No! Of course not!
NO! I recently heard of 90something year old who went skydiving for the first time!! You are never too old for anything...
I turned 42 last month. First, thanks for making me feel just a little older! Second, if your body and mind can do it, DO IT! In the past year I've been snowshoeing in the mountains, catching trout by hand and releasing them in a river, snorkeling in Hawaii, hiking through a volcano, get out there and grab life by the nads and give it a twist!
No way!! Go for it! I know some brilliant 60 year old skiers.
You're NEVER too old for anything
Not at all!
Oh no ...Not at all !!! :-)
Never too old to learn anything grammy, im 45 and thinking of taking driving lessons!! Let me know if you do take lessons ok???? good luck x
No way!! Go ahead! Have fun!!
Not at all. My MIL started to go cross country skiing with us when she was 76:-) And she continued until she was about 84,loved every minute of it, bought her own skis and had a great time:-)
Probably worth avoiding Ski Jumping, though
I learned to ski at 40 became a ski instructor at 43 learned to snowboard at 45 and now at 50 teach both and can ski anything any where, well almost I have seen some videos of guys skiing stuff I wouldn't
Just think: next year at this time you could be skiing instead of wondering the dreaded "am I too old"...? Just go do it and have fun. :)
Absolutely NOT! You have to moderate your ultimate goals a bit in that you probably won't be grabbing "big air" off of the half-pipe. But I've taught people how to ski in their mid-30s. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to learn. It does help (but is not absolutely necessary) if you've done some other sport that can be 'translated' into the 'language' of skiing. For example, I had one person who used to ice skate who picked up the idea of skiing very quickly. Another person related skiing stance and motions to those used in basketball. Go for it and good luck! "Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way...turn" --- Charles de Mar in "Better Off Dead"
Abram moutain Maine, west side learning park ; park ticket, ski rental, and hour and half leasson, $30 that is a real good deal it is probable one of the last ski schools left that understand the importance of making it affordable for beginners most moutains would be more than twice that amount ($70 and up) Late feb. early march is a good time to learn days are warmer and snow is soft don't wait to long snow gets heavy like mashed potatoes in late march
Get out there and start skiing, young lady!!
oh, you silly, wacky 42-year olds crack me up! Just do it!
no, my mom is 50 and she learned how to snowboard, and she has problems with her knee. So go for it you'll have fun, just be careful.
You can learn anything. Just don't break a hip.
No. I don't believe so.
of course not, one is never too old to learn something new, so i say go for it.
As long as you are physically fit there should be no problem. But go slow.
Absolutely not. It's a riot too. My frist time down the mountain I spent largely on my butt but laughed the whole way too.
No, give it a shot. You might enjoy it. Just stay on the easy slopes.
Absolutely not. I started skiing in 2004 aged 48. I loved it.
I have taught many people to ski as well as snowboard and some of my best students have been over 50. Most memorable snowboard lesson was a couple who did very very well. He was 78 and she was 81 at the time. They come up at least once a year and always stop by to tip me for the lesson even though it took place 5 years ago. So far I have made $100 off them but I always buying them drinks at the bar on the sly.
your never to old to learn new skills
Never too old too learn anything.
Nope. I was skiing at a good level until I was 47. If you avoid any injuries that have chronic aftereffects you could ski well beyond that.
hell my dad is almost 60 and is just learning to drive!
Yep. Sorry, the cut off age is 41 and 6 just missed it! jk--Of course, you can still learn it!
I went with a group that 2 ppl were 55 and skiied first time. So now its almost a year since you asked that? Did you learn to ski yet?????
no way! youre still young. im 34 and never been skiing either~ im not that much younger than you, and i dont consider myself too old. i think its never to late to try something new (as long as you have the physical ability to do so). whats nice is my boyfriend is a black diamond skiier and a ski instructor~ i know he will be a great teacher. whereas before i felt a little uneasy about skiing, now that i have confidence in getting good ski instruction, i look forward to eventually getting up on the slopes with him. i hope you got a chance to do it this year grammy robin. :D
no! never to old to learn!...go for it
No! of course not! if you want to learn to ski, just go for it.
never too old to learn anything!
I was 4 when i learned how to ski.I need to learn why i'm having a child at 42
42! you're still a boy!
one is never too old to learn
Depends ... How would you handle an unexpected, uninvited 'call' to suddenly 'do the splits'? LOL Do you think you would 'do your adductors' if you were suddenly called upon to do the splits!? In other words, what sort of thigh flexibility do you have??
You're Never too old to learn I know of someone who learnt at the age of 73! I'm 45 suffer with a bad back and don't have any trouble skiing just not as mad as i did when 18!
Never too old to learn anything.
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