He can ask all he wants...just tell him you'll give him his balls back if you can keep the tits!
In most states in the US, divorce results in a 50/50 split, therefore he could only request one back. But I doubt it would be SUPPORTED in a court of BRA!
No, but maybe, she can live them in her will for him, if he really needs them.
Reminds me of a guy in Florida. One of those rich 'playboy' types. Some gal finally married him but to protect his assets he had a ''prenuptual'' tatooed on his you know what so she couldn't miss it. a bit later when they got divorced she still took everything, seems the prenup' didn't 'stand up' in court yo...
Well he should at least get visitation rights.
Linda Joy
lol Every other weekend? Alternate Christmas and Thanksgiving? What if she remarries? That could get 'touchy'
He can ask the judge if he wants to be treated like crap for the rest of the settlement. The next guy that gets to play with them might send him a thank you card.
No they were a gift which I'm sure he fully enjoyed ,while married.
LOL-LOL--GREAT question. I suppose he can ask LOL
Not sure... I'd have to take a look at them first. Forward picture and I'll let you know.
Nope, and he can't get the ring back either!
Linda Joy
I agree traditionally if He breaks up with her she can keep the ring. It was a token of a promise. If she breaks the contract she forfeits the ring.
lol, if its a 50/50 settlement, he gets to keep one.
In the boob law of 567 in the law of implants he may be able to get them taken out of the body. but if a person can prove they have a medical problum like cancer and need a boob or 2 to look good well there may be a tear or 2 for u. but just to look like a fake unhealthy woman who can not have a body that god gave her, then the law in gods eyes will be for the boobs to come out. One way or the other. and with all do respect this is not personal.
O.J. didnt get divorced but he got Nicole's back...
I need picture(s) of the asset to further investigate so I can accurately answer your question.
Oh, thats a greta one... I wish I had thought of it!
omg too funny
u r kidding right???? u gotta be!! i know his cheap ass did NOT have the nerve to ask for the boobs he purchased. so what if they were brought with his money, in today's society posession is 9/10 of the law. LOL
Linda Joy
Another good point. You made me look! "While modern courts do not formally observe the “nine-tenths of the law” principle, possession still matters today. In 1998, a Texas court acknowledged the “nine-tenths” principle but made clear that possession is merely part of a “hierarchy of title.” In re Garza, 984 S.W. 2d 344 (Tex.Apr 20, 2020 Is Possession Really Nine-Tenths of the Law? - Fredrikson ... › news__media › is-possession-r... "
hahaha... Only if she can get back the time she was not satisfied in the bedroom. *YAWN* Are you in/done yet??
only in community law states and then he has to share custody.
no a gift is a gift. but i like the idea above about visitation rights.
nope, a gift is a gift.
If ur serious then No. But if your joking then its kinda disgusting lol
I had to lol at that first answer! This is an old question! Would this fall under community property laws? I think I should wait to post my answer until a few more people answer. I just wanted to cycle it.
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