They might be generic ibuprofen tablets... . I recommend not ingesting them if you don't know what they are (Duh!)...;-D..
Found a really neat site: that can assist you in finding out what it is. DON'T take them without knowing positively what they are. Your pharmacist may also be willing to help.
theses could be numours things but my best guess would be steorids
I have heard that Ecstasy can be brown, though according to Wiki, they usually have some kind of monogram imprint. I wouldn't take them to find out! If you found them in someone's belongings (a mate or your kids), I would definitely have them tested to find out what they are. Otherwise, you should probably flush them.
Linda Joy
Never flush medications! You can make the fishies sick, or impotent! Cover them with water so they dissolve, then put them in the trash.
Are they iron tablets? I'm taking them at the moment, and they are similar to how you've described those. I think you need to find out what they are for sure, though! :-)
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