I believe that a lot of people find smells very erotic and sensual. So I would have to say yes for some people. Smell certainly evokes memories.
yep :) a good, clean smell though :)
Not sure about a teenage smell?, but yeah, there are are certain smells that will get me going a bit.
Yeah i think so, i know that when my man wears a certain aftershave or is fresh out the shower i want to jump him like a randy teenager lol so yeah smells can be a turn on
without doubt !
Yes! Haven't you seen the "Axe" commercials?
I'm sure certain smells can be a turn on and are a turn on. :)
Coolwater for men turns me on.
Yes certain smells, like cologne :)
yeah there are a couple out there that get me goin
Oh yeah!!!!! It's chemistry.
OH DEFINITELY! Lol... Right Guard Men's Body Spray always does it... and sometimes TAG. mmmm... :)
Absolutely! Perfume and cologne are huge turn ons for me. When I smell my guy's Jean Paul Gaultier cologne omg I just about jump him. Even his Dove moisturizer turns me on lol; mainly because both I associate with him when I smell him, not so much them themselves. Even his natural scent, yummy.
My wife used to wear this simple "rasberry" body spray. I think it came from K mart or somewhere. The scent used to drive me crazy.. I'd become aroused instantly. Hmmmmmmmmmm.... brb. *jumps in car and heads to K Mart... to be continued...
The nose contains millions of receptors , 500-1000 different types! Oders can be remembered even when you have long sense forget what it was, It can for some sudden reason make you happy, or sad, or turned on!
Oh yes. The smell of men's aftershave. It drives me wild.
oh yes
Absolutely it is the phermones that you smell that turns you onto someone
If it is a smell I like....his cologne, how he smells when he gets out of the shower, and when he would first wake up, I guess that would be his early morning smell. :)
Absolutely! My hubby's cologne can have that effect on me!
I'm a guy and i honestly don't get how a smell could turn you on. Oh well, when it happens i'll know.
haha yesss, think mens perfume turns me on. and alos my boyfriends body odor does because im attracted to him.
I LOVE a good smelling man
helllz yeah!
The smell of a good perfume on women, always gets my attention. But if they've gone overboard with it, it actually makes me sneeze and that's a big turn off.
Depends on the smell.....;)
some smells turn me on but some smells turn me off...
You bet... sense of smell is one of our most potent and most disregarded senses. With regard to smell, we often utilize it at nearly an instinctual level. Sense memory for smell is the most specific of all sense memories. You never forget how things smell.
Or off! Totally. That is one of the main reasons why I could never be sure about my attraction for someone I'd met on the net until we met IRL.
oh yeah...when i smell my boyfriend's cologne i want to kiss him or when i smell the bleach on his white t shirts I want to snuggle
Definitely. I love a man who smells tasty. :)
Yep but, only if it smells good. :)
Of course. All of our senses have the ability to turn us on. Like seeing a beautiful person, hearing them say your name, feeling them touch you, tasting them, smelling them, etc. And with that also can be the ability to be turned off by it. But a guy with good cologne, has me before he can evern say something. lol
Sure. I love my boyfriend's natural smell. It turns me on. I go for the person's natural smell not perfume.
Yep. They are called pheromones & make the one that you love smell REALLY good & get you aroused. Also, mothers are given a sense of love & affection when they smell their newborn baby's head. I still smell my daughter's head & she's 4.
definitely. I am a great believer that we have not even begun to understand human pheremones...but I have read studies where interestingly enough (I wish I could site these studies for you)..all of a persons lovers/partners/spouses tend to smell alike. I'm serious about this...
yes. and i'm not talking about cologne or perfumes. i'm talking about natural smell. you know. that slightly funky smell. it turns me on. ^^
HECK YEAH! There is a cologne that the boy was wearing I first danced with in jr. high.... I STILL don't know the name of it, but I get a wiff of it every now and then and it makes me remember wanting so much to kiss that little 12 year old Adonis.
The smell of a woman's hair often turns me on instantly.
yeah the smell of AXE my boyfriend wears drives my wild i love it
Uhh.... Most definitely. I should think that's why the sale of unwashed underwear is so popular. To paraphrase the Colonel from Scent of a Woman (The title should help answer this question): "Ever bury your nose in a mountain of curls? WHOOWAH!"
A smell of peach cobbler? Absoloutely
Colognes and perfumes, no, but the scent of a woman? Absolutely.
Definitely! There are a few colognes for men that make me crazy if I smell it on someone. (But I control myself of course!)
Yes most definitely I love it when my hubby smells good.
sniff sniff most definitely
Yes, I have been turned on by smell before.
Yes. Do a little research on the chemicals in male's sweat. Which is, super sexy. Wow.
that's what pheromones are for! I love certain smells, though I'm not traditional. Not into perfume, etc. There's certain smells that drive me wild though
studdies have shown that humans emit pharamones that, when picked up by a proper recipient, cause biological and chemical changes in a person. Colognes are very often comprised of flower scents includin male and female pharamones. But that is just an idea from a scientific point of view.
I think it was scientifically proven that the phermones, or whatever the hormones are called, can make a woman/man more attracted to each other. But I think it depends if you find them attractive in the begening, and I think it depends on the person. I persoanlly get turned on RARLY by a guys natural stink.
We breifly covered this topic in a Pysch class I had once, and yes, it can. I'm going to try to put this as simply as possible (I'm horrible at explaining things), but it has something to do with association. Ex: If you and your significant other were making out and her/his breath always smelled of strong onions/garlic (and lead to intercourse or something else of the sort even simple arousal) and you continued to do this with the smell of garlic/onion, when you kissed someone else with that taste in their mouth or even smell it, there'd be a high posisbly that you would become aroused.
My husbands pheromones! Just a deep wiff and I melt
Yes!! Ü
YES!!! A good cologne. Or being just out of the shower. (sighs) I melt. ~+~
Absolutely. Nothing turns me on more than the smell of my boyfriends' deodorant (Speed Stick Cool Fusion) because the smell takes me back to feeling the way I felt when I was first getting to know him - and I had a huge crush! One sniff and my heart races and my skin flushes like it did back then. Smell can be an amazing turn on.
definitely...think pheremones.
I like the smell of calcium carbonate a.k.a chalk. It makes me totally crazy... And the smell of a garage. Sometimes they smell fine...
Dear lord, yes.
It comes and goes
Smell can turn me on and off.
Yes, indeed! When my wife and I were Internet dating, 5,000 miles or so apart, we sent each other a small sampler bottle of our favourite aftershave / perfume, so that we could be reminded of each other even when we weren't online, talking.
YES...big time :) If you smell good i will stick close...
Yes..a very hot summer..very sexy lady next to u..and massaging herself with a coconut sun oil.. YESS it turns me onnnnnnnnn......:)
O yeah. I had an ex girlfriend that always wore the same perfume. If I smell it on another girl to this day I think about her.
the human olfactory system is very underrated. Smells often invoke deeper mental activity than other senses. the brain also translates and remembers smells very efficiently. Olfactory stimulation can be arousing.
Our sense of smell is the only sensation that doesn't get "filtered" through a region of the brain called the thalamus. Because of this, smell information passes into a variety of different areas of the brain directly (especially areas that control emotions). Smell can evoke a variety of memories and if you smelled something that evoked a sensual memory it could "turn you on".
Yup. Love the smell of a woman in the morning. Love to nuzzle the back of her neck.
Yes I think so. I get an instant hard-on when I smell my wife's ass.
yes it can. unfortunately the scent of a woman just starting her period, or in the 2 and 3 trimester are the highest ranking turn ons. smell behind her ear about 3-6 days before her period and let me know
It is suppose to me the most sensitive of our senses and brings back memories better....I love the smell of those I love...even if it dirty hair....
turns on skunks
i KNOW IT CAN TURN YOU OFF! Please be more specific.
Oh yes! The scent of any men's cologne causes me to instantly visualize me snuggled up against a hot guy.. they should put me on cologne commercials.
Yes it can. Don't tell my husband, but his smell drives me crazy. He'd never give me a moments rest if he knew. XD
it sure can. theres this new girl at work who is training for management and she smells soo good. i think its to cover the smell of when she smokes though. but she smells amazin still
There is a theory that says most animals secrete pheramones which are essentially scents that we can't consciously detect, but they are still picked up and some people theorize that these are what cause the immidiate inhibition to "mate". This partially explains the "love at first sight" phenomena.
yes, you can be conditioned to be turned on by smell. this can be done by classical conditioning, as illustrated by ivan pavlov and his dogs. say a person is subjected to a nasty smell; ok, that wouldnt turn many people on. Now say that after every time a person was subjected to that nasty smell, they were rewarded with, say, sex. After many trials, the person would begin to not mind the smell, because he/she knows what's gonna happen next; reward. Now, after some time of conditioning the person with the stimulant and the reward, the person, when presented with the bad smell, would get sexually aroused because they know what's gonna happen next...only this time, no sex is given this can be done with almost any kind of stimulant.
Yes it can, quite easily.
Yes, I do beleive that smells have the power to turn people on. If a guy/girl smells good, then odds are, youre going to want to get with them A LOT more than you would with a guy/girl that smells like crap, ya know?
Maybe, if a certain smell reminds me of someone.
Oh Yea! the smell of pizza puts me in such a sexy mood. Actually, the smell of musk is very sensual.
i cant smell
Absolutely! And she knows it, too! It is just a natural scent, not affected by perfumes, soaps, or any other man-made "aid" (so-to-speak)! All natural ... and it's a killer!
Anything can turn you on. It can be a smell a touch a taste, anything that involves your senses can be a turn on.
Oooooh YEAH, it can! :-)
It depends on what kind of smell it is and also the person emitting the smell.
sure can....Ever hear of phereomones?
If I am on a first date, and I get a chance to lean into his personal space to get a whiff of his personal odor (which can be good or bad), I will know right away if there's a second date. His body scent must "jive" with my senses...I am pretty sure it works both ways. =)
Ummm oh hell ya!!!! From romantic dinners to hubby cologne makes ya melt
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