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I heard it does.
Well I'm a guy... so it didnt hurt. My girlfriend wasnt a virgin our first time, but she told me her first time wasnt very pleasant.
Yes, it hurt me physically.
yeah it did for me, sucked.
it doesn't if you want it. If you want it your body is open and your not rigid or anything. I mean a little pressure but nothing bad. Some of my friends have said it hurt but thats because they didnt really want it. So i suppose its different under different circumstances just make sure you want it!!! and also relax your muscles!
It did for me.
Yeah it does, the first time, if you're the one being taken (yes, I'm open-minded toward same-sex relationships). But then it gets good--really good if you get a guy who's good at sex. Someone like me can go from "I'm afraid...does it hurt? I'm a 23-yr-old virgin. I hate boys...." to something like "Oh gods, give it to me harder!" And the neighbors are complaining.... ::blushes:: Anyways, I am so glad that I lost my virginity to a man who was really good. I used to have fear of sex every day of my life. Now I love sex and see it as a means for pleasure.
Not for the guy.
For a guy, generally not. For a girl, it generally does at least a little. It's much better if you really want, are completely comfortable, take your time with the fore-play and make sure there is plenty of moisture in the system.
I was ready, I wanted it, and I still cried from how much it hurt.
Not at all. didn't feel anything actually. Then again, I could have broken my hymen years before because I rode horses since I was 7 years old. The doctors don't know.
Yes it may hurt. More than physically. It may hurt emotionally. Some people believe that a person should wait until their married. And that is not an easy thing to do. You might find an article I recently read very interesting regardless of what religion you may belong to. It is entitled 'Young People Ask: What's Wrong with Premarital Sex?' The link is below. It may help you or at least provide with a positive answer to your question
Ummm, well. I think I remembering it hurting at the time. It has been so long ago, I don't really remember the pain, I just remember the act.
OH, my gosh, we hope not! Otherwise, we won't be looking forward to our wedding night!
Discomfort for about 2 seconds, then nothing. I'm so grateful for that! I've heard some serious horror stories about it and i'm glad mine isn't one of them =] x
I'm sorry to say that the first few times for a woman are not the best times (physically speaking). It will hurt and you will probably bleed. Unfortunately that is the way it goes for the first few times that you have sex. For your first time, it helps to be with someone that you trust to be careful and gentle. It is also helps to communicate during your first time. If it hurts, you can tell your partner, so that he can slow down or stop. Don't be shy! You're having sex with this person, so you shouldn't be embarrassed to talk about the pain with him.
if the guys not packin' a spam javelin, it doesnt hurt much
it really changes from person to person. my sister said hers felt like a sting of pain and then everything was fine and she bled a bit. but mine was horrible, like a little bit of stinging and was incredibley sore, both during and after and i didnt bleed at all. it felt kinda like kneading ur nuckle into a really bad briuse excpet for on a bigger scale. but like i said, it really changes from girl to girl
Unfortunately for me it did. But some women have a different pain tolerance than others. So no girl/ woman who's a virgin should get all crazy over "first-time-experiences" that other girls were talking about.
I'm a guy, so no, it didn't hurt at all....Actually once, I was with a girl who was really small and that kind of hurt me, but not her, weird. I think for some women it hurts and others it doesn't. It just depends on your body I suppose.
Not as bad as the pain of childbirth. Remember to use protection.
Hurt like hell. If I had known, wouldn't have done it...personally i would have put it off. I completely agree with other posters, that EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. No one should take too much attention to what one person says when talking about losing your virginity. On here at least you can get a bigger 'survey' of experiences.
eh maybe a little
Didn't hurt ME!!!! For girls though, I'm sure it all depends on how large the penis is that you lose it to, and also what positions you do it in.
Hell yeah! If I could turn time back - I would get an epidural for that.
Not for boys it sometimes does for girls but will soon go away make sure your arroused and before you start that should help and be carefull,condoms etc, good luck.x
Lots of lube lady!! I couldn't even use small tampons until after sex because I was so tiny. I cried the whole time. It hurt like no other.
Strange ... it didn't hurt ME! ; )) Whether or not it hurts depends upon the relative size of the two people.
Hurt me like mad! I told him afterward that I was SO glad that I waited for marriage, because if anyone hurt me like that and DIDN'T marry me, I'd have to kill them.
i will explain this the best way i know how. there is presure. it kinda feels liek putting in a extra super carboard tampon. you know the cheap kind. using and not using a condom can also dipict how it will feel. condoms have lub on it so that will make the pain less. its differant for everyone and the size of the well you know.
little painful but then it was ok. I was in-love with the guy, I think it made alot of difference because he didn't want to hurt me, he was gentle and took it slowly. I was 16.
ive heard it may do, but a little bit! i would know though, i'm 22 and ive never had a g/f! good luck though! :-)
Mine hurt...its just nature its gonna hurt but if you really love the person and you want to take it to the next level then its worth it.
For me it did. But it might not for other people.
For me, it hurt like all hell and I almost cried. And being sensitive down there made it worse. But everyone's body is different. It hurts for some people, and for others there is no pain. It really just depends on the person, though.
Depends on the person. Hurt alot for me, and still hurt a couple of times after that. Heck it even hurts if I haven't gotten it in a while. :P
..depends on the person..i was completely fine
Omg yes for me it did.....
It hurt just to get a pap smear, so I could only imagine how much it'd hurt to have sex for the first time. That's why you should do it with someone you love...a lot.
It depends on the person. I am a very petite woman, so even if I don't have sex for a while it hurts at first. Do a lot of foreplay, and make sure your ready.
get really drunk. then have sex & you wont feel a thing! haha j/k but yes a little b/c your skin rips.
Some people don't feel pain (I don't know why), but most do. To take some of the pain away, make sure you're fully aroused, to lose some of the tension and it also helps you relax. Maybe you'll be part of those who say it didn't hurt.
It hurt for me, Not too much though, just a pinching feeling. Bled a tiny bit, then it was good from there on.
a little but it doesn't after the 1st time
I was drugged and raped in my sleep about two yrs ago, I obviously wasn't conscious while it happened but it hurt like hell when I woke up.
it did a little bit at first but i use to masterbait alot so maybe that helped lol
No... I promise :-)
well i neva tried yet cuz i heard it hurted like hell but wen i do try it ima tell my partner 2 take it eay on me cuz dats my first time well holla atcha lata p.s. im 12
It depends. If you're a virgin man and you're humping a virgin female, it may hurt a tad. If you're a virgin man and you're humping a prostitute, it'll feel quite good. If you're a virgin female and you're humping a virgin man, it may not hurt as bad because he won't know what he's doing, he'll be nervous, and he might have a hardtime keeping an erection. Now, if you're a virgin female and you're getting slammed by a seasoned veteran --- yes, it will hurt tremendously.
It did for me, but I would assume that all depends on the size position and how "hard it was being done... Just remeber that this is a one time deal... you never get it back so make sure your ready and USE A DAMNED CONDOM!!
size does matter
For males, no. For females, yes. But it only hurts the first time or two. Good luck.
It can for the female, not so much for the male.
i'm so scared that it will hurt, i'm still a virgin and one of the main reasons i havent done it yet is cause i know i wont be able to relax and it will hurt
Ha it hurts, but the funny thing is that i didn't bleed?
when i had sex for the first time with my amazing gf, she said that she just stayed relaxed and it still hurt but not extreme pain. and she didnt bleed either.
it does hurt. its awkward because i have quite a high pain threshold yet i seriously considered crying. but its okay if your with someone lovely and gentle. its also better if the other person knows i think cause theyll be more cautious, dont bother with pretending your not to save face.
Yes! It hurt alot, so much that I sat in the bath for 8 hours crying.
it really hurts
It usually hurts for girls but not always. Just relax, be gentle and use lube! And a condom of course!
Didn't hurt me....but that's one of the benefits of being a guy.
I heard it does for women, but not for men/-
It depends if your really ready for sex or you feel your under pressure from your peers,boyfriend,the media etc.. If you are truly ready and have deep feeling for the person your going to have sex with, you will be more relaxed, this is key, relaxed = better first time! Oh and don't forget there are lots of things you can do before sex that will make it better ;) Enjoy yourself and i agree with Maximus USE A CONDOM
It depends if your really ready for sex or you feel your under pressure from your peers,boyfriend,the media etc.. If you are truly ready and have deep feeling for the person your going to have sex with, you will be more relaxed, this is key, relaxed = better first time! Oh and don't forget there are lots of things you can do before sex that will make it better ;) Enjoy yourself and i agree with Maximus USE A CONDOM For me it did not hurt but i was very ready for my first time, it was not just a drunken or rushed into act like a few of my friends did and regretted it..
In my opinion it didn't really hurt because I had my mind set on other things. I was nervous as hell... but once it started I went blank. But something that DOES really hurt is Anal sex, the first time... ugh horrible, I don't really recommend it. Sex is a beautiful thing. Too bad it didn't hurt me physically.. but it hurt me emotionally.
well to be honest it really depends on the mans penis size, as if it is larger than average it will hurt, because the whole which he puts it down will have to be stretched more, which may hurt. However if a mans penis is of an average size it should be just fine :) Make sure you are ready and make sure that you are in a stable relationship with your partner, because i made the mistake of going through with sex 3 months into my first meaningful relationship, eventhough I am still with the same guy 5 months later, I advice anyone to get to know there boyfriend. Then in any unfortunate circumstanes such as you breaking up it will not be so bad, because you still have your viginity. Also I would keep sex as a thing which you do every so often, not every day, because I've made that mistake too and all our relationship involved was sex and when we were going to do it next. Yes I have learnt alot from my experiences, I only suggest these things because I nearly left by boyfriend the other day for being a complete twat, and at that point the only thing holding me to him was the fact that I had lost my virginity with him as had he to me. Luckily we have dealt with our problems, and I advise people not too have breakups because you will get used to not being with your partner which is never good and there will be a hiccup in your relationship. ME and my partner just spend 5 days together with no sexual activities and we are so much closer now :)
well to be honest it really depends on the mans penis size, as if it is larger than average it will hurt, because the whole which he puts it down will have to be stretched more, which may hurt. However if a mans penis is of an average size it should be just fine :) Make sure you are ready and make sure that you are in a stable relationship with your partner, because i made the mistake of going through with sex 3 months into my first meaningful relationship, eventhough I am still with the same guy 5 months later, I advice anyone to get to know there boyfriend. Then in any unfortunate circumstanes such as you breaking up it will not be so bad, because you still have your viginity. Also I would keep sex as a thing which you do every so often, not every day, because I've made that mistake too and all our relationship involved was sex and when we were going to do it next. Yes I have learnt alot from my experiences, I only suggest these things because I nearly left by boyfriend the other day for being a complete twat, and at that point the only thing holding me to him was the fact that I had lost my virginity with him as had he to me. Luckily we have dealt with our problems, and I advise people not too have breakups because you will get used to not being with your partner which is never good and there will be a hiccup in your relationship. ME and my partner just spend 5 days together with no sexual activities and we are so much closer now :)
My first time hurt so much that I couldn't finish... my muscles were too tense... I didn't cry, but I wanted to... He drove me home that night, and he was really worried because he had never been with a virgin before me... I was really embarrassed that we couldn't finish, but he was really sweet about it, and said he wouldn't force me. We tried the next week, and it still hurt a tiny bit, but after the initial pain, it felt so amazing! I know that his patience and gentleness really helped me out a lot! Just remember, you can never take a moment back, so make sure this is something you are both absolutely sure about, use protection, and I would definitely recommend using lube the first couple of times! It'll make it easier! Just please, be safe!
What hurts more is ... having it returned.
Depends on the people, man and woman, as people have said. A smaller guy is going to hurt less. Sex with a large man can hurt when you aren't a virgin depending on how small and how tense you are. For a girl it depends on how well you can relax, how well prepared you are lubrication wise, etc. And as well as whether or not you still have your hymen. As odd as this sounds man girls lose it before losing their virginity through sports accidents, etc. A lot of horseback riders lose theirs from the trauma the horse can cause. I make jokes to the guy who "took my virginity" back in high school saying I was really a virgin cause my hymen was actually broken by some girl dropping me on her foot when I was 6. ^-^ So my first time didn't hurt at all.
yes it does your first few times having sex it hurts but after that its amazing!!!
yea it hurts and it hurts any way it hurts if u go slow and it hurts if u go last...i just curled up and laid on my bf's chest while he kiss my 4 head and said it ok omg i him love so much
No, it will be clumbsy and probbably not half as romantic as you would hope. but think of it as your first drag on a cigarette. you will have lived your life happily without it, and your first experience with it will be unplesant, but what's to come is addictive and provides you with relief and enjoyment. also both come with potential life altering risks, however as far as i am aware there is no form of protection for smokers..... use a condom
it did not hurt me at all. and he was well endowed. However, it does for some women. Just get wet enough.
i lost it this weekend... and all my friends said it hurt like a bitch.... it didn't hurt for me.... maybe i have a high pain tolerance... or the guys "thing" was tiny? idk.... it just felt weird?
Didnt hurt for me. I bled a little, but it was great. it depends on the person but it'll definatley bleed.
of course coz u must do a sex........... but that iz good
yes it fukkin hurt like hell,but i was 12 and he was 17 maybe thts y??
i really thought it was going to hurt, but when it happened, it actually didnt, and i was ever so shocked! did bleed a bit though =/
hi,id like to help you out but i wouldnt know since ive never had sex before,guess im missing out on something! sorry.
pfft not if your a guy!....they get it easy =/ hurts ALOT!
yeah it does its a numb feeling, but it goes away after a few secconds
major ouch! i did it before i when to work and i was working at a telemarketing firm. which means that i would have to sit down. i was stilling on my feet, to were i was not putting any pressure on it. it took me like 3 days to beable to sit normal. the but that could have also been because of his size. But i will not lie it hurts. from what i understand anal sex the 1st time hurts worst then losing your virginity
not if you're a man.
no. but you look like you already lost your virginity a long time ago.
for me yes...not like the worst pain i have ever felt..but the pain definitely overpowered the pleasure
It depends on the person. For me it wasn't bad as everyone told me. the man I was with knew I was a virgin and tried to make me more comfortable. I felt very little pain.. The weird thing is It was worse the second and third time.
oh goodness yes, i had to have 7 stiches in my ladyfront, i was bleeding everywhere, giving birth was more pleasureable than my first time. bum love however was rather fruity, plenty of lube to get in my grooooove ;)
No i didnt hurt at all for me, was only in december of 07 when i first had sex. i was relaxed ,foreplay helps a lot.
Only if ur not ready
Don't let what everyone scare you. When me and my bf first "tried" to have sex everything my friends had said to me went running through my mind and i was so scared that i literally made him chase me up the it wasn't til the next day that i actually let him through and i dont even remember the pain compared to the pleasure. so if you're about to have sex for the first time, relax and enjoy the memories...
well everyone is different. It was kinda painful for me but then i just relexed and it eased up. every girl is different and reacts different.and it wont hurt if you just relex and trust the person your with. Its not that bad as people say it is.
Well, it hurt me the first two times, but after that you really don't feel it.
Not for the guys but the girls may disagree with that some
A little at first. But for me, the pleasure of the sexual act quickly overcame the pain.
i liked it... it didnt hurt much. i liked the pain and want that feeling again but wont get it =[. oh well.
well for me it hurt SOOOOOO bad. i bled, i cried, and i couldnt wear jeans for a couple days. the next time wasnt so pleasnt either ... but that is just part of the joy of being a girl ... get used to it baby girl its gonna happen alot more in life :)
Yes, only if the guy is doing it right...and by right i mean HARD.
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