Beef cutlets?
Ground beef!
this is really funny!! hahaha
Ground beef. What do you call a deer with no visual capacity? No eye deer. What do you call a deer with no visual capacity that is not moving? Still no eye deer.
Ground beef. What goes "oooOOOOH"? Ground beef with no lips.
Milk jugs
Where does dragon milk come from?
A Milk Jug that goes mmmmooooooiiiiillllllllkkkkkkkkk
Daisy...why would I call her another name just because she had no legs.
any thing you like,,,,,it won't come when you call it
Hello there nice jugs~I remember you from the last AB. Haven't heard from you for a long time, nice that you are here! Jan.29
easy! legless cow! lols!
5-16-2017 Mat.
An "ow." pun intended.
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