• When cats sit (butt on the ground but chest still in the air), their front paws should not be curled under. If this is the case, have your vet check her out. I believe this is what is called "knuckling under" and may indicate damage to muscles or nerves. It can cause sores on the top of the paw as well as other problems. When cats lie down (butt and chest on the ground), it is perfectly normal for them to curl their paws under. Remember that they are jointed differently than we are. Curling our wrists under and lying on them would really hurt but it is comfortable for them. I have seen cats lay down with their paws straight out (like the sphynx) but maybe your cat just prefers that position. When my cat tucks her paws in and curls her tail around, I call her casserole, sausage, or furry speedbump. She tends to yawn at me with disinterest.
  • maybe shes holding some cash in her paw that she's worried you'll steal while she sleeps. Get her to open a savings account at the local bank and explain to her that her cash will be safer there and can even grow.
  • probably cause thats whats comfortable to them, like fetal postion with humans
  • to keep the pads of their feet warm?

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