It was not an automatic decision then, either. The House voted 363 to 63 to release the report to the public. Also, recall that Whitewater was the initial focus of that investigation, eventually incorporating Travelgate, Filegate and Paula Jonesgate, before Linda Tripp inserted Monicagate into its maw. See how these things extend beyond their initial restrictions and everyone gets swallowed up in the trail?
Archie Bunker
Right. But remember when it was all released? The democrats didn't want everyone to see the whole report so they changed the laws, which is why Barr has such wide discretion. Now that it's a Republican president (or just the fact that it's Trump), they want the whole thing. Calling Barr out and already saying he's biased, even before he got the report last week and saying he should release it immediately, in violation of the law they put in place, is pretty dumb, dontchathink? Then again, when do they care about the law.... -
That 363 to 63 vote certainly included a large share of Ds too. Remember also that Kavanagh co-authored Starr's report and argued that Clinton's lying to his staff and misleading the public were grounds for impeachment. From that, there could be reluctance by Rs to demand the Mueller report's full release. The Independent Counsel was formed by the Ethics Act of 1978 in a D-controlled Congress. The provision lapsed in 1992, but was reauthorized in 1994 for an additional 5 years. In 1999, under an r-controlled Congress, the Independent Counsel was replaced by the already-existing Special Counsel. -
Archie Bunker
The Ethics in Government Act was a terrible piece of law. Most should be glad that it expired.
You didn't even say what report! Much less give us a link! Are we expected to read your mind? I thought only women expected that! I could probably google it, but why should I?
Archie Bunker
Being that this is in "Politics and Modern Events," I figured most would assume that I'm talking about the Meuller report. That is pretty modern. -
"Is it modern?" --Emperor Joseph II as portrayed in "Amadeus" (1984) -
Linda Joy
Well, if you want more discussion on the topic (as you've said before) you might want to be more clear and specific or people may skip it because they can't tell at a glance what you're talking about. Just sayin'
What they'll get are 300 pages of permanent marker lines. :P
Archie Bunker
Nah. I think Barr will only have the stuff that's supposed to be redacted, redacted. But the Libtards will jump on any black mark as fuel for their ongoing Russia conspiracy. -
I was hoping Barr wouldn't give them the report at all. -
Archie Bunker
That would have fried their asses!
Why hide it?
Archie Bunker
He's not. He's doing what the law requires. By law (put in after the Clinton report was released), he's not allowed to release the whole thing. That's the way they wanted it after the Clinton report was released by Ken Starr. -
Man, that roar sure got quiet. :P
They have a year and a half left. You have to get him on something.
Archie Bunker
Now that the collusion thing didn't work, now they'll try "He's hiding something." They know their try at his taxes aren't going to work either, which is why they didn't issue their subpoenas.
The more who know classified information, methods, techniques, etc., the greater the chances they'll be plastered on CNN by next morning. :P
Archie Bunker
Since when have the liberals been worried about a little thing like national security? Bathroom server, anyone? -
They never have to my recollection. Now they're trying to force Barr to break the law. How is this NOT some Twilight Zone shit?
cause thats what they want
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