For me it's going on age 85.
Cry me a River
Haha, I’m thinking like 2 or 3 :)) -
Cry me a River
Not that that is when I stopped,. I do not know at what age it was when I stopped, but it has been awhile.
At least 496 years old. I am 80 and still act pretty goofy at times.
I don't think there is any particular age. Sometimes goofiness keeps one young at heart.
i dont think youre ever too old to act goofy
Your never to old to act goofy or have fun. Your only s old as you believe you are. You can be young forever, if your young at heart
In my opinion, you're NEVER too old...ENJOY life while it lasts!!!
You are never too old to be a goofball. lol
Are you kidding me? Old age gives you EXCUSES to act goofy again! You can blame dementia, altzheimer's, brain shrinkage, brain damage, schizophrenia, drug and alcohol abuse in your youth... And the beat goes on...
Some might say never, but, if you are particularly old, they might take away your rights or put you into a home. So, it depends.
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