no i have been there
NOoooo i dont want you to risk your life!
No unless you're sure it's what you want.
No unless your life is so miserable and you're so poor without any chance of having anything.
the answer lays in your heart and in your heart only...
Yes, Marines or French Foreign Legion.
I'm not in the military... so I have the option of answering differently than ordered. Answer: Nope
Yes. Preferably in the Marines or Paratroopers. Ooorah.
I can't answer yes or no without knowing your life story and background.
i would say yes but thats my side, dont rely on what we say, find out what you really want to do, do a little research, and dont just search one branch.
- depends.......are you a FaT SlOb or a Healthy muscular maniac?Anyways NO.with president Bush you'll be over there foreveor.He's starting the draft back up in 2009 so yes
Hardcore Conservative
How'd that draft work out?
Yes, you should.
If you want a poll, go make one on Otherwise, don't expect people here to just give you a yes or no answer.
No. If asking someone else will affect your decision then you're not ready for it.
NO Unless you really want to kill civilians of course . -5? So there's no civilian losses in war? Interesting...
YES! If you respect and honor those who've gone before you to grant you such freedoms as this open-forum website.
Not, unless I can be your CO!
Yes, but only the Coast Guard or Air Force if quality of life is important to you.
Yes (if they will take you).
If you have no job, no family, no income, no house, no other option left for you, then Yes. The New World Order wants EVERYONE in the country to be working for the military or Government in some way.
No! I'm sorry, this is not a one word answer... I'm there....right now...and I can tell you there are plenty of people here. Go to college....Trust me.
No, if you are ignorant and naive.
yes if you want to kill... no if you want to die without killing
Thats really something you should decide on your own, it you life were talking about.
yes. everyone should experience it first hand.
as former military myself, I can not answer yes or no for you; only you can do that. the only thing I can tell you is this: why would you want to, and why would you not want to? Honor, fear, bravery, bravado, duty, blood lust, belligerence? Neither side to your question has total sway over any of these; you can just as easily have an honorable civilian as you can have fearful soldier. weigh your options, decide what is best for you, then decide if the military is right for you. No one can, or should, make that decision for you.
If you have to ask.... NO
Military service should be compulsory.
Do you enjoy playing Russian Roulette? Base-jumping? Wrestling gators? An adrenaline-junkie wanting to live hard and die young? A dirtbag leftist that needs the cover of a tour of duty to shield him from criticism, as he advocates using the Constitution for toilet paper, and converting our Republic to another commie utopia? If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, then the Military is the right fit for you!
Yes. It helps to build self-discipline and gives you an appreciation for the country you live in - if you protect it, you're going to be loyal to it. Too many people have become disrespectful because they don't believe in serving their country. Some of them have made their views known here.
only in YES or NO.
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