no but i usually + pt for their answers.
yes' so they know you have taken the time to read the the answer.
Some of them I do.
sometimes :)when i cant be bothered to think of something for everyone :P
I usually do it
I like to and do on most occassions but, sometimes I just get wrapped up into answering other questions.
Yes or something similar at the very least I give everyone that answers one of my questions points.
No. I'll + answers that are useful, I'll comment if I have something to comment on. Saying thank you to every single question just weakens it if i actually want to thank someone.
I'll comment, often just a thank you under each answer I read and give them points for taking the time to respond, for their time and their effort. That way they know that someone has cared enough to read their answer. I guess I feel if I just gave them points that it's only a points race and that I didn't really care about the answer. I now many don't feel that way, but it's just me:-)
Yes. If I miss some, please, do let me know. :)
i try to
no. i give maximum points though. it annoys me when people do that actually. i mean, people come here to ask and answer questions right? why would anybody have to thank me, or i them, for it then? it only weakens the gesture when it was really meant.
I just say thanks
I would say, 99%, I do, I do miss some. I think it is impolite, not to respond to someone, when they have answered a question you asked. It is no different, then having a conversation, face to face. At least acknowledge, that they said something to you. Like Thanks!
No. But I individually thank for all good answers. I also add my words of appreciation for the insight they may give.
i really try hard to CA but i'm sure i've missed a few
Sometimes. But usually I just uprate the answers without leaving a comment.
Nah. Because sometimes i get irritated to open a new page and wait for it to load just to see someone saying thanks. lol I usually just uprate and move along. Unless you really caught my interest with your answer. Then I will say something back. So yeah. lol. ~+~
Yeah ...Thanks for Answering or just Thank You :-)
maybe 90% of the time I say something in responce to their answers.
I respond to each one, unless I don't get notification. I do NOT post 'thanks for answering' to them all. I feel that is on the rude side. If they can take the time to read and answer my question, I can take the time to read and form a simple, individual reply to each.
I didn't use to until I read that a lot of people here are offended if you don't respond to their answer. I personally hate it when I get a comment that just says "thanks" because I have satellite internet and it's not always very fast, and I often have to wait for some time for a page to load, just to see "thanks". I do always give points for answers, also.
I try for the first day or so, but if the thread lives for a long time I have a hard time keeping up.
Not always.
no......and u dont either lol
Not anymore.
I always try to so that people know that i've taken the time to read their answer. I always enjoy a thank you for my time and do the same for others.
I try, but sometimes I don't receive "alerts" when answers have been posted.
Meh, sometimes. If I feel like it.
I usually just give points and comment if I have something to say.
Hardly ever.
alot of the time yes.
-'s the duty of an Answerbag member to answer questions, and it's obviously something we all like to do, so why should we be thanked for doing something we would do anyway?
Yes I always try to say thank you for a persons reply.
yeah I try to
only if its a raelly good answer. but if it is just answering like yes or no and not amusing, i just give them full points.
I always acknowledge their effort for answering my questions and I appreciate it, when they do it for me.
Yes all the time. I appreciate it when ppl take time to read and answer my questions.
No. I do give them points, but I don't like commenting on each answer just to say thanks and to tell them I gave them points. To each his own I guess.
Yes, sometimes...
No, that would take too long and lose its meaning if you said it 50 times a day! Trust me, I've worked a lot of customer service and that is what it sounds like to me when I hear it.! Although it's always nice to hear a kind word! It makes me smile and reply with kind words. Its a good idea! I pretty much give a thumbs up to anyone who answers unless they are rude or I strongly disagree with what they've said. I prefer genuine comments but I do appreciate the kindness behind the words and the atmosphere it creates. Thank you for your question! 😁
Army Veteran
You...worked customer service? Then it was YOU who told me that my toaster was out of warranty! Wait till I get my hands on you! I'll show you an expired warranty...! (Umm...I need your address if you don't mind...)
no but thats a good idea
no but i should
Mostly and give points too for thoughtful answers
There is no need to thank AB members for answering questions. A thumbs up is enough.
10 july 2022......i dont ask questions, but its a nice thing to do anyways
No but I know a user on Answerbag who does say that
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