• Those who don't evolve die and those who are alive are evolving just not at the same pace.
  • Apparently not. We seem to be simply revolving.
  • i saw a discovery program about evelution.. they did a computer generation going from neandathal man to now on how we have evolved.. then on to about 20,000 yrs in the future and we going to look like the alien the greys it was funny..
  • Yes human and all nature continues to evolve.
  • It is impossible to not evolve. We are adaptations of our environment, and thus will react to the outside stimuli. It is definitely possible to "regress" if exposed to adverse conditions. We cannot see the changes because we live for only a short time; evolutionary change takes place over thousands of years~
  • It seems not only are we evolving it seems the process is accelerating This surprised me when I heard about it to be fair.
  • If we are still adapting then yes we are still evolving!
  • Nope. Stopped in the late '60's! ;-)
  • Some in the wrong direction
  • If this was the case then why is there no ape that is half human as this would be a natural evolving dynamic.Reason is easy. Evolution is not possible in the way that we turned from ape to human.
  • Of course! Are humans perfect? I think not... therefore we must be evolving... Evolution never ends because there is so much genetic variation in the world.
  • At the top of the food chain and no need to hunt, disease and mortality is the only natural selection forcing evolution in humans. All others the result of manmade unnatural forces, and decisions selecting traits with the end result called evolution. Evolution is not a force acting of its own accord but merely the culmination of traits selected for by nature or in Man's case.. ourselves.
  • here's an interesting idea: I was working at a high school when I was 18 and I noticed that all the younger girls had large breasts- I heard (didn't look into it) that the horimones that they put into milk are the reason. I have no knowledge of what horimones dairy companies really pump into milk or if the horimones could affect a human. If that is the truth. Humans would be evolving that direction. don't laugh at my answer; Its a legitimate thought.
  • Absolutely. However de-volving is a possibility. We no longer live in harmony with the Planet and the flora and fauna that inhabit it. So we mav be evolving ourselves to extinction.
  • No because we never have evolved in the first place so we can't still be evolving but if anything we are devolving! Just go to a school nowdays and u will c wat i mean
  • travel breeze i am afraid you are incorect. you see evolution is the theory of humans adapting to change in order to survival. Brest size is actually more asteticial then nessacary. The whole point of the reast is to just supply young with adequte amount of nurishment. People belive that humans have reached there peak and now are infact de evolutinzing. Since the human race now has no natrul preadators and so much assisted leaving we do need as much brain power as we use to to survive against dinosaurs and such. If anything we are only going to become more primitive
  • Absolutely. However de-volving is a possibility. We no longer live in harmony with the Planet and the flora and fauna that inhabit it. So we mav be evolving ourselves to extinction.
  • Yes, anytime doing the nasty is involved people are evolving if they are reprodoucing.
  • No. But apes are. So we look forward to seeing 'Homo Happyend' :)
  • Humans like all successful species continue to evolve and adapt to their world. When our world changes too fast for us to survive we die. Aside from that each new generation is a bit different than the one before.
  • Man is evolving as he sits at his computer. God's will.
  • we are evolving to be more and more disrespectful to each other and other living creatures
  • yes. with improved nutrition we are growing taller.
  • My Dad was born without tonsils or an appendix....That's kind of evolution.
  • That's a tough scientific question. The problem is that, for humans in modern industrialized civilizations, there isn't much selective pressure any longer. Evolution proceeds through natural selection, a statistical process wherein those traits that are most likely to promote reproduction before death are going to be more likely to become commonplace in a population. In the modern world, with medicine, social welfare programs, and an abundance of food, even those with very low intelligence and high risks of developing serious medical conditions can mate, and they are often reproducing more offspring than their smarter, more successful fellow humans. Evolution can work both ways - it doesn't always lead to progress, it simply selects for traits that promote reproduction the most. In a state of a nature, this usually works to promote strength, fitness, and intelligence, but in a world where things come a lot easier, all that really is promoted is making babies, from an evolutionary perspective. There is some genetic evidence suggesting that genetic changes in human populations are still going on, and so the raw material of evolution is still there - mutation, natural vaiation, and population interbreeding. These all help to keep us, at least, being strong stock. That, of course, is only biological evolution. Of course, culturally, and technologically, we're evolving much, much more rapidly. It's very likely that our advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, and computer science will shortly play in a role in our own physical evolution, as we start to modify ourselves, and increasingly merge with our technologies. At some point, we'll have more or less full control of the direction and speed of our evolution, and that's when things get really interesting. That is, unless we aren't careful, and we use our technologies in destructive ways.
  • According to the band "Devo" in ~1977, we're DE-volving! ;-)
  • haha sometimes i wonder if we're "de-evolving" haha
  • When the first person is born with a hole already in their tongue, then we will know for sure.
  • Surely, yes, but even more slowly. Because we have the capacity to make our surroundings adapt to us, rather than adapt to our surroundings, there are less changes that need to be made.
  • Humans are no different than other species of animals as far as evolution goes. We, and other living creatures, whether plants or animals will continue to evolve until we, or they become extinct.
  • Evolution never stops ...
  • Yes, there may be a gene mutation that arises and spreads from interbreeding that makes us stronger and different in some way, but not as drastic as in previous years, since we no longer need to survive harsh environments because we're not living outdoors all the time.
  • I know I am,.,just wish it would happen quickerly. There's a truck load of wrong stuff in me skeleton,thass right aye jimbob. and then there's the messy wiring in my brainz....SHEEESH ;-0)
  • I would say so. I mean just look at the average size of Americans 100 to 200 years ago. 5'6 was TALL for a guy then. It may not be something we cam see, but we are still changing. (Not all for the better either, the way obesity is on the rise.)
  • No evolution is ridiculous& it's still a [theory]....hmmm I wonder why? !lmfao!
  • Jamaica's Usain Bolt need I say more
  • Yes. There is nothing in nature to prevent it. All living things continue to evolve.
  • I am, I hope you are.
  • Yes - we are definitely still evolving! Some dominant traits are kind of funny - ex: having a widow's peak! It's kind of exciting to try and predict what kind of traits and characteristics human might posses 200 years from now :)
  • Of course. Why wouldn't we be? +5
  • I think not!Because if we were then we would not be called humans but have another name!Some new species!
  • Most assuredly.
  • Do you think we'll ever evolve out of god?
  • If you look at pictures of people in the 1800's, you notice that people now are taller and far better looking, Darwin had it right.
  • No, some are actually regressing...
  • As Esteban Your Pumpkin Elect just said: "even your body is evolving, soon it will be dust." But, even if we will soon be dust, chances are some of us may have left some genetic material out there. And, as far as I know, genetic material does change. On the other hand, we are changing our environment, so we don't know how the expressions of our genetic material will cope with that (a very artificial situation) but change is the essence of the Universe and nothing, not even light or black holes or gods can escape from it.
  • I think this process stop for quite awhile ago, not till like half of the human is death this process won't start again...
  • Evolution is ongoing - but it doesn't happen, as some posters have suggested, over hundreds of years, but millions of years.
  • their are six types of evolution and the only one that i believe in (and the ONLY one to EVER be observed) is Microevolution Variations within kinds. the other 5 types of "evolution" (note quotations)are: Macroevolution, Organic evolution, Stellar and planetary evolution, Chemical evolution and Cosmic evolution. this last one refers to the big bang which is when EVERYTHING was made from NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For more information on these types of evolution go to,000
  • Evolution is a coninuous, never ending process.
  • No! There is such a process as Genetic modification, although naturally, Man develops what he has, including his brain.
  • I for one pray it is so.
  • Non-republicans, yes.
  • of course we are, you see it every day, and fascinatingly and perhaps rather unfortunatley we are the only animals so have such a catalytic effect on the evolution of our surroundings. i think the difference to the world around us is the true protrayal of just how much we have atually evolved, and are still evolving, or some may call it regressing?
  • Evolution is not continuous. It starts and stops in relation to environmental changes -- and for human beings also social (mass psycho-sexual) pressures. The norm for any species is stasis, when the environment is in equilibrium. Human intelligence and technology actually insulate us from environmental pressures to evovle biologically: we adapt by evolving institutionally, socially, and technologically instead. But we are also social animals with an inate class-consciousness and desire for status -- because superior status translates to superior feeding and breeding rights, i.e., the preservation of ones own genes. Human society being somewhat neurotic, it elevates certain traits that have no intrinsic superior survival value. Europeans and Asians accelerated their own "whiteness" - perhaps far in excess of what is actually beneficial in the wild - because fair skin indicated higher social status, and thus often was accorded higher social status with its benefits. Now, with the age of political correctness and racial integration in the West, we're likely to see a trend in the opposite direction. I think in America we already are. East Asia, however, remains mired in the idea that fair-skinned people are superior to dark skinned people. However, the broad availability of cosmetic surgery (and in Asia "skin whitening agents") allow people that don't have "the right genes" to alter their appearance to look like they do, and the subterfuge works. So once again, human technology and ingenuity is doing an end run around "sexuual selection" just as it has done an end run around "natural selection". However, as was demonstrated in "The Bell Curve" a decade ago, the human race is splitting into two separate kinds in terms of intelligence. The removal of most barriers to social and geographic mobility has allowed the smart from all quarters and walks to meet and mate, while leaving the less smart languishing in their hometowns breeding with each other. The result: the smart are getting smarter and the dumb are getting dumber. Some have suggested that in time it may produce two different species as eventually members of each group will have such disdain for the other group, that nothing can induce them to mate with each other. But they forget the "Boys will be boys" factor - disdain for the other class makes cross-class rape and non-marital sexual escapades (victimizing the women, of course) even more likely. So in that one, nature has the last laugh.
  • faster than ever
  • yes every animal is evolving just very slowly, i mean look at where humans are now compared to 50,000 thousand years ago when we were living in caves and running around half naked
  • Sometimes I wonder if advancements in medical science forced Darwin to leave the building.
  • It's not like we could just turn it off for a respite. All things are constantly evolving. Whether or not human will advantageous mutations that are expressed (and noticeable), well... that's a different thing. sendschie
  • With the exception of neo-Nazis and the like. ;-)
  • So long as things around us change, as will we...we'll have to to keep up and keep going.
  • The process of selection both natural and unnatural never ceases.
  • yes and no. even though things are continually changing, humans tend do have alot of repeats.
  • We can only hope !!
  • yes. i don't know all the ways, but an obvious one would be the average height is getting taller.
  • Nope.......they never did evolve ..
  • I certainly hope so. If this is where we stop, the species is in trouble. Seriously, of course we're still evolving, but macroevolution of the type that resulted in H. sapiens occurs at a slow pace. It's not observable in a single lifetime.
  • As far as we know, all known life forms are still evolving.
  • "The only way to truly stop any biological organism from evolving is extinction."

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