That would be a matter of perspective. Men put a lot of effort into relationships as well - just differently.
Linda Joy
Examples, please. -
Iron Mask
I often I am unsociable because of an ear affliction. It's rare that I get a day free enough from the pain to converse with others. I had a good ear day last week and wanted to share it with my internet pen pal. Because I like spending time with her, when I'm not hurting as bad. I could've spent my pain free time doing anyting else, have wanted to spend it with her. She quickly decided to come up with a reason to yell at me again - to tell me I never cared about her. I second-guessed a fact about her and said the wrong thing. For that I got the silent treatment. To a woman little factual details means more than my wanting to share my precious rare pain free time. -
Linda Joy
Maybe you should find someone else to spend your time with. Or maybe she was in pain at that particular time. So for you its the amount of time you spend or the quality of time? What else have you done for her? Has she ever done anything for you? What about other women? What truly amazing over the top things have you done to impress a woman? Has any woman ever done anything over the top for you? -
Iron Mask
The point was that people have different ways of working at relationships. One person might choose to work at remembering details, well another might work on finding quality time to spend with the other person. I would certainly never want to give up on a friend, as you've suggested. The friends I have in my physical life and I enjoy being there for each other when we see the other has needs. I internet pen pal does the same things for her physical life friends. She has a loving spirit. We all do over the top things for each other when we can. I'm not as imaginative at coming up with ways to overcome obstacles in going beyond the Call of Duty as some. With my physical friends just being there for them can be and over the top expression of friendship. They are always telling me that I "do so much for them" or that they "feel they owe me for all the things I've done for them." I usually find that perplexing, as I know all I can usually ever do for them is just be there. For them that seems to be more than enough. I do more than just that, of course, but not nearly as often as they do for me. We all work on relationships in our own way. I'm not about to abandon any of them. -
Linda Joy
I didn't say give up on anyone. I was just suggesting you not waste your good days worrying about someone who is not ready for whatever reason to spend time with you at that moment. Celebrate your good days with those who are in a mood to enjoy it with you. What I was looking for with this question is ways men show their appreciation for women that maybe the women don't recognize. If I can help women recognize what their partners are doing to show love maybe they would see and appreciate it more. But as you can see... I'm coming up with no help. So basically allowing someone else access to you in a good mood is in itself going over the top to impress them? -
Iron Mask
Perhaps you're thinking of the things women take for granted. We open the doors for ladies and pull out the chairs at tables as well as several other gentlemanly gestures that in the end seemed to really mean nothing to ladies. We try to look good physically. We just don't take as much time at doing it. We exercised comb our hair, groom, and try to smell nice. We are almost always expected to pay for all entertainment events and meals. Rarely is this appreciated. We usually get fussed at that we don't take them out more often as if our wallets have a limitless amount of money to entertain them with. Are these the kind of things you were looking for?
WHO are you trying to pawn THIS line of shit off on? xD
Linda Joy
Defend your position. Give examples. Either that or open wide and gobble gobble! xD -
For one, men have to continuously sink to new lows to kiss women's asses to impress them, it's not the other way around. If a man doesn't have a lot of money, no need in even thinking love is in the future. No thanks! I get better lovin', more respect, no lip, and fatter pockets from lefty and righty. And let's not even mention Fifi. xD -
Linda Joy
That's not true. As you've clearly demonstrated you can always take matters in hand and tell the women to kiss off! If men kiss women's asses its because they choose to! But the point of the question was for men to tell us how they have tried to impress women. The question came to mind when I saw several questions about how women have taken far more from a man than they should have and let them treat them poorly. I know it goes both ways, but I thought maybe women don't really see what their partners do to try and impress them and take it for granted. And I thought maybe if we had a list of examples we'd be better able to recognize it. But as you can see that was a bust. And I agree with you, romantic relationships are overrated and not worth the grief! I also get more respect from myself than I ever did from any romantic relationship. I can also see your point on the money issue. And I agree SOME women are greedy plain and simple. On the other hand, men expect women to look and act like the air brushed propaganda they see in the porn they're addicted to so badly they don't even know how to function properly in a real relationship. And I won't mention my horse. xD -
Ah, so that's not sweat. :P -
I love riding 'em hard and putting 'em up wet. xD
"men would never do that for a woman." That's kind of a shallow way to look at men, dontcha think, Linda?
Linda Joy
Again, you didn't read the description. Oh well, this question was a bust. Nothing new. Unless you'd like to tell us ways in which you've gone above and beyond to impress a woman. -
Archie Bunker
I did, actually. You apparently want to pick a fight.
cause theyre hoping to get that guy
Women are taught to be kind, loyal etc. My mother told me (whilst in my teens) that most men feel that they have the right to have many girlfriends in their youth but, eventually, they choose to marry a girl/woman who has not been with a man before, someone chaste and pure. I could never understand how there could still be many of those chaste and pure girls around if there were lots of men wanting to 'de-flower' as many girls as they possibly could.
Only very insecure and desperate women go to "ridiculous lengths". And I've seen men do the same. It's about personal, individual, issues and problems, not a sex-related trait that women supposedly have but men don't. As for "picking a fight" to spark discussion, yes, I've occasionally done that. Actually, to be more specific, I've deliberately played devil's advocate now and then. You have to be careful about it, though, because a discussion in these circumstances can turn into a flat-out verbal brawl and destroy friendships.
If a gal wants to have so many demands (1.) six figure income (2.) over six feet (3.) big house (4.) fancy car (5.) okay raising her rugrats (6.) in shape (7.) okay she is pudgy (8.) handsome (9) comedian (10.) badboy...she is going to need to "go to such ridiculous lengths" to land a Prince Charming to satisfy her long shopping list of requirements. Gals go to such lengths not out of good will, but due to necessity. Most know that to have any chance to satisfy their ridiculous demands, it will take ridiculous effort, and even then, most will fail. Why? Because even if the gal finds a guy that meets nine out of ten requirements, odds are she will hold out for Mr. Perfect (who never seems to think she is MS Perfect, and plays her, then dumps her). In the meantime, Almost Perfect has moved on....and it's sobbing time.
What you call "going to such ridiculous lengths to please men" I call "setting them up for a lifetime of mental abuse". They'll get on a guy's good side and get him to open up about everything in his past - and then blindside him with accusations of things he did decades back when he was a child. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but you just know that the girl he looked at a while back in their dating years will be brought up out of the blue in the middle of an argument - something that he never gave a thought to at the time, nor does he even recall a decade later.
No, I get enough "discussion" from the mentally challenged as it is.
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