUSLIM LEADERS coming on TV with any apologies whatsoever, OR telling the rest of the world that they are joining forces to hunt these "radicals" down to bring them to justice so that no more killings will take place. You're either part of the solution, or part of the problem. The lack of any action whatsoever from Muslim Leaders has spoken loud and clear. +5
We are not blaming the whole Muslim world. Some are trying to however because it is essential when trying to control a population to first make them afraid. "Don't worry you sheep...go no attention to your eroding civil liberties, the suspension of the rule of law, the "protest zones", ease dropping on private citizens...we are doing that to protect you from those who seek to destroy the United States!" Let's vilify Muslims! Now that the Soviets are not a convenient boogie man those Muslims will do! No mention is made of Americans attacking Americans who are acting legally? Like those who kill doctors who perform abortions and bomb clinics, those who have bombed the federal building in OK or the Olympic site in Georgia or shot up churches and museums....there are many Americans who hate this country, their fellow citizens and the government but some would call them patriots. It makes me want to puke. Why don't I see the fear mongers on FOX condemning those bastards? haha I think we all know why.
Why dont 1.4 billion muslims, and howver many chriostians, and however many jews, WAKE THE HELL UP. Noone knows what happens when you die? We are all just humans on this wonderful earth trying to live life and be happy? Why dont we drop our ANCEINT ass beliefs and realize we should all embrace eachother and liveEEE!!!!!!! STOP RELEGIOUS oppression.
Fanatics. They are all over. But the Muslim religion seems to bring them out for some reason.
Wander around the "Muslim world" for a while and you will pretty quickly realize some things. The people are aware of how culturally and technologically backward they are compared to the rest of the world, they are are angry and humiliated about it (centuries ago, that was not the case), and they blame it totally on the US, and they want the US to suffer for it. There of some enlightened folks who understand it is their own fault. And others do not feel that way. But generally, the civilization does feel this way. Did you see people in Riyadh celebrating when they saw the news videos of the WTC falling down? Pretty typical. That is why there is a tendency to blame the culture in the abstract.
Just happened to read some comments in a syndicated column in this morning's paper ..... everyone needs to understand that the muslim goal is to dominate the world. They hate the U.S. because of our relatively unrestricted lifestyles. In their world, there is ZERO tolerance for any other religion, let alone anyone who disagrees with muslim. And they have such quaint beliefs ..... like stoning a woman who is raped because it is automatically her fault; or caning a woman for showing her face in public. rd.
Here's an example. On 11 September 2009, this notice was posted on a Moslem-owned shop in Houston. . "We will be closed on Friday, September 11, 2009 to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Ali (A.S.) . The "martyr" is of one of the 9/11 bombers killed by flying into the World Trade center. He became an "Imam" by his mass murder of non-Moslems. I remember seeing news feeds of thousands in Palestine and Pakistan, and several American cities, dancing in the streets on the evening after the attack. . Don't you?
I'm not blaming them....are you?
As George Bernard Shaw put it, "The 100% American is 99% idiot". The Americans blaming the whole Muslim world are, generally speaking, the ones who are inclined to have xenophobic tendencies anyway. They generally hate "Libruls", non-fundamentalist Christians and minorities anyway. So it should surprise noone that they hate Muslims too. ("Them towelheads talk funny!")
well thats how propaganda works..we did it to the japanese and now we do it to the muslims..all it takes is a false flag attack or something to get the masses all patriotic, give them an excuse to want to go to war and hate another group (especially when they are a different religion than the christian masses) and then it's all green lit to continue feeding the war machine. This war is more because of oil and land and contracts and religions than it ever was about 9/11, it had been stirring long before that..9/11 was just the catalyst they were looking for so Bush could go back and finish what his daddy started.
I've failed to find out EVIDENCE as to if those 19 were actually muslims!
unadulterated laziness.
I do not even understand the term "Muslim world" we have human beings and some of them follow a religion. See this is the problem with organized religions. They are the root cause of the problem. They make you feel like a political party. Nobody hating a muslim. Of course the terrorists (a minority) created an image that anybody could be a terrorist. ALso they are successful in imaging the terror with religion. They gave all the data to the aggressive media and they worked day and night to blame it on the larger population. Now it is time for Good and great islams to come forward and take control of the religion and let the world know that Islam is a great religion. Do nto let teh terrorists take over this great religion.
theres more than 19 attcking the U.S. and other countries I don't care what you say they all need to go
more that 10 acttacked london 7/7 as well 5 of them failed on 21/7 and got 40years in jail haha muslim bitches rot in jail
Because a huge percentage of the muslim world supports terrorism.
I believe its due in part to group mentality fueled by propaganda. There is such rage by some against the Muslim world that trying to have a rational educated conversation disseminating fact from fiction seems futile. For some, there is no grey area, only one extreme in which all Muslims are included. From my experience, trying to have a conversation about diversity among Muslims as far as there beliefs, tolerance, morals and ethics, etc... leads to the accusation of being for violence against and oppression of women, of not caring or even supportive of attacks against non-Muslims, of believing dictatorships should take the place of democracy,and of being completely uneducated an unaware of the people and the faith.
I totally disagree with your statement. Never, from any media that I've heard, has anyone blamed the whole Muslim world. Only militant Muslims were singled out for blame. That opinion is shared by everyone that I know.
because we are immature
The problem with your reasoning is that most or all Muslims approve of such behavior. There was much celebration by Muslims after this occurred. The Quran is quite barbaric, and all Muslims believe it. My country does not allow Muslims to enter it. They want to conquer the world by any means needed. They do not come into your nation to fit in but to force their ways upon all of you.
Most or all Muslims approve of what the terrorists did. They obey their savage Quran that wants them to take over the world.
No Muslims attacked the Twin towers or the USA on 911.
Archie Bunker
It was the NRA.
Blaming every Muslim is an overgeneralization, Same for condemning them and hating them too. Groups of what ever type are made up of individuals.
Such people as you allow Muslims to take over as they are doing in Europe. My homeland Japan bans them for very good reasons. -
IDK Japan. I do know the US is a mutliculture , multifaith land that is a nation of immigrants I think its horrible Japanese American citizens were held in camps during WW2. To me its the US Shame. I worry that all immigrants are now unwelcome in the US. Finally parents and kids should not be separated at the border. -
Parents should not bring their kids across the border illegally. Some of these kids aren't with their parents. This is just a ploy for sympathy, and it only fools na?ve people.
Blaming every Muslim is an overgeneralization, Same for condemning them and hating them too. Groups of what ever type are made up of individuals.
cause some people are like that, if one muslim does something they think they all do it
The Media tells us to.
Maybe it's the same delusion that the left has when every gun owner and the NRA is responsible for a school shooting. Throw in the fact that more than half of US muslims think sharia law should be available in the US, and a little less than half think violence is okay if it is in the defense of islam.
cause thats the way people are at times
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