• They are overrunning the UK.
  • The women have sexy accents.
  • I think we're nice...?
  • don't know any personally. but the humor in their shows is awesome =)
  • My thoughts: They're just like the rest of us poor shmucks!
  • I think there great,but i'm a bit bias lol
  • I think we're great
  • I would imagine they all wear wellies, live in giant tea pots and talk about nothing but the weather all day. Perhaps? Just a guess. I don't think they'd be in any way sarcastic though.
  • From my experience, most of them live in Britain. Most (like anywhere) are nice and good people. In general, most seem to have drier humour than many other places. My experience in the UK, they initially tend to keep to themselves until you engage them, then they open up and become your best friend and will do anything to help you.
  • No offence to our British friends out there, but I can't understand most of what they say. It's the accent. Must have been why when I viewed Benny Hill as a kid, those who I was with laughed hard, while I didn't as I never understood much of what he said, and absolutely not a word when he sang. Still, without the Brits, we may have never gotten to know the 'Working Class Dog.' (Put THAT together!!!)
  • there are too many of them where i live.
  • My wife is British, I'm American and one would think that our cultures are so similar that there wouldn't be any significant differences but I've noticed quite a few: British people have a GREAT emphasis on manners especially while "que-ing" American people have a great emphasis on 'appearing' polite but definitely not while standing in line. In fact, I believe, all Americans no matter where they come from, become New Yorkers while waiting in a long line. Food - Brits lots more emphasis on "Veg" pronounced "Vej" in the diet. Americans lots more emphasis on 'speed' when it comes to food. Language - Brits - cupboard = closet, floor brush - broom, boot = trunk, pram = stroller motorway = freeway, let = rent, bungalow = single story home, dog = dog History - in American a building is WAY OLD if it was built in the 50's in Britain, a building is WAY OLD if it was built in the 50's as well, the 1350's. In America we show our love and patience for weaker drivers by extending our middle finger. In Britain the sentiment is expressed through the raising of a backwards peace sign in an 'upward' motion. I love the Brits, I have to, they out number me in my house. My son is half Brit half Yank - which makes him... Canadian? Andrew Hamilton Trade Show Videographers Hamilton International Productions
  • Most of us are just great
  • Keep them away from alcohol and they can be okay.
  • on a guess, cause i only know a couple of Brits, I would say, more of the serious persuasion, smart, run-of-the-mill, cream-of-the-crop type people.
  • A tendency to be arrogant and patronizing- as if foreigners aren't as good/bright etc
  • still think they rule the world.
  • Love the accent. Number one, hands down. Love the humor. Brilliantly cheeky. Love the way the majority have an "appropriateness of manners" about them. Good form! I still just don't understand why so many of them have the stereotypical problems with their teeth? Forgive my ignorance, but is it something about the water over there?
  • If the Redcoats come after us again we'll lose, b/c all of our own (American) troops are on the other side of the world, looking for WMDs and "bringing Democracy to Iraq." So, you Brits, this is the best time to invade and occupy the U.S., while we are invading and occupying somewhere else.
  • We are but Americans divided by a common language, have comedians that don't need canned laughter, have beer that has flavour and body, say mate instead of bud and due to our 'close relationship' will be blown off the face of the earth by either Russia or China at least 5 minutes before you. Oh and it is a capital B in British
  • Austin Powers immediately pops into my head. I knew a guy online that was from there and the few times we talked on the phone he acted so Austin Power-ish that it wasn't even funny. XP
  • You can't beat a good old British Scarecrow :o)
  • I would love to answer you Saphire,but I might give a biased answer, because I am English too!
  • there awesome cuz they have kool accents
  • Miri: What British shows are you referring to? Regards Schonberg
  • There is a wide variety of people from all over the UK. Scottsmen and Englishmen are about as different from each other as apples and oranges. The people of Northern Ireland are altogether different as well. Here in america we owe alot of our heritage to each of these different cultures from within the UK.
  • To hiproduction: You are mind kind of American mate,and I like your style.Were you a serviceman in the UK? Regards Schonberg
  • Good folk. I talk to a lot of them through AB threads and find them to be very nice and enlightened and a similar sense of humor to mine. I love their accents but can't hear them on AB. I feel close to some of them through AB.
  • In my personal experiences with them, (but im aware, not all are this way.) They generally tended to be a bit self righteous and thought they were better than most. but at the same time they were witty, funny, friendly but had a tendency to drink too much for my taste.
  • beautiful that accent gets me every time :) say whatever you want baby just keep talking...
  • 6-23-2017 There are no people called "british". The islands have always been called "The British Isles", but they have been home to several distinct nations. William Shakespeare was an English writer, not a British writer. Rob Roy was Scottish, not British. Ireland remains Ireland, not Britain. The word "Britain" did not exist until it was made up about 1707, a back formation from "British". If you would like to be familiar with the political divisions within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is here: (Scroll down to "Don Aitken.") TIP: the biggest nation in that group doesn't even have a name.
  • The British are among the most gifted people in the world when it comes to music and the least gifted when it comes to comedy.

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