I would match the purse and other accessories. If you have a black purse, black shoes.
Camouflage or khaki in a high heel hiking boot.
I'm with (or maybe some shades of brown)
match the purse and all accessories. The colours - black ( not recomened , med green , olive is good with nice olive-green light scarf ( french shaffon)on your shoulders will be cool , maybe some brown. Not-white , red , blue or yellow
Black.... strappy sandals if it's summer, patent leather if it's winter.
I would go with white. Unless you are a Cincinnati Bengals fan. Then Black and Orange are fine together.
I would probably go for strappy sandles in a light gold with matching bag and accessories.
chocolate brown
I would try a natural color, something that would blend with your skin tone and feet. Let the dress do all the work!
sry bout that chocolate brown thing that was supposed to be the answer to a different question. I think bright patent white round toe pump
Some white NIKE tennis shoes with a bright orange stripe.
I would go with black or the skin tone in a heel. I think that would be pretty. And I like the gold idea too. Especially for an evening wedding. And make it all match, shoes, purse, hat and scarf.
I would choose white for daytime & silver for evening.
Green, you can wear green with anything and it always looks gorgeous. Oh, please wear green.
first off, why would you want to wear a BRIGHT orange dress at a wedding? oh well, that's your'd wanna stay in the same color family, so that would mean perhaps a shade of coral or even a slightly lighter shade of orange; NEVER LIGHTER but a little don't want brown/black.....!!! UGH........also, illusion-wise, if you wear lighter color shoes you will appear a little taller..........
Black, grey, white, red!
Black, grey, white, red!
whatever color you want to wear
whatever color you want to wear
No, that's bad advice. Some colors clash.
Red, yellow, black, white, grey, brown
Tan or black
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