For a public place I say 'restroom''s NOT a bathroom, folks!! that's what you have at home!!! I was raised in Ohio......the armpit of the nation!!! lol.......and when people say 'bathroom' referring to a public RESTROOM I go nuts!! LOL :-D
I was raised in Ohio, too, in Columbus. That is definitely not the "armpit of the nation".
When it's private home I say bathroom when it's in public I say restroom and I have no idea why they call it a restroom because you get no rest in there!
"restroom" for public bathrooms, otherwise "bathroom" . . . . USA, northeast. Don't forget "water closet"...
Or just "WC," though WCs in some homes were and are separate from a "bathroom". Many Europeans and Asians find the idea of the toilet and tub being in the same room very odd and unsanitary. -
I agree. As a plumber, I'm always impressed with the more upscale homes that locate toilets in a "closet" separated from the rest of the bathroom by a door. About the size of a linen closet, includes an "exhaust fan". Very practical, especially for a bathroom that might be used by more than one person at a time.
mostly toilet. cause its not in my bathroom and even while out i say toilet ,maybe loo an aussie
My stepfather was from Holland and Indonesia and he used to say w.c. pronounce we zay.
Bathroom at home, restroom for a public convenience. I grew up in Ohio until I was 15, but this is not an Ohioism. I've lived all over the country, from New England to the West Coast and now Chicago, and I've encountered this usage everywhere.
I usually refer to it as the "can".
I say bathroom at home or at somebody else's home. If I'm out and about, I say restroom, because there are usually not bath facilities in public restrooms. I was born and raised in the mountains of central Calif.
From the UK so of the options you give it is a loo, although I would probably say toilet. A bathroom has a bath in it, a washroom a sink & a restroom possibly a bed.
I call it a toilet and I was born and raised in England.
I sometimes ask "where's the WC?" for Water Closet but since Im in hill billy country no one knows what a WC is &some helpful person often hands me a cresent wrench or a pen or a handy wipe or some other random off the wall item. I should probably write a book about it.
"Shithouse" - I'm not very popular at social gatherings...😏
Bathroom. Michigan, USA (mostly).
Bathroom at home and restroom in public. Sometimes I gotta pee. Or on very rare occasions I need to go sit on the throne (for a dump), but honestly I seldom talk about it. No one else lives here and I know where the restrooms are at the stores I usually visit. I almost forgot the second question. I was born in the midwest, moved between Iowa and Illinois until 6th grade we moved to Missouri then down to Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama. Graduated then moved to Florida. Went to Georgia then Maine in the Navy. Then went to Washington for a bit in my 40's and then back to Alabama.
Ladies room when I'm out. Toilet at home.
Restroom or bathroom.
Bathroom for a house and toilet in a public place. I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland.
If I mean toilet I call it a toilet (or sometimes a bog). In England we call a turnip a turnip, we don't see the need to pretend it's a tulip.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
But in England, there are a lot of people who call turnips "swedes."
bathroom but when in a restaurant or outside of my home, it's restroom
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