G'day Scubabob, Thanks for your question. Congratulations to everyone and everything in the universe. Hope I haven't left anyone out. :>) Regards
Everyone, everywhere, doing everything. Jobs well done. Salutations and Congratulations.
I sure would. Congrats to everyone on everything! But most espcecially thank you and congratulations to the beer brewers of the world. Job well done!
I may eventually meet everybody who has done everything with, for and to everybody else. Until then I'll restrict my on-line congratulations to Answerbag members - from what I can see you get far more points for that anyway. I'll just add to Cowboys 22's answer a special word of thanks and encouragement to the Scottish distilling industry, without whose hard work and dedication life would be a little less enjoyable.
I would, no matter who they are, thank all of you, and mucho congrats to all of your achievements! May the good come twice as steady as the bad! :)
Yea, CONGRATS to EVERYONE who has answered, and or asked a question on AB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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