heh heh. snicker. I've never found flashers to be the "retiring" type.
I think I'd just hang loose for another year.
LOL. I would only call it quits maybe because of an injury, a true flasher can't go limping around for long ; )
I live in the land of Mardi Gras and I've seen a few flashers who have refused to call it quits long past their prime. But hey if someone is hollering for them to "show their tits" I think they should go for it and let the oglers get what they deserve!
I think my flasher is a bit on the dim side and is already retired:-)
Well, if it sags, you can always get it lifted. Why retire?
Stick it Out, LMAO!! I guess it would depend on if he is still in decent shape or not, as if that has mattered to any of the other flashers out there!
I'd definitely "stick it out". ;-) I'm not the retiring type...
Well I've never been one to to give up something I enjoy that easily. This of course in NO way implies I was ever found guilty of said behavior. (Exhibitionist that I MAY in fact be*) So long as the Good Lord gives me the ability to make the most of what I've got? Hell why not? Isn't being a dirty old man in some weird way somehow more acceptable than just being a pervert?
I'm going to stick it out. My flasher has been dimming more and more as time goes by. All you have to do is turn the lights down. Today I look best flashing between 8:30 and 9:00 Just after daylight, but just before dark. With a lot of bowflex and a prosthesis, I could probably be back in the game at 6:00 PM --- Although I'll never again be qualified for 5:00 rush hour. I do, however - dislike excercise, so instead of Bowflex, I'll just move to 10:00 in the next year or two.
Retire. Just think of the money I'll be spending to keep my work uniform pressed by that age;)
Retire? Do they do that?
I'd stick it out............except I would curb the local police precints...they seem to get more upset and they become REALLY hands on.
Most definitely one more year. Unless the petition being passed around to get me off the streets is passed.
I'd stick it out until everything hung so low that I started stepping on it!!! NO need to retire it until the pain becomes too great or NOBODY would look anymore!!!
Linda Joy
After the first time steppin' on 'em you learn to fold them up accordion style and put 'em in a holster! lol -
Linda Joy
And they'll never stop looking. Even when its more of a deer in the headlights or can't look away from the accident rather than the cat with a laser light. lol
"Stick it out" for one more year? Hookers don't fart, they prosti toot!
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