Interesting. I will not presume to say that is impossible as no one really knows for sure..they can only belive, not believe, or a little of both. I guess we will all find out in the end, though. :-)
It's a hellova lot more possible than the regular version of God. Not terribly likely, I would think, but way more so than Biblical accounts.
Maybe He is.
it could happen its no more far fetch then some of the claims in the bible and other religious text. and i think it would a alien invation 2 get me out of bed early on a sunday morning lol
In religion it is the overall God that is talked about, the One who made even the aliens to seed the Earth, your question is a possibility that I myself have thrown about in my mind from time to time. + :o)
God can do anything he/she/it wants. I'm sure the human mind cannot comprehend all the possibilities.
Dude, are you like one of them Scientologists?
is god was all knowing then why would he test Abraham with the sacrificing of his son if he knew what was going to happen.
You have a great imagination my friend. It is possible in your mind, yes.
That would only beg the question as to who created HIM. Sure, aliens could be lying to us, but why should they? Also, remember that if they really were involved, they wouldn't be afraid to show themselves off to us. Wildlife photographers let the animals they're working with get used to them so they can get good, intimate images. It'd only make sense for aliens to do the same thing.
Unlikely I'd say, but I'd find it easier to believe than virgin births and raising the dead.
Sure, why not.
Ahhhh, you saw the movie, didn't cha...? Hey, I missed the ending.... how did it turn out...? ;-)
yes, I believe this to be true. I also believe that rainbows are caused by angels with calcium deficiencies, that black helicopter are hovering over my house and reading my thoughts. This is one of the most stupid and inane questions ever. Rude, maybe. But I still look good in black.
There's a very evolved theorem that earth was 'settled' by aliens as a mining operation for gold because gold particles helped keep ozone from depleting from their atmosphere, and earth is rich with gold. that the alien dna was mixed with earth species to provide workers who were capable of complex thought but not enough to pose a threat or revolt and challenge their creators by getting off the world of earth and traveling through space en masse. read more in floweroflife. org
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and God is from Px-147 or Px-148.
It could be true, evolution could be true, or Douglas Adams could be right. I just have faith in God being Who He says He is. I can't wrap my brain around Him and His ways, so I'm just holding on to Him, believing that He will guide me and help me through my life.
Can't say it is impossible but what is the evidence for the hypothesis?
It's no more unlikely than the classic description of god. But I prefer to know that none of those theories are true
I believe the transition from ergaster to sapien was organic and earthly; not alien. DNA has the propensity to change in response to evolutionary needs and host environment and that simple transition would not have been a large 'leap'. And in that regard, that might be considered science as the question was posed. Of interest to me and more baffling was the physical disparities between certain of sapiens - that diversity being so extreme between say the egyptians and their neighbors in that region inspires a question of mixing of that gene pool to an intelligent tall human who comprehends math
Then that wouldn't be God. How about this one: The Prime Mover/Creator is a Silent God. And humans were created by Marduk, a survivor of the asteroid hit 65 million years ago who MOVED into space, came back to run his experiment, then decided he wanted his old planet back? What if the Silent God DID decide to telepathically write the Bible, and cast Marduk as the devil? So exactly whose side SHOULD we be on???
What we need to know about God, life, and why He put us here, He has revealed in His Word - the Bible. There is no need to speculate. As the Bible says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) God’s Word to us is complete.
lol, I've thought of this before... =P
good point. But really, anybody can think of anything that suits them for religion.
No it sounds pretty stupid, like a bad Sci-Fi movie. But it could be possible, who knows? Nobody really. Anybody who says they do is an idiot.
Supposedly the "Gods" of Egypt were engineers. Like civil engineers, planners, structural engineers. It was their understanding of math that permitted them to design and direct the construction of cities, hat basically humans were the labor pool: the worker bees.
Well there's a large body of unexplained truths. One idea is that the aliens who 'seeded' the earth population required elements from earth's environment for their own planet. I've heard that it was gold to offset the ozone in the aliens own planet. The 'proof' of alien intervention and mining operations on earth is supposed to be the existence of northwestern american timbers found in mine shaft support beams in Africa that are several hundred feet down and several thousand years old, predating known operations and intercontinental travel.
What if the world had actually been created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster? What if he used his Noodly Appendage to touch a primitive hominid, and thereby transferred some of his Noodly DNA, thus creating Homo Sapiens? And what if what we think of as the Universe is actually a culture grown in some Noodly petri dish in some Noodly laboratory? And what if we are all actually talking utter nonsense?
Discovery Channel did a show about it recently, and here's a site that has a summary of the timeline of the alien populating earth, sumerian times. "Zecharia Sitchin was raised in Palestine, where he acquired a profound knowledge of modern and ancient Hebrew, other Semitic and European languages, the Old Testament, and the history and archaeology of the Near East. He attended the London School of Economics and Political Science and graduated from the University of London, majoring in economic history. A leading journalist and editor in Israel for many years, he now lives and writes in New York. One of the few scholars able to read and understand Sumerian, Sitchin has based The Earth Chronicles, his recent series of books dealing with Earth's and man's histories and prehistories, on the information and texts written down on clay tablets by the ancient civilizations of the Near East. His books have been widely translated, reprinted in paperback editions, converted to Braille for the blind."
Sure it's possible. Ever hear of the Ashtar collective? .
Yes, of course - not heard of "chariots of the gods" - von danniken ??? Then read the book, get the movie out of the archives !!!
That book is a silly hoax that was soundly-refuted in the early 1970s.
God's name is really Q and he gets off on praying cruel jokes and pranks on unsuspecting humanoid life forms all over the universe
Sounds just as plausible as any other idea about how or why we were created.
Anything is possible....for the most part...
Aaaaaaah Scientologists! Protect the couch!
I'm not saying that I believe that, but anything is possible. Does your idea really sound as/more absurd than the big bang theory? No, not really. Both theories sound incredible. Good imagination you got there, pal.
I would be PISSED!
Sure. I mean, sounds just as ridiculous as what's in The Bible to begin with. >_> But no lol, sounds far fetched, but who knows? It might be plausible. Sounds neat, too, we're all farm animals!
I'd say it possible, but unlikely. However, I'd say its slightly more likely than the current Judeo-Christian-Islamic stories being told these days.
it seems just as possible as anything else. I have often thought similar things..not so much about god but that we were made by another race of beings who seeded us here for some reason (slaves, experiments, food etc). Though I would like to think that an advanced alien race with telepathy would write a better book than that mess of a bible people cling to.
Very possible. A friend of mine has the same theory.
There was actually a book putting this theory out there printed in the 70s (?). If I remember the title correctly, it was called "Adam Was an Alien". I can't remember all the details. But among the other ideas was that the earliest "men" of the Bible only married among other aliens, which explained their long lifespans. It was only after Noah that they interbred with the "normal" women and it was at that point that lifespans fell until they reached the standard "three score and ten".
You should try reading "Waiting for the Galactic Bus"... you've pretty much summarized it in your question.
God doesn't have to be a supernatural being, he dosent have to bend reality or the laws of physics, he just has to be way smarter than us. Look how far we have come as people, how far are we away from creating life. We arent very far and we cant even begin to think of going to another galaxy. If there are aliens (such as God) and they have been here, then certainly they have created life. Dont tell me there is no God. I dont beleive he is a magician but with enough knowlege we can make most anything happen and He already has
Gods and space alien visitors are both imaginary. Interstellar travel is fantasy. No aliens from distant planets can ever come here.
then we might be in trouble
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