Not all women throw stuff when their mad.
Im not really sure... but I do it!!!! I think that it is similar to punching things for men... it releases an endorphine of some physical nature... and makes us feel better
that is a rather strange question, as it seems to indicate that all women throw things in anger, and that men never do. In my family, my father was the chucker. "People" throw things because they lose control. THey need to learn to keep their hands out of the argument.
Because those women have no way of wording anything and appearnlty do not have the means to communicate properly, so in frustration they throw things..Oh look, a butter dismash
I disagree on the fact that all women do it, but my mother does it. It could be that they're in moment of anger, where they either have to talk it out, beat some thing/one or throw objects.
Not all women. I did once it was a full plate of Spaghetti Bolognaise. It hit the wall and went everywhere. I was left with a disgusting mess to clean and walls to repaint. It taught me a lesson,
Because I don't want to break my hand punching the wall. I only throw things that don't break. That was the old me...the new me doesn't do that anymore:)
I don't. That's a generalization. An incorrect one.
So that we might hit your inferior and vulnerable testicles.
Anger usually evokes a fight or flight response. Throwing something is a destructive way of responding to the rush of adrenaline that occurs with the fight response to anger. Certain women throw things when angry, and so do certain men. It just depends on their personal maturity level and how they are able to cope with the pain of a hurtful emotion.
I've known plenty of men who do the same...
Well, to throw objects when you're happy would look pretty stupid!
I guess it's because they want to show they are angry but not hurt the other person. The same way men punch inanimate objects (me included) when getting in a heated argument.
While it is not a good idea to overgeneralize, it is true that women "tend" to throw more in anger than men do and men tend to hit more in anger. This may have something to do with our gender roles and how we are indoctrinated in to them as children and have been so for many generations. As parenting styles change and gender roles evolve, that "generalization" may shift.
Because men are generally too heavy to pick up;)
I think most people do.
It's satisfying.
Sometimes people throw things in anger, and sometimes out of frustration, from a need to do something physically destructive, to vent. My sister used to kick things, instead of throw, until she kicked a coffee table (for getting in her way) and broke her toes.
because there is a tingly feeling in the arm-ish area, and it just feels good to throw things!
Same reason a man throws objects in anger
its da 1st thing dat cums in their hand :)
To keep ourselves calm and unlike guys, we don't fight physically. On the other hand, what I do rarely do when I'm mad is take me bi-bi gun, print a pic of the person I'm mad at, put the picture on a haystack, and shoot it. :<
I have only ever had 1 woman throw an object at me in anger and afterwards i made it clear i was not gonna accept this kinda thing and it stopped throughout our 13 year marrage. Neither person should use violence towards the other no matter what. Violence will only breed violence
because they want to show that they have destruction art also. and they can destroy all the things which are buying by her with great interest.
I don't get mad ,I get even...I don't take time to throw anything as I walk out the door and I'm gone to a quiet place that I enjoy.When I come back if I come back were both calm down.
Men do it to. Both do it for a whole lot of reasons, the only one that is usually in common is anger.
because they are inferior to men and need to respond with primitive violence rather than by reasoning.
I don't do that. In fact, most people I've known who throw things in anger have been men. It's a temper thing, and has to do with a lack of self control. Women probably do it when they get irritated by sexist and ignorant questions ;)
Why do some guys say ridiculous things for no reason?
to inflicts the amount of physical pain, I'm feeling mentally, and then maybe he'll get the point to shut up!
For the same reason I want to throw people. It makes me feel good.
Because if they throw a punch they might break a nail and no amount of anger is worth that!
Maybe because when we get angry men think its amusing - throw something and its no longer something to snigger about. Mind you, I've never thrown anything in anger so I wouldn't really know!
its better not kill someone, or to break someone's neck,
I have never done that..however, two men in my life threw a book at the wall and another one smashed an ashtray..that scared the bejeesus out of me..I don't like violence, I don't like being out of control, and I avoid those who engage in that kind of behavior. I don't know what kind of women you know, but they are nothing at all like me! :)
Its called venting. releasing their anger in this manner, rather than striking a loved one. Men do this also. Ever heard of a mans fist knocking a hole in a wall? Its called venting.
I would rather break a replaceable object than another persons nose.
oh that is a good one....maybe because your all crazy? lol just playing ..dont take that one seriously ok.. I cant answer I m a guy ...aloha
Frustration at men. only joking. Better to throw something than hit someone.
hello,i dont know,though i do this sometimes,my ex sister in law is a champ at this,she threw everything and anything that wasnt tied down at my brother,vcrs,chairs,pots and pans,dishes,knives,you name it,she threw it.
Because they're angry. lol
Because we normally do not carry guns or knives.
Is there an implication here that men do not throw things in anger? It's called "venting" for either gender.
Who knows.
We can't punch hard enough. :)
HA! as if..... you need a punching bag and boxing gloves so you don't hut those precious little hands.
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