- with sweats on....when you sweat you lose weight...just simply eat lite and run.
A pound = 3500 calories. 5 pounds = 17,500 calories. Either take in fewer calories or burn more. The best solution is to combine both. If you run a deficit of 1000 calories a day in combination then you will lose 5 pounds in approximately 17.5 days.
i wish i knew!!!!
Eat only fruit, and lots of it for breakfast and lunch. Eat your normal dinner...
Generally speaking, the natural way is the best way. Use more energy, in a given time frame, than the energy which is produced for you from the food you ate in the same time frame. Basically common healthier, exercise more. One study I read once advised losing a pound a week was the most healthy equation.
Smaller portions, drink plenty of water, and walk more than you normally do. If you are carb sensitive, you might try eliminating carbs for a few days.
Lose your purse...
Linda Joy
Watch your daily calories diet and run 45 minutes a day. Your five Lbs will be gone within two weeks!
Skip a few meals!
Drink plenty of water. Do a 72-hour fast broken into two 36-hour segments. Get plenty of sleep. "Running" is not a very effective weight loss plan, nor is walking. A mile walk will only burn around 100 calories, and running won't burn that much more. The biggest advantage walking has is that it promotes good circulation. Using this plan, I have lost as much as 5 pounds in a single day.
Cut down on how much you eat; increase physical activity. That's the best way to lose ANY amount of weight. Limiting carb consumption helps, too.
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