There isn't a regulation prohibiting hands in pockets, but it is a custom and tradition in the US military to keep them hands in the open. Furthermore, there doesn't need to be a regulation. If you are given an order by an NCO or officer to keep your hands out of your pockets, you are obligated to obey. Standing around with hands your pockets looks sloppy and does not connotate a military bearing.
Task & Purpose reached out to Headquarters Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia, in an effort to learn the specific source of this policy. The Marine Corps pointed us to Marine Corps Order P1020.34G, the order on Marine Corps uniform regulations, which contains a specific change that reads: ?The use of chewing gum, chewing tobacco, cigarettes; hands in pockets; or the consumption of food or beverage while walking in uniform or while in formation, are examples of activities that detract from an appropriate military presence. However, good judgment will govern the application of this policy in the field environment.?
I honestly dont know. BUT.... I wouldnt even listen to CannedHam's advice. Just because a higher-ranking official tells u to do something, doesnt always mean you should do it. Yes, I would say to respect them and all, but if a Sgt tells you to do something over one of his pet-peeves, then that's BS. Like I said, I try to be respectful, especially to a person of a senior rank. But Im not gunna strive to excel to his standards just because it gives him the warm and fuzzy.
The more I think about it the more I realize I've crossed over into the land of old curmudgeon. The first thing I would tell you is it comes down to appearance. I do know the order was written (kind of like Art. 134) with some wiggle room to take into account situations that have not been specifically addressed. More so, If your hands are in your pocket, you're probably looking like a bag of ass.
Hardcore Conservative
Gotta love those Army gloves! RAH!
I don't know if it's a regulation, but as a Marine I was told you NEVER put your hands in your trouser pockets unless you are pulling something out, or putting something in -- and it held true on every base I went to. I don't recall anyone getting Office Hours (punishment) over it -- but then again, like CannedHam said, if you were ordered to keep your hands out of your pockets, you kept them out of your pockets. They *could* and *would* bust you for disobeying orders, that's for sure! (Plus other Marines don't respect a Marine who disobeys orders -- not a good thing!)
We call your trouser pockets Army-gloves. And Marines don't wear Army-gloves.
Task & Purpose reached out to Headquarters Marine Corps in Quantico, Virginia, in an effort to learn the specific source of this policy. The Marine Corps pointed us to Marine Corps Order P1020.34G, the order on Marine Corps uniform regulations, which contains a specific change that reads:
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