I would out of curiosity, if it were free and emailed to me.
If it were science fiction, I'd at least give it a chance.
I would read any book if it appealed to me. I even read Harry Potter.
Yup, probably. I'll give anything a chance.
Are there wizards and dragons ? I'd give it a try yep :-)
I would....I think you'd write a good book :)
Sure, will it include AB in some way? If so, will it include me in some way? Haha jk:P
If your book had pictures, I'd browse through it.:-)
I would start ... If I could figure out what it was about, and if I liked the subject, I would at least read some ... if it was any good I would continue ...
If I though the subject of the book sounded interesting I would gladly give it a shot. :)
Sure especially if it was love advice I think you would write an awesome book on that subject.
Would it be a "pop-up" book? I love those!
I think I would
Well, I read your profile "about me". I would read the synopsis and then decide if it sounded interesting. Like if it was a book about "how to skin a cat", then, No.
I give any book at least 50 pages to hook me. If it hasn't hooked me by then it's going in the trash (and maybe thrown across the room first).
depends what its about.
Yes. Actually. Now reading all of it depends entirely upon how good it is. But sure I'd give it a read.
Only if it sounds good, has a cool title, and a good cover. I judge books by their cover.
Sure. I read a lot and I am sure I have read worse. I know I have.
What would it be about? And yes, probably. I read most books I can get my hands on, as long as they're not pornographic, westerns, or obvious Tolkein wannabes. (I haven't even read LOTR- sue me, I got bored after the first 350 pages of The Hobbit.)
I would most likely want to check it out and if it was one that appealed to me...YES I WOULD!
Yes ...sure , I would ! I am sure it would be good :) !
I sure would.
Depends on the subject. I love fantasy! But, if you made it intriguing enough in the beginning, then, you might change my whole view about books.
I don't think so
A free book? Why not read it?
That depends if I like the title.
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