No, especially if they work in construction.
As long as there feet aren't hideous.
Their feet. Using "there" instead of "their" is more hideous than anybody's feet ever will be.
Wear whatever the hell you want as long as your a productive employee.
As long as YOU'RE a productive employee. "Your" is not a substitute for "you're".
Can't think of many jobs where it would be appropriate.
Not where I work. I work around machinery and safety shoes are required. Ever had a forklift accidentally lower a palate with a thousand pound dye mold on your foot? Steel-toed shoes are good.
It depends on the kind of work. If you're working in an environment full of chemicals, for example, I don't think that it would be appropriate and safe. In our office, there's nothing wrong with people wearing them. It's just an ordinary office anyway.
Yes, i dont see hwy things on the bottom of your feet really matter..
As several others have pointed out, it depends on the type of work and the safety regulations pertaining to it.
no because you have to go for the professional look. people often get to "comfy" with their jobs and think they can wear just about anything. they forget that they went searching for jobs. if you dont like the uniform poilcy, go find another job. thats what i think
It depends on where you work
Not safe or presentable....IMO.
what does that have anything to do with bellybuttons? :S
Eh? You brought belly buttons into this. Nobody else mentioned them. Is this some kind of joke? Lol:)
No, they can be very dangerous, and they are bad for your feet.
It depends but if they work in an office I say SURE!!!
Depends on what their occupation is.
Not really in most situations. The company you work for has to pay your medical bill. Your feet should be a little be a little better protected at work.
if they work at a beachside bar.
Good one, ICU. :)
if its not dangerour in the work environment then yes. i bet the reason why they dont let employers wear flip-flops is coz your more likely to trip, fall, hurt something, then sue them!
if they wore socks.
Under four conditions: 1. It is safe. (nothing is likely to fall or injure your feet) 2. The sandals are NOT made from rubber. 3 Their feet are very nice looking (pedicured, etc). 4. It is above 90 degrees Farenhiet in the workplace.
Yes, it makes you feel comfortable and then you can work more at ease.
it depends where you work if you work in construction or a physical outdoor place then you shouldn't wear flip flops unless you are extremely care full.if you work in cubical then that shouldn't be a problem.if you work at a company that advertises against flip flops then you shouldn't wear them.if you work as any kind of doctor,dentist,or other health job then you shouldn't wear flip flops.but if you work as a life guard or something beach wise then you should wear flip all depends on wear you work.
No, I don't even care what kind of job it!
Yes, they should be able to.
I would like it because they are comfortable but absolutley innapropriate for work!
... depends on work & work place ... ... desk job, yes ... ... high rise steel & concrete construction job, no ...
No - it would be a legal nightmare. Imagine all of the workman's compensation filings that would ensue - everytime someone stepped on someone else's toe ....
Well, it would totally depend on the job. Any corporation is not going to let this go on, health and insurance risks, etc. But if you work in a tanning salon or braid hair on the beach, its part of the uniform.
No you should stick to the dress code of the company. You would have alot of accident wearing them to work, unless you sit behind a desk. Workman comp would have a hayday with that.
If your company allows it and folks don't have nasty looking feet, sure why not. I have a pair on right now.
If you're a Life Guard. Flips only On the Beach. I hate men who wear them around in public. Geez.
I don't care much for men in flip-flops either.
No....shown to be too easy to trip when wearing flip-flops. Some rules are meant to be in place to protect the individual from themselves (like seat belts) because someone else has to pay in the end for their accident. If you trip and break your ankle and have to be off....someone else has to be paid to take your place while you are off, for example. The Health Care system (taxpayers) pays for your medical see how it goes?
yes if you are a receptionist or you work in an office or a business building no if you work in a factory or a machinery place
Sure why not!!!
I think yes.
It depends on the nature of the work. One of my nieces is a barmaid and she sometimes wears flip-flops to work (as does her boss). But if the job requires safety footwear for safety reasons, that policy must be adhered to, and if flip-flops are not suitable for work for that reason then no, they shouldn't be able to wear them.
I don't like to impose a ban on them, but if a woman wears flip-flops at work it distracts the male workers.
If they feel comfortable in flip flops or any other ones, they should wear.
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