Not my pastime but seems to be a national pastime lately. Opening fire on groups of innocent kids or adults.
Three friends from childhood days I see often. My brother and sister are also like friends.
T.v.,then coffee.
Beaker Five-O
Are you living in England ?! -
Ice man
What was your first clue ? -
Beaker Five-O
They are all w****** over there !!
English bashing !!
Ice man
Oh really ? Do tell, who would do such a thing ? -
Beaker Five-O
Everyone who doesn't live in England !! -
Ice man
Well not everyone. I don't live in merry old England, but I'm still rather fond of it, and all things English. Well maybe not Marmite, Prince Charles & Camelface quite so much and I'm still not sure about this stuff called spotted dick. lol It sounds like a venereal infection.
Hanging out in the local coffee shop enjoying spontaneous encounters with friends and strangers.
Ice man
Well said !! : )_
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