Is this a serious question?
No I do not,
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
If not it still got over 100 answers.
It hadn't crossed my mind. I don't think so.
He doesn't even want the word "God" or any religion to intervene with our government. So how can he be the antichrist?
Not unless I'm a Satan worshipper...
OOPS! Repeat.
Do you mean OSAMA?
He needs one more letter in his last name to have the number of the beast (666).
Refering biblically... he does have amazing speaking skills Also, Hilary is the devil And James Earl Jones is the false prophet Guard your a**holes from the devil of the sky
No, apart from being male, he doesn't fit any other criteria for being the anti-Christ.
Don't be silly. EVERYONE knows Jerry Springer is the Antichrist.
No I think you're the Antichrist.
No..seriously do you think that? What in the world would make you think that?
No he is not the Antichrist.
No, but he may be about to take over from the anti-christ???
If Barack's the anti-christ I've gotta join Satan's side.
no, but I bet a few christians out there have decided he is !
Hilary is the auntiechrist
that is strange you ask that because just this morning I had that thought pass through my mind "could he be" certainly a likeable guy, maybe, hope not I kinda like him
First of all..barack is well spoken and has good communication..Does that mean he will change anything..I don't think so.Where are his qualifications to run as president.I would rather have Hillary etc only because of our situation in the middle east..Everyone seems to think we will be safe but I personally think something bad will happen and I would rather have a qualified person in office.Bush was destroyed because of Iraq but whoever was in office at that time would have also received the same.When and if the troops come home..look has only just begun..As far as being the anti-christ..who knows..he could very well be and hopefully we won't find out..
no, i think he could be considered that by those neoconservatives who are afraid that their plan for world domination shall be stopped
There is no doubt of it.
Actually, from what I've seen, I wouldn't rule out the possibility. I think we are living in the last days of this age and the Bible tells us alot about a strong political leader that will rise to power and seem to have all the answers to the world's problems. He will deceive many. The good news is that before the antichrist can be revealed, Jesus Christ will come to take his Church home to glory!! Are you ready for the rapture? You can be by repenting of your sins and receiving Jesus Christ by faith as your Saviour and Lord! Call on him today...while he still may be found. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and he will forgive you if you call on him by faith.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the Iranian President is the antichrist count the letters in his name 6-6-6
Absolutely not.
If he is, I guess we'll all know soon enough.
The anti-christ will not be revealed until the "Church" is removed. After that there will be no restraint on evil and there will be Hell on Earth.
You're not serious!? Please tell me this is a joke !?
Well, My personal opinion is that since the Bible says the Antichrist is being held back by the Holy Spirit and won't be revealed till the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way; and since the Holy Spirit is in me and other born-again believers and we are still here; because God will never leave me, that means we will be raptured out of here before the Antichrist is revealed. Search the Word of God, my friend. and God bless you
Just to clarify for myself - nowhere did I say that I actually believe it. I happened to run across an article that suggested the possibility. Please don't draw any conclusions about my personal beliefs, I was asking for your opinions.
I think the antichrist is more like sadam husane or Hillary and Bill Clinton. But I do think Bahama Mama should be careful about getting into the White House....would be able to call it the White House anymore???
The antichrist will be of jewish origin and will most likley be leader of a european anti christian state
yes i think obama is a satan worshipper. he showed the sign of 2 fingers horn in texas assembly
No, that award goes to Dr. James Dobson.
I think it's a good possibility. Just think about the similarities..... He has risen up out of no where, he mesmerizes crowds, people are flocking to him in huge numbers for no apparent reason other than the fact that he speaks well, he is likely becoming the next President of the United States. Do not look only to what I say, but look to your Bibles, to passages in John, Daniel, and Revelations. Another interesting point.....Daniel chapter 11, verse 37: "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers." Well, Barack Obama's father was a Muslim. Obama has stated repeatedly that he is not a Muslim and he supposedly belongs to a "Christian" church.
um, what? No. What makes you think that.
no, I don't
The high rise to fame and popularity i suppose.
I have no idea why these people keep trying to steal my damn title, but it's getting annoying.
So, where did this tid bit of BS come from? I didn't realize anyone did.
Because its like the Sacco and Vanzetti trial where they were found guilty of murder by Judge Thayer and executed because they were Italian anarchist
I thought Hilary Clinton was the anti christ?
Personally, I don't know. I just know I don't care for the man.
They really don't. Their agenda is simply to stir up negative feelings about him. They can get away with calling him the Antichrist, and even get some to willingly agree. Calling him the "N" word would meet some resistance; they've simply found another word to replace it.
Because some people are idiots.
Nah. He's still the candidate I support. What happens happens, and none of us can be worried about it...because no one really knows how and when the world is going to end. Why stress over something we can't control?
Obamas yo mama
Who thinks Obama is the "anti-christ". This is a new bit of propaganda BS I had not heard. And as to the "christian dogma", what does that have to do with "mayan dogma"? So are you saying that there are christians that are following Mayan dogma? Doesn't that break the first commandment? So all of the people you are talking about will obviously go to their christian hell. Oh, and no, none of it worries me.
I believe due to facts from the bible there is a great chance of being so from that to the Mayan calander The bible talks about 3 great years... Then the down fall the mayan calender ends 2012 when Our 3 years of wonderfull promising stuff ends! he would be elected right on time for 3 years of the bibles predictions
no, because my ex is the antichrist!
My thoughts are that some people are idiots. If you can't recognize a good thing when you see it and then go so far as to say that it's an evil thing in disguise, then you aren't someone who I want associate with. Whoever says this is just using hyperbole to spread fear to listeners even dumber and more impressionable than they are.
*ANSWER ORIGINALLY POSTED TO USER "BLUE EYED LULLABY" * Hi blue eyes, I couldnt leave you out here alone, they can attack me too. I suppose, anyone could be the anti-christ. Im not an avid reader of the bible, so I dont believe in the anit-christ, or much of anything for that matter, but I wont look down on anyones religious views, such would be shameful. Nice to see you!
He's a politician, arent't they all potential anti-christs?
Idk if he's "anti-christ" but I just don't like how he never really answers a question about his beliefs. Like when that thing came out about his minister, the one he had willingly gone to for many years, and Obama just talked his way through the controversy without actually saying anything of value. It really shouldn't matter to voters what the President's religion is unless of course he or she will use their religion to make policies, which they shouldn't do in the first place. I think that we should choose our president based on the issues that matter, however Obama doesn't seem to have much of an opinion on that stuff either, so Idk.
I don't think so because would an anti-christ spend so much time in church or talking about religion? I think that if Obama was an anti-christ, he would work hard to dispell Christ.
Anything is possible, but I'm to bitter to answer now. Have to clean my gun before I take it to church tomorrow.
I don't know about that, but I'm not voting for him (just in case).
No, it's just a lie spread by Hilary Clinton fanboys.
I am wondering why he is alive and I cannot get a straight answer from the Muslims who are on this site or Yahoo answers. If he was born to Muslim parents and went to Muslim schools. Can he convert to the Christian Faith? I an no Muslim but I have heard that you cannot leave the Muslim Faith. Why then, If this is TRUE is he calling himself a Christian. What denomination is he?
Not according to my spiritual beliefs. (I don't believe Christ was the Son of God, and therefore don't believe in an anti-Christ.) :) I am in favor of Obama. He comes from a family much like mine in the "religious" sense. (No, that's not why I prefer him.) His mother didn't have a formal religion, but was a spiritual guide for him to make that choice when older. His father was not a practicing anything, and was absent from his life almost entirely. The only candidate that I absolutely don't want to see as president is Hillary Clinton. It's not because of the church she belongs to. (IF she even DOES. I wouldn't look at religion as anything to do with a person's ability to lead a country, unless their religion would get in the way of the greater good of the population... Like I think Huckabee's would have.) I certainly hope someone doesn't base whether or not I am capable in my profession by my religious and spiritual beliefs.
What is your understanding of who the Anti-Christ is?
In my opinion, ... no. Doesn't the Bible say that the antichrist was already in the world? The only possible answer for me would be ... Satan is the antichrist. After all, he does come as "an angel of light", does he not?
oooops, meant to be a comment.
just because he doesnt swear on the bible doesnt mean anything ever thought he finds it disrespectful to swear on a bible or he could be trying to say he beleives in the old saying government and the church are seperate hmm where have i heard that one from hmmmm im not sure anyone that knows should tell me hmmm lol i know but ill leave on that note to give a few a chance to look it up and learn something thanks the iron man
Barack Obama is not the anti christ, he does not fit the criteria. He is a flash in the pan, nothing more. But the anti christ is alive and well here on this earth.
I think he is because in the Bible it says that the Antichrist will be someone everyone looks up to. ALOT Of people look up to Obama. Now this is my opninion I am definately not certain on this. But I would rather McCain win rather than Obama. You may be offended by what i'm about to say but it's just plain fact. People are racist. Alot of people are racist. And he says he's mixed with African American. You know alot of people won't like that. But I believe Obama might win because he's winning the public over. No one will really know.
I wouldn't take it that far, but Barack Hussein Obama would be very bad for America if he were elected.
Im going to bite my tongue and keep my comments to myself. (but im not going to disagree)
yes and america is bad for america with bush as presidant
You are retarded! It is part of the muslim religion to KILL christians. Obama is a muslim pretending to be christian because he knows its that easy to fool retarded liberals like you. Everything wrong with this countriy can be layed at the feet of liberals like you. And newsflash! this country had financal trouble long before Bush came to office. If liberals like you would stop giving free money to people who are to lazy to work, it would help alot. On 9/11, thousands of innocent people died and Bush wanted to make sure it didn't happen again. He did what anyone with common sense and a pair of balls would've done. (because he's conservative) Bush would never had anything to do with muslims. Why would he, when they murdered so many of our people. Of course muslims own gas stations, that's why the price keeps going up! If you were conservative, that bit of logic would not elude you. Conservatives stand for logic and moral values. Liberals base their thinking on their friends' thinking and are downright evil. Obama fits the description of the anti-christ perfectly.
There is no doubt of it.
-, not at all. It's all the right-wing propagandists that don't want him elected that are spreading idiot lies that are "anti-christs." Just like the ones who keep insisting that he's actually a Muslim...which he is not. Don't like a candidate? Don't vote for that candidate. But seriously...all the juvenile lies and mud-slinging really sickens me. No one is completely innocent of it, but the worst of it seems to always come from the right.
Obama is a fool manipulated by unprincipled power-brokers. He's slick, plastic, and charismatic, with zero substance.
No. The antichrist will come from the European Union. My 2 cents.
No matter who is elected, their first term will end roughly the same time as the Mayan calender does. To call anyone the Anti-Christ without any substantial evidence is just crazy. Just my opinion.
Doesn't worry me -- I'm not Christian and I think the idea of an anti-christ is pretty ridiculous. Obama may not be the best candidate ever, but he seems a better choice to me than the other guy.
Everything about Hussein worries me.
I am striving to remain calm.
I'm neither Mayan nor Christian, so I'm not required to "believe in" eschatology (the end of the world). I expect that the world will come to an end when our sun becomes a nova, pretty soon, about 12 billion years or so.
Didn't he just return from Europe and then immediately went on vacation! He sounds perfect to be president! Maybe he'll break georges record for the biggest number of days in a row on vacation! I think he once took a vacation and when he returned he went on another one the following day! That's going to be tough to beat!
There is no way Obama is the anti-Christ. I don't see him going around trying to tell everyone he's God. He's just Obama, a man who has hopes for the future. What's wrong with that? I guess there are people in this world who are just too paranoid.
No one will know who the anti-christ is until he makes his move. Granted, he does seem to fit "some" of the criteria, but so do many others. The anti christ is supposed to be charismatic, able to work miracles (I don't think that is meant in the literal sense..a balanced budget, affordable health care, reasonable gas prices, jobs, booming economy..all sound rather "miraculous" to me), bring peace to the world (in a manner of speaking) and bring life to the beast. I don't even have a theory on who or what the beast is. The only thing that worries me a bit is his Muslim background and the idea SOME (notice that I said SOME..not ALL) of them have that anyone who does not convert should/will be killed. I am not prepared to attach the label of anti christ to anyone, but I do believe that he may make his appearance in our lifetime. And I could be completely wrong.
No. I can't believe this is even still being brought up.
Honestly yes this does worry me a bit because it is in the bible in Revelations that the Anti-Christ will be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, he will destroy everything. However even if I had never read this or heard this I still would not be a supporter of Obama.
The book of Revelations was written almost 400 years before Muhammad created the Quran. Revelations says no such thing.
He can't be the anti-christ. Someone just accused ME of that! Unless, of course, there could be more than one? :o Seriously, no it doesn't worry me. It's just ignorant propaganda, used to steer uninformed voters away from the facts.
I find it hilarious that Christians somehow think that the Mayan Calender marks the end of the world, since the year 2000 in the Roman Calender wasn't it. I would also find it amazingly funny if it WAS true that Obama is the anti-Christ because it's just improbable. If it's the case, well then there's no way of averting it and he will be elected to office so why bother? The rapture will occur regardless of your mortal actions.
Christian groups have been calling people the Anti-Christ for centuries. I wouldn't get too alarmed.
I had a good laugh at this one! Some people are soooo dramatic
No. The antichrist will appear in the middle east posing as Jesus returned.
Not at all.
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