Socialism is not pure Socialism anywhere in the world but to try and debate if aspects of socialism are good or bad is ridiculous. It is a preference of the population. Socialism, as it is practiced in Scandinavia, is seen by the people in those countries, as wonderful and they would have it no other way. Recent studies have identified those people as the happiest people in the world with an incredibly high standard of living equivalent to, if not better, than the US. Poverty is rare, health care is almost free, and the educational systems (all schools, including the universities are tuition free) are some of the best in the world and far better than the US. It is no wonder why Scandinavians love it so much but countries can do whatever they like.
Archie Bunker
I'm not so sure, OC. The heavy taxes in those utopias are extremely high. 180% taxes on a new car? Doesn't sound so good. And the Prime Minister of Denmark, "I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy." Denmark, Norway & Sweden are huge proponents of free trade and capitalism, but with the high taxes to support large government programs, you have companies like IKEA leaving because of the high corporate taxes. Sweden has school vouchers, something the socialists here don't like, believing the state should educate your children. And then you factor in to that mix the simple fact that the Nordic countries are much more culturally homogeneous than the US. -
The average tax rate in Scandinavian countries is only slightly higher than the US, and you get so much more for your tax dollars. Most money goes back into making life better for citizens, as opposed to the US in which a very high proportion of the budget goes to corporate welfare and bloated military spending.
She looks insane and is obviously stupid.
Archie Bunker
I don't think she has the slightest idea what she's talking about sometimes. -
Charin Cross
sometimes! ALL THE TIME! LOL!
I do not think she knows a hole from a donut.
Charin Cross
Umm... she's a mental midget, who should have stuck to bartending?
Charin Cross
you got that right!! -
Let's see, in high school she took second place in an international science and engineering fair, she graduated cum laude from Boston University, a high-ranked school - sure, she's a mental midget. I'm sure you did much better. You got first place in an international science fair and graduated summa cum laude from Yale, right?
Ah, Archie Bunker again.. RAILING against socialism. Pretending he will never accept a social security check. Pretending he never banks with a bank that uses Federal Deposit Insurance. Pretending he'll never use medicare or medicaid. Pretending he didn't cash his stimulus checks. Pretending he and his family never benefitted or used PUBLIC SCHOOLS or PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Pretending that nobody on the Right ever accepts Farm Welfare. The list is a mile long! And on and on and on. Go ahead, BOOGER-EATER, keep railing on socialism and how much you hate it. LOL!!
She's not afraid, she just knows that the proper forum for debate on a bill is the house floor. Ben Shapiro and Marjorie Taylor Greene are just angling for attention.
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