Timely and concise posts that the regular user will find very useful. I find it lacking in many regards in terms of making the best possible answer here on AB and I hope that many more skilled people will start uploading fun, short and concise little tidbits that will make all of our lives a better place. Basically it's knowing what is truly cool and what the people want. Once you win people's hearts, you know you are a true success.
Not filling the void with time waisting, useless crap.
Be yourself.
having too much free time i think.
It takes the following: Creativeness and wit. Recording skills (techniques to appeal the audience or give the best view and organized video) Humiliation (Humiliating yourself to the point that people will love it and laugh at you. Oftentimes, those are hits but the reputation of the uploader... ouch.)
Having interesting posts
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