Aplogize succintly.
I will just say "I'm sorry I have the wrong number"
I breath heavily for several minutes then hang up.
Of course I apologize. It's only the polite thing to do. You have taken their time with your mistake.
I always apologize for the call and say goodbye.
I see how long they will talk to me
I just say "Sorry, I dialed the wrong number." What do you do?
Of course I apologize. It's the least you can do, you just pestered a perfect stranger...
I always apoligize because i hate when people call and just hang up then you call back and say did you just call me and they act like you are from another planet !
I always apologize. I hate it when people just hang up on me, so I don't want to do that to someone else.
You must apologize!!! There is caller ID nowadays!! ;)
I hang up!!! lol
I apologize and sometimes we get into a conversation that might last 15 minutes or so.
i apologise, and if it happens again to the same person i ask what number they have so i wont dial it again and so i can check it against the number i was trying to dial.
Absolutely I apologize. I think it's inconsiderate to interrupt someone's day like that and not offer a kind word for their trouble.
Most of the time, I'll apologize and say goodbye. Sometimes, they want to talk to me. :O
I say "Oh, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number".
I apologize. Just hanging up is kind of rude.
I aplologize, wish them a nice day and hang up.
Apologize then hang up the phone.
Apologize and say bye.
I always apologize... it's rude to hang up.
I get really frantic and start screaming " I know this is my friend Tom's number!!! What have you done to him you sick bastard!"
I always apologize, unless the person cant speak english and by me trying to say sorry it makes it worse, casue they are like "hu?? who you want?"
Always apologize!!
I usually say I am sorry and ask if I dialed the correct number or if I miss dialed.
i always apoligize and say have a nice day
It depends sometimes i do and sometimes i don't
I say I am sorry.
I apologize, so that the other person doesn't think it's a funny phone call.
id apologise
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