That the grass is greener on the other side.
That death is just the beginning.
To have the report on the boss's desk by 9 AM on Monday morning. "I don't know, but I've been told...OR ELSE." I still don't know what the OR ELSE is.
The entire Fox New Network of "journalists" are really all sock puppets! :)
The TV news in Vietnam is recorded during a week in December and aired throughout the following year. There is never any bad news... that comes under the jurisdiction of CNN and BBC.
"...that a big legged woman ain't got no soul."
"Eskimo pu$$y is mighty cold......" ;)
"dont eat pizza thats covered in mold!"
A big legged woman ain't got no soul
the Iraq war is getting old
A green grasshopper got a brown a____>
seargents got as heart of gold tells me where I gotta be lets me know when I need to pee...
G'day Barcaluv, Thank you for your question. That big legged women ain't got no soul. from Black Dog. Regards
If you eat liver, you'll never grow old.Frankly I don't believe it. That stuff taste like s@@@!
GI Joe is on a Role.
a green grasshopper has a green a$$ hole
first you raise and than you fold
that margarine is one molecule away from plastic! .. I don't know !
Linda Joy
Oxygen is one molecule away from hydrogen peroxide, but they are two different things and you can't breathe peroxide!
According to the Tom Petty, "You never slow down, You never grow old."
You live this way you won't grow old!
You NEVER slow down, You NEVER GROW OLD!
this friggin questions gettin old
A big legged woman ain't got no soul - Led Zeppelin. Navy wings are made of gold. GO NAVY!
that mean little women... ain't got no soul...
Marine Corps Marching Cadence I don't know, but I've been told, The Marine Corps is mighty bold. Semper Fi
Don't eat food that's growing mold
...a big legged woman ain't got no soul:
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