Never offended me...I wonder if giving your email here is a good idea.
Linda Joy
I help people. If I couldn't do that, then what I've been through, was all for nothing. And I refuse to allow that. Thank you for your concern though! It's a valid one,! I never give out my last name, And generally it's a bad idea for security reasons! Thank you for pointing that out!
No. But Azlotto is right. Posting one's e-mail in an open forum will result in you getting spammed mercilessly (bots crawl every page of the internet continually, looking for such things, to make a list and sell it to seedy people who wish for you to buy aluminum siding).
Mr PantsFellDown
I once offered beaker the address of one of my still-born forums I made, because I figured THERE he could message me privately, and email addresses could be swapped that way safely. .....I suppose a facebook account would work for that. Posting an email address in a private message is safe enough. -
Mr PantsFellDown
Here is one of those dead forums now. The link goes to a thread where members can post daily updates, with pictures and such, to be in on each other's daily lives. All three members you'll find there are me (Charlie is the founder account, and Shakey Pete who looks like Hitler and pees on things all the time, well he figures he's gonna have to pee anyway, and of course The Moose) So if anyone wants to message me privately, go there, sign up, and message "Charlie". -
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh and beaker doesnt seem to be talking to me now...I suppose that's because I started out jovial and turned into an angry old man who would even swear occasionally. Well...I should stay away from politics, because things are VERY VERY SERIOUS here now, and the only way to feel ok is to not be reminded, but politics is everywhere, so...that's a shame. I actually came here intially to avoid that sort of thing AND JUST TELL JOKES. But it's hard to tell jokes when the idiots of the country elect a party that takes your food away as youre entering old age, and so you have to worry about going homeless, all because of STUPIDITY. it's hard to ignore that. I really dont eat ok anymore. I'm not going to be able to be funny all the time, when such serious horsehlt is afoot. But there ya go. So did I spam here with my forum address? Ah so what. Go join it, you can swear all you want there and I wont punish you! (The place has NO RULES. Just be nice to each other is a suggestion.) -
Mr PantsFellDown
Oh and beaker *snif* ...I've really missed the comradery which was you. -
Linda Joy
He was gone for a while man lot of the summer. Maybe he just hasn't seen you since you've been back. -
Linda Joy
Hey if you Google my name a Facebook page will come up that's got my balloon heart that says joy on it and there's a page on there designed to help people that are homeless or concerned they may be going homeless it's a dead page I can't access it anymore I don't even think I can comment on it but there is some hopefully helpful information there. Maybe I should start a new page on my current fb account. I just don't go there much anymore. It's mostly for family and real life friends, but I may need to make a new private one now that that it's gone public. -
Mr PantsFellDown
There are 5 pages of Linda Joy's on fb. This might require a link. Are you the one with the tremendous booty, the boobs large enough to require chiropractic help, or the lawsuit against Bill Cosby? don't have antennae do ya? Hmm...there really are a lot. I googled like you said, but found no balloon. -
Linda Joy
Never mind. I can't find my homeless page anymore. Guess I should make a new one. -
Linda Joy
I may need to trade my phone service for an ISP.
Has something taken place that you hope you did not offend? You have not ever offended me at any time. I know my niece is way too easy to offend and she needs to grow up and be the woman she is. She is in her 30's now.
Linda Joy
I have offended. I must first make restitution and amends to the best of my ability before even asking forgiveness from them and then The Father. If they don't let me then I've done all I can, as long as I'm truly sorry for any offense. And I am. -
Rick Myres
I agree with you; that is the way to handle any time that happens. Hang emotionally tuff. -
Linda Joy
I'm good. Just doing what I can to set things right. Thank you.
Sob sob boo hoo! I'm cut to the quick. Sob, Sob. I'm going to go and stand in the freeway and eat chocolate . . . or something. Naw! You're OK by me kiddo. If we happen to disagree then so be it - we disagree. If someone disagrees with you here don't take it to heart. If someone insults you it only confirms the credibility of their argument. By the way I don't even like to drive on Houston's moron infested freeway system let alone stand in it and I don't need to be upset to eat chocolate. Also I think Azlotto might be right about putting your e-mail out there.
Linda Joy
Did you read my response to Azlotto? Milk or dark chocolate? I understand the risks. I've had trolls and stalkers. This "kiddo" is old and ready to go home. But if I can help someone before then I'm going to try. Though in this instance it's for my own repentance.
There is nothing wrong with offending anyone. It's when you do it out of hate or spite that things escalate.
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