they were an ez scapegoat to blame Germany's problems on
Because he was trying to make his lebensraum or his living space. As Wiki explains: "It was one of the major political ideas of Adolf Hitler, and an important component of Nazi ideology. It served as the motivation for the expansionist policies of Nazi Germany, aiming to provide extra space for the growth of the German population, for a Greater Germany. In Hitler's book Mein Kampf, he detailed his belief that the German people needed Lebensraum ("living space", i.e. land and raw materials), and that it should be found in the East. It was the stated policy of the Nazis to kill, deport, or enslave the Polish, Russian and other Slavic populations, whom they considered inferior, and to repopulate the land with Germanic peoples. The entire urban population was to be exterminated by starvation, thus creating an agricultural surplus to feed Germany and allowing their replacement by a German upper class." Most people were very willing to get rid of the Jews because before Hitler, they were making the money. Not only were they making money, they had killed Jesus Christ is what was commonly thought. There was already antisemitism in Europe. In France, there were trials called the Dreyfus Affairs which falsely accused a Jew of treason. So many people believed that the Jew was guilty and there was a lot of propaganda showing Jews poorly. It brought out the true antisemitism in everyone. Because of all this, Hitler was able to kill Jews. He hated them because the mass hated them. He hated them because he needed someone to blame. He blamed the communists, then he blamed the Slavs, and then he blamed the Jews.
-ignorance -because he could -something other reason i cant think of -a few other reasons i wont thinkofcuz i dont know
There are many reasons why he did. Some of them are to do with the background he came from and the history of Europe. eg Hitler came from Austria. Europe had had a bad attitude to Jews from the Middle Ages onwards. They were pushed into ghettos and/or expelled from most countries several times, ostensibly because of the relationship of Judaism to Christianity, but really for economic reasons (if the King of a country borrowed money from Jewish financiers to enable him to fight a war, it was convenient to push the Jews out of his country later, to avoid paying the bill) Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's economic woes. It suited him to do so, as he needed a scapegoat to blame, in order to reunite Germany. However, as Arisztid pointed out, the Jews were not the only group Hitler picked on. In his warped world view, Jews were inferior people, but so were Romany (Gypsies), Seventh Day Adventists, the handicapped and anyone who stood up against him and defended the groups above.
Another experience
Because he hated the Zionist Movement, the Protocols of Elders of Zion, and the Babilonian Talmud. My 2 cents.
because there where the easy target
All throughout History,MANY countries hated the jews,and expelled them!!!!!! Why? Because their own Talmud teaches Jews are superior to all other races,and that it's ok to rob, steal,rape,and kill any non jew,(including Christians!) But why would MANY countries actually expel ALL of them???? Because there were MANY documented cases of some Jews killing young Christian children,(all throughout history!!),as early as 900 AD, and as late as the 20th Century!! HUNDREDS of cases!!! These heinous crimes would almost always occur just before Passover,(or our Easter time!) These Jews were accused of trapping and torturing little Christian children under (some under 7 yrs. old!),by cutting them,blood letting them,and even crucifying them similar to Christ!!! The bodies would have marks on the hands and feet,and even piercings in the side mimicking Christ's death! Also,The victim's body was usually drained dry of all it's blood!! Why? Jews have always considered blood the "seat of the soul",hence why they slice a cow by the throat,and drain ALL of it's blood! They also are notorious for smearing lambs blood etc.,and believe partaking in the blood of their enemies would free there homeland,Palestine..(Some would actually drink the blood of their children victims in wine,or mix it in their unleavened bread!) However,The Jews religion forbid burying theses little "Gentile Pigs", so they usually discarded them in a dump,(but for this reason the bodies were always discovered!) Then the crimes were often solved by witnesses,or the way the killings took place.If you don't believe me,type in "Jewish Ritual Murder" into any search engine! SEVERAL cases of dead children with the same brutal signs of torture show up!Even Jesus himself said their Jewish forefathers were murderers,and didn't want their "Blood Sacifices! The Jews themselves said of Jesus's death "Let his blood be on our heads and that of our children!" Getting back to Hitler, he HATED Jews because they comprised most of Communiist Russia,i.e., the Bolsheviks!!! Hitler always mentioned the Bolshevik rebels when talking about Jews,(Lenin and Trotsky were both Jews!) It was them who killed Nicholas the **Christian** CZAR and his whole family!!! It was also the Bolsheviks Jews in Russia who murdered 25 million Christians in Communist Russia! They were often tortured in large dark chambers, with blood trenches,etc.! They were sometimes nailed to a ceiling and died of exhaustion,or their eyeballs stabbed out,dismembered,etc.! When asked to denounce Christianity,if a Christian women said no,a fellow Bolshevik soldier would throw her baby in the air,and another Russian soldier would catch it with his rifle bayonet! The jews talk how evil Hitler was,but the Red Russian Revolution made the Holocaust look like a picnic!!! Lastly, Charles Lindbergh's baby was coincidentally killed around March,the same time just before Passover! The Jewish press blamed it on a poor German fellow who was electrocuted,but actually it was another case of Jews killing a Christian baby!! You see,the Jews wanted to start the Federal Reserve Bank system,and Lindbergh's father was against them!! Can you say the jews sent the Lindbergh's a message?? Also,the Jews would LOVE for us non Jews to kill each other in wars,like the one in Baghdad, and in Afganhistan! During 911,the Jewish owner of the Twin Towers collected 5 BILLION dollars in insurance money,because the buildings were losing money! Also, Jews were warned that day not to show up for work!!! David (Ashamed of my Jewish first name!)
He was a psychotic self-hating part-Jew himself (he had a Jewish grandparent or great-grandparent, I'm not sure which), and blamed the Jews for Germany's economic crisis in the aftermath of WWI...
He did not target just the Jews. The Gypsies (Roma/Sinti) were part of the Final Solution as well. And many others groups were in the camps. People that single out the Jews with regards to the Holocaust need to educate themselves before they speak. Making it an exclusively Jewish happening denies so many others. I find that ignorant.
Army Veteran
According to Zionist leader Samuel Untermyer, Hitler was exterminating Jews as early as Aug 6, 1933. The "Final Solution" was passed on Jan 30, 1942. How could Hitler be exterminating Jews before there was even a plan to do so? You are right, it is considered to be an exclusively Jewish event even though there were many other victims as well. The reason for this goes back to Davef99's answer and the claim that Jews are "the Aristocrats of the world". This, in itself, is interesting in that Hitler's use of the word "Aryans" was taken out of context but used as the reason he hated Jews - and yet, the Jews stand there claiming to be "Aristocrats of the world" (translating to "above everyone else") and the world says nothing. The emotional exploitation from the Holocaust is all about the Jews, no matter who else was involved.
He believed in Eugenics. You can thank Charles Darwin.
He was extremely deluded. Thinking the Jew's were to blame for the awful state of the economy in Germany.
He was trying 2 create a Utopian society in a psychotic way. He thought if he got rid of Jewish people he could have a "pure" society.
he did that stuff because his mom was jew and she worked for jews and those jew treated her so bad and then she was maried to a german guy and then they had hitler then the mom told hitler what the jews did to his mom and he had a problem with that so he starded killing the jews and tortured them because they tortured his mom so then the death:men- he had them hang by there penis and balls because so then they dont have kids anymore and put them in in camps that where big so he lit them on fire. women- he had a stick and shufd it up there private/<a href="" title="vagina" style="", class="stronglinks" target="_blank" />vagina</a> and throughh the mouth and let it on fire. kids/family if he didnt want to do that on them then he put the whole family in the camp and let it on fire. and if yur jewish i hope i didnt afende yu and yur great great great great grandama or grandpa they were in that situation and i feel bad for them it hurts me more than it hurts them
hatred + bigotry
Because he was a very very bad man.
In short, he blamed the Jews for the bad economy and all of the social ills of Germany.
Because of the perverse human need to have an enemy.
because they are gods chosen people. it goes alot deeper than hitler . ps dr me if you want just because i said god
Officially he did it as he blamed the Jews for the 'Stab in the Back' or Germanys capitulation at the end of WW1. Additionally he believed there was a world wide Jewish conspiracy which was trying to destroy the Germanic people of the world, economically, socially, & spiritually. On a personal level no-one really knows why he hated them so much. He personally saved the Austrian Jewish doctor who had tried in vain to save his mothers life. & he worked alongside & for Jewish art merchants in Venice when he was trying to get into the Vienna School of Art. There is no evidence that before WW1 he was anti-Semitic in any way.
He was an ego driven dysfunctional son of a bitch who knew how to sway people with passion and words.
His mother was Jewish - need I say more? That and he was broken in the head.
He in fact was a Rabbi. He had a bad experience with some Matzo Ball soup. He was given the smallest matzoball and never forgave the Deli owner. His descndnats now support him by buying Mecedes Benz products, the pooorer ones alas have to buy Volkwagons. He was a maniacle dictator. He took the property from the rich and killed all witnesses. He was getting away with it for years.
Because Hitler was full of the devil and the devil Hates jews because The Bible says they are God's chosen people.
I believe that the Holocaust happened to restore the kingdom of Israel.
maybe he believed that all jewish will go to hell, reason why he made it in advance. .
aNSWER #7 pretty much hits the nail on the head. Keep in mind too that the Jews weren't the only ones persecuted by Hitler and the Nazis. There were millions of Poles, Russians, Gypsys', disabled people and pretty much those whom posed a challenge to the Nazis regime and ideals.(Aryan Brotherhood.) Another lesser known fact is that Stalin and the Communist regimes also murdered millions. Even before Hitler started his rampage. In fact the Russians never closed down the concentration camps "liberated" in thier territories. They continued to use them for years after the war ended. And the world just turned a blind eye to it all.
Because he thought that all Jews were a part of a conspiracy to rule the world. He saw from the old testament how the Jews created a God and called themselves the chosen people of that God, creating for themselves an undeserved higher place than all other people. He saw that their religion was full of racism and he fell victim to just that, but on a larger scale. He saw them as a threat to non Jewish people, specifically "Arian" people. He created lies and propaganda to convince the German people that they needed to be done away with. He was mislead. I think he should have used education instead of using violence. Teaching people that religion is harmful and silly is one thing, but killing whole races of people who may or may not be a part of those religions is way out of hand. There is nothing wrong with being Jewish by birth, but there is something wrong with believing that you are the chosen and favored race of a God, especially one that your ancestors created.
Conviction. He THOUGHT he was right.
not sure why
He hated the ethnicity because they were better looking than him.
cause he was evil and hated them for some reason
When people ask this question, they don't really want to know the truth. They just want to justify their learned beliefs that Hitler was the epitome of evil. ¶ The first thing that needs to be understood is that the war was never about the Jews. It was the establishment of modern-day Zionism in 1895, the end of WW1, and the unfair terms of the Versailles Treaty that set the stage for a second international war. ¶ Everyone is familiar with the "stab-in-the-back" claim that Hitler used as the reason Germany lost the first war. That claim was "debunked" as false to keep it from being questioned. But what was "debunked" wasn't exactly the facts that really happened. ¶ Modern-day Zionism is not the same "Zionism" that the Bible refers to. Zionism today was founded as a political movement in 1895. Many of its members were originally German but relocated to America to establish their "base camp" as it were. ¶ These Zionists spent around 1/3 of the 20th century running media campaigns to raise money and support for Jews that were being persecuted, mainly in Eastern Europe and Russia. In nearly every media article, they used the terms "6,000,000" and "threatened with extermination". Being fed a steady diet of this for more than 30 years and with nothing else to compare it with, it didn't take very much effort for it to be accepted as fact. ¶ It wasn't made up in response to Hitler's rise to power in 1933 since no one knew who Hitler was in the early years. But when the Zionists declared war on Germany (headline, Daily Express [London], March 24, 1933: "Judea Declares War On Germany") and accused of exterminating Jews (Aug 6, 1944), the world had already been "conditioned" to believe it. All they needed was a name and a face to attach to it, and Hitler became the target. ¶ Getting back to the stab-in-the-back myth, the reason Russia dropped out of WW1 was that the Zionists helped fund the Bolshevik Revolution which enabled Russia to drop out of the war. This freed the German soldiers who moved west to increase pressure on Britain and force them into a deal: with their backs against the wall and certain defeat staring at them, they (Zionists) could bring the United States into the war in exchange for Palestine once Britain won. This agreement was documented as the Balfour Declaration. Since the deal was manipulated by the Zionists (who were former Germans), the Zionists committed treason against Germany (their homeland), making the stab-in-the-back claims true. ¶ After WW1, Germany was forced to take the blame for a war it didn't start. In addition, the Zionists were in attendance at the Palace of Versailles, acting as advisers. This was the reason the terms against Germany were so harsh. With the terms of the Versailles Treaty devastating every sphere of Germany, the country was wide open with political groups of every kind - the main influences, however, were Communism and Western Democracy, each afraid that Germany would accept their political influence. But it was Zionism that controlled the German political, cultural, and economic landscape. It was the Weimar Republic that bankrupted Germany in the 1920s. It was also Zionism that destroyed the German moral landscape - throughout the 1920s, Berlin was known as "the Sex Capital of Europe". Zionists ("Jews" as they were always referred to) were taking advantage of the German persecution by buying real estate for pennies on the dollar. Germans spent 14 years with unemployment at around 30% (the worse ever in the history of any nation). They were starving and homeless - men were committing suicide because they couldn't support their families.¶ The History books paint a condemning picture of how Hitler was such a smooth talker and convinced his people to hate the Jews - but this is not true. It was 14 years of oppression under the thumbs of the Zionist Weimar Republic that made their minds up for them. Germans willingly followed Hitler for several reasons - the main ones being that he turned the German economy around, making Germany a prosperous country again in only 6 years. ¶ Hitler had to take Germany back - it was the only way he could restore it, and it had to be under his terms. It was because he took the Jews' power away from them that the Zionists declared war on Germany. ¶ Everyone has been conditioned to feel sorry for the Jews. To some degree, I concur - but only if there is a reason. But before you start feeling sorry for someone, find out who they are, first. What we've been talking about here is Political Zionism, not religious/cultural Judaism. There is a big difference between the two groups. ¶ Zionism claims to advocate for the Jews, but only when it's convenient to do so. At around the time Judea declared war on Germany, a group of German Jewish Veterans wrote to the US Embassy and told them, "We became aware of the propaganda in your country about alleged cruelties against the Jews in Germany. Mistreatments and excesses have indeed occurred, and we are far from glossing these over. But we also feel that now is the time to move away from the irresponsible agitation on the part of so-called Jewish intellectuals living abroad. These men, most of whom never considered themselves German nationals, but pretended to be champions for those of their own faith, abandoned them at a critical time and fled the country. They lost, therefore, the right to speak out on German-Jewish affairs. The accusations which they are hurling from their safe hiding places are injurious to Germany and German-Jews; their reports are vastly exaggerated." ¶ THIS is the difference between political Zionism and Judaism. This is how I can say that I support the Jews but not the Zionists that threw the Jews under the bus. ¶ Hitler didn't really "target the Jews" - not in terms of the "Holocaust". The "Final Solution was not any kind of plan to exterminate Jews or anyone else. Those who believe so have never read it (it's officially called the "Wannsee Protocol"). The "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" was a continuance of the Havaara Agreement (the "Solution to the Jewish Question") of 1933. It was Hitler's plan to relocate the Jews out of Germany and other countries under German influence. Both plans were designed to solve the "Solution to the Jewish Question", which is why both had similar names. You can't have a "final" anything without first having an initial something. This, in itself, should raise some kind of flag in people's heads. ¶ Another point to consider is the newspaper article found through the following link: ¶ Note the date on the article: January 8, 1945. How was it possible that the author of this story in the prestigious New York Times knew that 6,000,000 Jews were dead when the Soviets wouldn't liberate Auschwitz until January 27, 1945 - almost 2 weeks later? ¶ This is where we have to re-examine the "6,000,000 Jews" and "extermination" claims that were being embedded into the minds of everyone exposed to the media since 1900. It has become a theme park that still operates to this day. ¶ People call people like me "Holocaust deniers". But the sad truth is, the Holocaust denies itself. I'm just one of the few who aren't afraid to point out the holes. Laws don't need to be passed to hide the truth, and the truth fears no investigation. "To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: 'Who is it that I'm not allowed to criticize?' " - Kevin Alfred Strom
Jenny The Great ⭐
Adolf Eichmann is the Nazi SS officer who organized Hitler's Final Solution. If your answer were true, there wouldn't be a need for Nazi war criminals to flee to South America. Under Juan Peron's administration, Argentina participated in establishing and facilitating secret escape routes out of Germany. -
Army Veteran
It appears you've never read the Wannsee Protocol or your head wouldn't still be wrapped around it being the plan for "extermination" since the word "extermination" appears nowhere within its pages. Yes, there was a need to flee Germany. At the Tehran Conference of 1943, Stalin proposed that 50,000 German officers should be taken out and shot. And although Churchill took his statement seriously and rebuked him for it, he, himself, took pleasure in murdering German civilians in the terror bombings of Hamburg, Dresden, Frankfurt, and other highly populated cities in Germany near the end of the war. FDR - he was willing to compromise on Stalin's number: 49,000. ¶ The reason German officers fled to South America after the war was that hatred for Germans by the allies made it too dangerous to stay. You should also read about what really happened to the German population after the war. They were treated much worse than what the West claims about the "Holocaust" - including the raping of women and using them as sex slaves. Not just "raping" them and casting them aside, but as tools to satisfy male soldiers from both the East and West allied camps. No woman was safe if she was between the ages of 8 and 80. If you really think the German people had it better under the Allies after the war than with Hitler during the war, you have a long way to go to learn anything resembling the truth. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Quote: "the word "extermination" appears nowhere within its pages." Do you have any idea what resembles truth? cause the Final Solution in history is the answer to the Jewish Question. Hitler’s very first and last recorded political statements concerned the Jewish Question in the sense of extermination. I don't see what you are trying to make up here, but Adolf Eichmann had been abducted by Israeli agents while he had fleed to Argentina. The trial in 1961 captivated millions of people. And it was the first time many of them, including Israelis learned about the details of the Holocaust. "Eichmann was just following orders of murdering millions." He was hanged for his war crimes. -
Army Veteran
Do you know what the Jewish Question was? To interpret the meaning of "Final Solution" you need to separate the two words into their proper context. Because the term refers back to the Haavara Agreement and the original "*Solution* to the Jewish Question", the word "final" doesn't mean "ultimate fate". It means "last attempt to solve the original problem", which everyone knows did not involve extermination. ¶ The "Solution to the Jewish Question" was a Zionist creation - not Germany. The Haavara Agreement in 1933 was a compromise between Hitler and Zionism whereby the Zionists would cancel the worldwide boycott against Germany (which was imposed as part of the hate campaign launched at Germany when the Zionists ["Judea"] declared war on Germany) in exchange for Hitler's cooperation in convincing the Jews in Germany to relocate to Palestine. A coin was issued to commemorate the occasion ( Most German Jews did not want to leave - they considered themselves to be Germans and Germany was their home (read the letter they wrote to the US Embassy). Part of the program called for locking the Jews into labor camps and making life as miserable as they could to convince them that Palestine was a better option. This also explains why there were no gas chambers in Germany despite the false reports that claimed otherwise - they weren't trying to kill the Jews, just convince them to go to Palestine. Unfortunately, WW1's old nemesis resurfaced - disease epidemics, which were common in crowded unsanitary conditions like those that existed in the camps. THIS is where the high death toll came from, and it was, for this reason, they were called "death camps" (not "extermination camps"). ¶ But again, the German Jews thought of themselves as Germans and didn't want to leave. That's the reason only around 60,000 were relocated to Palestine in the 6 years that the Haavara Agreement was in operation. Once the war started in 1939, time and resources became too scarce to continue. ¶ But it was picked up again in 1942 - only this time, sending them to Palestine wasn't an option because the British Mandate had closed the doors of Palestine to prevent large-scale immigration by the Jews. ¶ So, why would Britain lock the Jews out of Palestine? Why leave them in the hands of the Nazis? The answer to this goes back to 1915 and the McMahon Agreement that Britain had made with the Arabs. After promising Palestine to the Arabs in exchange for their help in weakening the Ottoman Empire in WW1, Britain reneged on the deal (they were good at going back on their word - they did the same to Poland when Germany attacked in 1939). Instead, they gave Palestine to the Zionists in exchange for bringing the US into the war, thus helping them to defeat Germany (the *REAL* Zionist stab-in-the-back against Germany). ¶ Allowing a massive Jewish immigration into Palestine during the European war against Germany would have ignited a second conflict - this one between the Jews and the Arabs in the Middle East. It was better for Britain to let millions of Jews die in Germany and Poland where they could blame it on the Germans than have to explain how they were the ones responsible for triggering a war in the Middle East. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I already told you what the Jewish Question is. In the strictest sense it means: "What is there to do with the Jews?" The execution of the Jews throughout the forests and desolated areas was a toxic solution to nature and the flowing rivers. Heinrich Himmler is the man who designed the Holocaust by means of exchanging ideas with Adolf Eichmann. You are denying the history that's on record by the Nazi evildoers that were given a fair trail to push your unsupported emotions. The question here is aimed at the Holocaust and those who survived the Nazi atrocities. -
Army Veteran
So tell me a little more about the Nazis' "solution" to the Jewish Question. "In the strictest sense" sounds like nothing more than your interpretation of what you think it means. Your "solution" totally ignores the Haavara Agreement, which was otherwise known as "the (((Solution))) to the Jewish Question" - unless you're saying that the Zionists were in league with the Nazis to exterminate their own people. But let's look at the coin (the URL you apparently didn't look at). The coin is tangible evidence of a cooperative effort between the Nazis and Zionists to relocate Jews to Palestine. But this doesn't fit your "solution" to the "Jewish Question". ¶ Himmler wasn't nice and I won't try to defend him. What he did was not sanctioned by Hitler. In his final testament, Hitler threw both Himmler and Goebbels out of the Party for being traitors. ¶ As for Eichmann, I can only guess that what you "know" about him comes from a one-sided narrative. ¶ The "facts" connected with him include "extermination camps" (there were none - claims that there were, were manufactured by the Soviets after they liberated Auschwitz), Germany's unprovoked attack on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 (Operation Barbarossa) - which is also a fallacy. The Soviets had been wanting to attack Germany from day 1 but Britain was too weak. The Soviets spent the next 2 years building up their forces along their newly-acquired Polish border in preparation to launch an attack on Germany. Hitler caught on to what the Soviets were up to and launched a preemptive attack (you might want to look that word up since no one seems to know what it means). This was "Operation Barbarossa" - a German (((defensive))) strike. ¶ You don't want to believe it, of course, and this is understandable - you probably never heard of half of the facts I've told you. That's because WW2 has been a one-sided narrative and it continues to be absolved into the Allied viewpoint and censored from the German point of view. People have nothing to compare the facts to, and so whatever they are exposed to must be how it really happened. I hate to say this, but what is being accepted as "truth" is a long way from it. There is still evidence available that flat-out denies the mainstream narrative. But people (like you) don't want to know. It triggers cognitive dissonance and most people can't seem to handle facts that go outside their comfort zone. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The solution to the Jewish Question was certainly not of brotherly love. You know better than that. Hitler despised the Jews. Racial ideology, superiority and blaming the Jews for losing WW1, their role in causing The Great Depression in 1929 and other reasons caused Hitler to target the Jews with increasingly evil treatment. What I know about Adolf Eichmann's war crimes is not a narrative. It is by his own words of "obeying orders." So, if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. LOL -
Army Veteran
Lt William Calley used the same defense: "I was just following orders" after murdering more than 100 Vietnamese civilians. "Just following orders" is a "cover-your-own-ass" defense. ¶ I can't believe how tightly you have your head wrapped around the "Solution to the Jewish Question" narrative. The term originated with the Zionists themselves (that's "Jews" for you who still can't understand the difference"), not the Nazis. The Wannsee Protocol ("the Final Solution to the Jewish Question") is easily obtainable so it can still be read (get a copy and read it sometime - it's only a couple of pages). There is no (I repeat - *NO*) reference anywhere in it about exterminations, gas chambers, or murdering anyone. And yet, you and the other keepers of the narrative insist that it is the "secret plan to exterminate Jews"). When confronted with the absence of any kind of plan to actually kill anyone, the replies become "because it was a secret - it was spread around by word of mouth". REALLY? LOL! A (((secret plan)) to exterminate Jews and it's passed by word of mouth? How long do you think it will stay a secret? (ROFLMAO). The other way of defending your claims is "because the Germans destroyed all of the evidence as they were abandoning the camps". This one is just as ridiculous - they leave behind all kinds of documented evidence in their rush to abandon the camps, and...somehow can find the time to comb through their mountains of documents and pull out every last scrap to incriminate themselves??? ¶ There is no evidence of a secret plan called the Final Solution because that's not what the "Final Solution" was. All you have to do to understand it is to not ignore the fact that the "Solution to the Jewish Question" is of Zionist origin - to "relocate the Jews", and stop inventing whatever you can to pin it on Germany. What you're doing is called a "witch hunt" - you're assigning guilt through accusations made by a hate campaign. ¶ Look for physical evidence that supports one side or the other. Don't condemn someone based on what you've always believed simply because what you were told was a one-sided story with nothing to compare it to and thus, make your own conclusions. ¶ "Hitler despised the Jews" - perhaps, but which "Jews"? Was it the religious Jews who believed themselves to be Germans and thus supportive of their country, or was it political Jews with an agenda to destroy Germany? Again, I redirect you to the letter written to the US Embassy (when you look for answers, you need to consider ALL of the evidence, not cherry-pick what supports your view and ignore everything that doesn't). These were German Jews, and even THEY condemned what the political Jews were doing. German Jews were discriminated against, without question. But it was something they were used to (as stated in the letter). Still, they were treated relatively well under the circumstances and they accepted the terms. It wasn't until 1938 that everything started to change - Kristallnacht (the night of the broken glass). This, too, is always dumped on the Nazis as a hate movement against the Jews "for no reason". The fact that what triggered it was swept under the rug makes no difference. Jews, Zionists, whatever can run amok and kill whoever they want and the Germans were just supposed to stand there and take it. It might interest you to know that being in the position of "whipping boy" for the 14 years under the Weimar government was the reason Hitler wanted to see the Versailles Treaty repealed. Hitler didn't become Germany's head of state because he hated Jews and wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth. It was the Jews ("Zionists") who drew first blood by declaring war on Germany. It was all political ("Zionism"), not cultural ("Judaism"). It didn't involve cultural Jews until 1938 after the Zionists threw them under the bus. And even then, efforts were being made to deport the Jews - not exterminate them. ¶ "6,000,000" and "extermination" are products -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I see you are getting angry. I'm not laughing at you. I think it's funny how those who try to justify the Nazi war criminals do not have an argument. The Belsen and Nuremberg trials, including the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann being one of the most wanted Nazis who fleed to South America confessed it was never their intention to target the Jews, but that they were given orders, and like every working person, it was a job they had to do. I suggest you watch Operation Finale (2018) with Ben Kingsley who plays Adolf Eichmann and War and Remembrance (1988) TV series. They are very accurate films on how the Jewish killings took place, who is Heinrich Himmler and specifically Adolf Eichmann - the masterminds of the Final Solution: -
Army Veteran
No, I'm not getting angry. I'm perplexed as to why I'm wasting my time debating with someone who only presents the indoctrinated narrative that every schoolboy is taught. You have given me nothing original - not a single thought of your own. You people call me a "denier" when it's you who deny documented facts that are easily verified if you weren't so afraid of being pulled out of your comfort zone. You want to talk about Adolf Eichmann's confession? Fine. As long as we're on the subject, let's talk about Rudolf Höss's confession as well. You remember him - the Commandant of Auschwitz who confessed to murdering 2 million Jews. Little do you know that his "confession" was "coaxed" out of him by the British. We in the Western world call it torture. But it made no difference - it did its job to incriminate him. You have absolutely no clue as to how badly the allies treated the Germans after the war. You think we came in wearing our white hats and saved the day, liberating the German people from their mean government. Such was not the case. Watch a video called "Hellstorm - The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany". Here is the link to part 1. I won't bother giving you the link to part 2 since the odds are good that you won't even open Part 1. ¶ So, now comes the question of Adolf Eichmann. Did he freely confess, or was he "persuaded" as well while was in the hands of his accusers? Here's a link to Höss's torture. Not that it will make a difference, since you already have your mind set to deny anything that doesn't fit your narrative: ¶ As you can see, throughout this discussion, I have provided links to prove what I say (you have not). Do you not bother to see what is said on the sites? Or does what you see scare you to the point of denial? ¶ There is nothing "brilliant" about you except perhaps your own ego. -
Army Veteran
The difference between me and you is that you are not well informed. Your knowledge is limited to whatever the spoon-fed narrative claims as "truth". I, on the other hand, ask questions when I see documented evidence that disagrees with the supported narrative. I don't turn away because it takes me out of my comfort zone - I want to know why there are two sides to the story. It's called "wanting to know the truth". Feeding me lies insults my intelligence. You don't seem to have that problem. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
There are no narratives in my remarks. All Nazi trials were fair. And according to the Nazi war criminals, they clearly confessed of the mass executions. Perhaps they felt to blame their superiors, Heinrich Himmler, the main architect of the Holocaust who committed suicide as a way to put all the blame on him. Other Nazis were not condemned of their actions. Many were set free. It was understandable they were soldiers of war. Nuremberg, Germany was chosen as the location of the first trials for being a focal point of Nazi propaganda rallies leading up to the war. The Allies wanted Nuremberg to symbolize the death of Nazi Germany. The court judges went by what was confessed. When someone tries to blame others, it makes you guilty as charged for "participating" in the war crimes. -
Army Veteran
"When you're judged by your enemies you never get a fair trial." The Nuremberg Trials were a show trial - the Nazis were already deemed guilty as early as the Tehran Convention in 1943 when Stalin wanted to execute 50,000 Nazi officers. You really need to research things. Your comments are (I repeat) nothing more than the spoon-fed narrative everyone has been taught to accept. ¶ "according to the Nazi war criminals, they clearly confessed of the mass executions." - Nooo - the only thing (((CLEAR))) here is that you don't bother with links that are offered. What about Rudolf Höss? You obviously never bothered yourself to check out that link - or else, you're in total denial. You've had your mind made up for you a long time ago and no facts are ever going to change that. ¶ "Heinrich Himmler committed suicide as a way to put all the blame on him." - LOL! Are you sure it wasn't because he was in British custody? Britain was quite experienced in torture - just look at the case of Rudolf Höss (no, wait! You can't - you don't believe in opening links). ¶ It's your story the way you see it, and there's no amount of documented evidence that will change that (mainly because you refuse to look at anything that doesn't support what you believe). ¶ The only way to know the truth is to consider all of the evidence, not just what agrees with your beliefs. "People don't want to know the truth - they just want reassurance that what they believe is the truth." -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Oh, but every Nazi got a fair trial. Not all Nazis were sentenced to death. Do a research on Herta Bothe. She was a female SS guard at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and Auschwitz-Birkenau, were the mass executions took place. She was known as a sadist, often beating prisoners without mercy. In her trial she became defensive about her job at the camps. Fortunately for her, she only received a 10 year sentence. When she got old, she was questioned if her job was a mistake. Upon hearing her confession, she confessed it was not a mistake, and if she had not done her job, she would be put in the concentration camp herself: -
Army Veteran
No, every Nazi did not get a fair trial. The sentences weren't necessarily commensurate with the charges. The allied judges weren't much concerned with the lower-tier members. Their targets were set on the officers (you might know this had you gone to the link about the Tehran Conference). ¶ Keep trying to make an argument if you want, but no matter how many times you come back with your "...Uh, sir...just one more thing...", you're still bringing nothing new to the table. ¶ The "proof" you offer is there for you to find for a reason - because it supports the spoon-fed narrative. It's similar to the many "eyewitness accounts" of prisoners that can be found under every rock that relate horrific stories (amazing how many of them just barely made it out of the gas chambers by a benefactor of some kind or because, as luck would have it, there was one too many to be able to close the door before being gassed). What can't be found, however, are the eyewitness accounts of those who were told about gas chambers but then were surprised when the fake showers were turned on and all that came out was water. Based on the "two sides to every story" concept, there should be eyewitness accounts of fair treatment, delousing chambers, and real showers. But they don't fit the narrative, so they get swept under the rug. ¶ You tell me to do research on a Hertha Bothe, but don't provide a link - that's little more than hearsay evidence and not credible by any means. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
History tells of many Nazis getting a fair trial. Held for the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice, the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany between 1945 and 1949. The defendants who included Nazi Party officials and high-ranking military officers along with German industrialists, lawyers and doctors, were indicted on such charges as crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. Those who were just Nazi soldiers could not be charged for fighting in war, but ripped out of their Swastikas on their uniforms and told to leave and not look back is how they were treated. The Nazi war criminals, better described as the Nazi SS members who had SS tattoos were extremely violent and wanted by the Allies. Herta Bothe in whom I also brought up was an SS female guard that should have been hanged for torturing thousands of prisoners. Who knows how many she killed. That's one example how she was able to walk free. Another female SS guard, Irma Grese, the Hyena of Auschwitz. She was more cruel than Herta Bothe, and the second cruelest of all the female SS guards in WW2 history behind Dorothea Binz, a supervisor at the Ravensbruck concentration camp. What is said about her is inhumane. To speak of Irma Grese, she would torture and shoot prisoners, even for sexual pleasure. When Grese was asked in trial if she was told anything about the gas chambers upon working at Auschwitz, she stated: "No, the prisoners told me about it." -
Army Veteran
I hate to burst your bubble, but the charge of "crimes against humanity" never existed before the Nuremberg Trials - it was created in 1948 specifically to prosecute German prisoners. This makes it an ex post facto law, and quite illegal. ¶ "When Grese was asked in trial if she was told anything about the gas chambers upon working at Auschwitz, she stated: "No, the prisoners told me about it." - Looking at her Wikipedia page: "Grese participated in prisoner selections for the gas chambers at Auschwitz." Not to support or deny your assertion in any way, but I'd just like to point out the inconsistency between your unknown source and that of a (cough, cough) "trusted" (but verifiable) source. ¶ Your "ladies" do get around, don't they? Traveling from Northern Poland to Auschwitz just about the time that the Soviets move in, only to take part in the historical 485-mile death march to Bergen Belsen. They must have been a little tired when they got done. ¶ And let's not forget that they were questioned by the highly-trained British...the same ones who beat the confession out of Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höß (the proper way to display it). ¶ If the facts about these "ladies" are in fact, true, then don't think for a moment that I would ever defend them just because they were German. A person's nationality doesn't necessarily determine the kind of person he or she is. The term "bad apples" doesn't just refer to one nationality - Look at FDR. He committed treason. Woodrow Wilson sold the United States into WWI for about $35,000. Truman committed genocide when he bombed Japan and both Britain and the United States committed genocide when they repeatedly terror-bombed Germany's major cities near the end of the war. And let's not forget the way the German people were treated AFTER the war by the Western allies. ¶ So, no, I can't condone anyone's behavior if they commit acts of violence against someone when doing so is beyond the legal scope of their duties. But before I condemn someone for it, I need to see proof of their guilt. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You can't burst my bubble, because I made it clear, the war crimes against humanity were right in due time, a few years before the Nuremberg trials. And no, the Nuremberg trials weren't created in 1948. The Nuremberg trials were created immediately (in 1945 when WW2 ended). Irma Grese was one of the female SS guards who was judged and sentenced to death in December 13, 1945. She was hanged by a famous British hangman named Albert Pierrepoint. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
I'm not saying the German race, specifically the German females who worked at the concentration camps were all bad. It is known in history, some female SS guards quit their job upon seeing the cruelty that took place. Those SS females I mentioned were sadistic. Once again in a court of law, the judges observed their confessions before making a decision. They were not just executed for no reason. This deserves a *Facepalm* -
Army Veteran
I didn't mean the Nuremberg Trials took place in 1948 - they were spread out over a couple of years. "1948" was the year the charge of "crimes against humanity" was created as a charge against the Nazis. Since what they were supposed to have done happened before this, and the charge was specifically designed for the purpose of prosecuting the defendants, this makes it an ex post facto law and highly illegal. ¶ Regardless, there is one thing that I think we can both agree on: both sides had criminals among their ranks - people who took their authoritative power a couple of decibels higher than their job description. Unless your level of denial drops to moron 3rd class, it shouldn't be a reflection on the entire military body. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
But Irma Grese, Elisabeth Volkenrath, Juana Bormann and Josef Kramer, a Commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau to name more notorious Nazis were all sentenced to death in the same date of December 13, 1945. Quote: "it shouldn't be a reflection on the entire military body." I believe there were bad apples among the SS guards, and many bad apples, that's for sure, cause I have a long list of Nazi war criminals. Moving on to Josef Mengele, he told his son Rolf Mengele of the atrocities in Auschwitz and how the Nazi organization and system was to blame. His son could not understand how human beings can act in such a cruel manner: -
Army Veteran
"But Irma Grese, Elisabeth Volkenrath, Juana Bormann and Josef Kramer, a Commandant of Auschwitz-Birkenau to name more notorious Nazis were all sentenced to death in the same date of December 13, 1945" - by who? Which impartial legal body on the side of the allies sentenced their enemies to death? ¶ Josef Mengele maintained his innocence to his son until the day he died. And while the two were estranged due to the war and the accusations against Josef Mengele, Rolf still maintained a relationship with his father. Although he (Rolf) may have publicly distanced himself from his father for what the world was accusing him of, it's hard to understand why he would want to maintain secret ties with him based on that kind of past. ¶ Ever hear of "CANDLES"? (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiment Survivors). How can "deadly lab experiments" leave so many survivors? One of its well-known advocates was Eva Kor, a supposed victim of the experiments on twins. But even in her recollections, she can't give any kind of specific details of any tests that were done. Everything she described about her and her sister's experience was nothing but conjecture. She talks about being injected with something and then developing a fever. What she is describing is being treated for typhus - but take note "typhus" is never mentioned. She also mentioned how her sister died from a bad kidney - 30 YEARS LATER (but it just HAD to be the medical experiments). ¶ Keep combing the approved history books - you may luck out and find something that hasn't been censored.
Besides Jews, many other groups were targeted for destruction. They included the handicapped, mentally ill, Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals and political dissidents. The Holocaust is the name given to the systematic murder of 6 million Jews by the Nazi regime.
Army Veteran
I haven't had a specific reason to do research on most of the groups you mentioned, but I can tell you that homosexuals were not "targets of destruction" - they were discriminated against, of course. The one thing Germans prized themselves on was their high moral values. Homosexuals were simply rounded up and forced to wear pink triangles on their prison-issue clothing. They were targeted and persecuted by fellow inmates. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Discrimination leads to hate, followed by murder. Homosexuals were a bad example to the Aryan race. The only religious group that was not targeted were the Seventh-Day Adventists. Hitler admired their lifestyle by their nutrition studies, having a day of rest to avoid mental exhaustion, children discipline according to the teachings of the Bible and etc. The Seventh-Day Adventist church leaders in Germany and Austria released a declaration, saying they "deeply regret" any participation in or support of Nazi activities during the war. -
Army Veteran
What do you mean by "The only religious groups that were not targeted..."? Hitler supported the churches - he was a Catholic. One of the laws he created was to all German workers time off to attend church. ¶ Hitler "admired children discipline according to the teachings of the Bible"? Where are you trying to go with this? Many religions raised their children according to the teachings of the Bible - but Hitler preferred Seventh-Day Adventists and targeted the rest? What about the strict teachings of the Hitler Youth - does that not figure into it anywhere? This is where they received their indoctrination of hate, don't forget - if the mainstream narrative is to be believed. ¶ Can you find any links to support homosexuals being exterminated or does that only come in the mainstream version? ¶ Releasing a declaration from the Seventh-Day Adventists regretting support for the Nazis during the war is something almost everyone did. The way the Germans and everyone associated with them were being treated by the allies after the war, a mass exodus as far away from the Nazis as possible would have been triggered. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The Seventh-Day Adventists voted for Hitler. They believed him until matters got worse in Germany. Actually Hitler was born a Catholic. It doesn't mean he died as one, since it is obvious Catholics believe in "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." During Hitler’s life, he rebelled against the decision of staying a Catholic, deliberately doing poorly in school, as he constantly fought with his father and teachers, hoping his lack of progress would mean his father would let him pursue his passion for art.
European hatred and animosity against Jews was centuries old by the time Hitler came along. He targeted them because they were an easy target for his hatred, IMHO. 12/27/22
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