bangers and mash black pudding fish and chips
Galoshes Good manners Scones
my mam the first time my missus (who is scottish) spoke to her thought she was too posh to be my mam (and my mam is great)
Excellent beer. (Brains [though it's actually Welsh], Marsdens, even Budweiser - which is brewed in London under license, and tastes nothing like the US version.)
Boarding schools and naughty British guys ;)
stiff upper lip clotted cream fish n chips salvation army buttered crumpets village greens cricket Oxford and Cambridge tea i think im enjoying this too much, better stop! Ha
cricket village green buttered crumpets fish n chips Oxford and Cambridge stiff upper lip Salvation Army
bangers and mash tea and scones fish and chips the Queen -- bloody 'ell
Conkers Potted cream Cambridge Oxford The beatles The Stones Toad in a hole and Beans with breakfast. (Which I never quite understood myself, but live and let live I always say??)
The black plague Colonialism Bobbies The crown jewels ...(half of these are in jest...Lol)
The queen.
Tea with milk
tea and crumpets at 4 pm Devon (clotted) Cream cricket stiff upper lips astounding courage, especially against impossible odds reserve and good manners
Warm beer
Marmite and cricket.
High tea
Lilo Avli
At the top of a skyscraper ? -
You can have it there
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