I don't hate them but I prefer my men a little more rough and tough. Plaid just doesn't represent that to me.
I do not like them. Most plaids are garish.
i think they should wear whatever they want
That way madness lies when all things are permitted.
Goofy and clown like.
I don't like them at all. It's hard to blend plaids since they're such a strong pattern. They tend to make guys' butts look fatter. The colors and pattern may be blinding. I think men can do much better than wearing plaid shorts.
Not a fan, but I gotta smile when I see them because the guy wearing them is obviously not a slave to fashion or intimidated by the opinions of others! I tend to admire someone whose not afraid to do their own things!
I hate most plaids. They look garish.
i dont care what they wear
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