I usually think "poor guy must be balding," unless it is a camouflage hat and then I'm probably secretly judging you and thinking you aren't very bright. Just being honest
Honest answers are what I'm wanting. Thank you. -
Linda Joy
I know a few very bright men who wear camouflage hats. I also think bald is sexy! -
Yes, I've certainly seen a few really sexy bald guys! -
Linda Joy
I've got a list of favorites!
I'm reminded of the quote from Psych: "A man with many hats ... doesn't like his haircut!" Honestly, I don't usually take much notice... Unless it's an aluminum foil hat or something equally eye catching!
Mel Gibson likes the aluminum type of hat. -
Linda Joy
Do you wear hats a lot? -
Never - except for when in uniform or when raining. I have a Fadora for rainy weather.. -
Linda Joy
Send me a pic of you wearing it, please! -
Wear them as much as possible and I'm not balding at all. Chance to post your favorite team by wearing it. However around this time the baseball hats come off and the wool ones go on till further notice. Must add sporting my favorite teams of course. -
Linda Joy
I wanted to crochet a hat and scarf for you, but you never pm'd me with an address.
it dont bother me, people have done worse than that
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