zombies, by a long shot!!!!
Zombies, definitely. They're gross and decaying and smell like dead people. Vampires are usually hot and cultured and charismatic.
I've dated both... not much of a difference.
I don't mind vampires. They can be alright. They're usually quite nice, really... Forgetting about the blood sucking and stuff but...they can fly. Come on. Zombies are dirty and angry and evilness. I'll go with them.
FOR REAL? Dude, Zombies are terrifying and vampires...well i kinda want to be one
Zombies, vampires fascinate me
Personally, I'm terrified of zombies.
Zombies....vampires are just cool.
yea, but Vampires are smart. Dumb baddies are easy, its the smart ones ya gotta watch out for.
Zombies are scarier. you can make deals with vampires, and I'd like to be one. Zombies just moan and infect people.
Zombies! If one popped out of the grave and come at me, I'll scream!!!
Zombies! They are terrifying. Vampires seem quite elegant and refined in their horrific tendencies. But, since neither of them really exists, we needn't truly be frightened.
Vampires because they suck blood. Zombies? I can outrun them anytime :)
Vampires lol
Zombies of course! Zombies are usually very pleasant to be around. I wanna be one.
Zombies win this subject for the reason of their ugly appearance.
Trump's a vampire and his followers are zombies. Frankly I don't know which is worse....:)π
Trump's a vampire and his followers are zombies. Frankly I don't know which is worse....:)π
As a young boy, zombies were scarier (maybe because vampires just went after the hot babes - usually just ONE hot babe - but zombies were indiscriminate, killing whoever the voodoo doctor wanted). In more modern stories we have plagues of contagious vampires and plagues of contagious zombies...and so they're about the same except that vampires are typically cunning while zombies are slow in body and mind. Since both are completely fictional, as an adult I don't find them even the slightest bit scary.
Since I don't live in a fantasy world, I can't answer such a nonsensical question. I do see people responding, however, who I've always suspected to have a summer home in Fantasyland. It speaks volumes about their credibility. π
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You believe Trump won the election. Well I think Hillary won her election too. What do you think of that?
Neither. They are both fictional characters so thereβs no need to be afraid of actors in costume and make up
Neither since they are fairy tales.
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