It's a good day if I get in 3 cups a day.
3 or more...mostly herbal...i would die without tea.
Maybe one a week.
if im workin then about 4, if not then 1 or 2.
I cant stand Tea or Coffee
Hot tea one a day, cold tea 4 maybe 5.
I'm really a coffee guy. So normally I will not drink tea. I do ocassionally drink 3 to 4 cups of Earl Grey just to mix it up!
I drink about two cups a day.I like coffee too.So I change off dpending on my mood.
I haven't had tea in ages! I think I'll have a cup tomorrow morning...
It's the little things like that I miss about being married. :(
1 or 2. Oh, wait, you said day, not year.
After my 2 cups of coffee in the morning, I drink tea the rest of the day. Probably 3 or 4 cups of it, plus some herbal tea before bed.
Tea? Yucky! No thanks.
One on occasion but I do drink from 10 to 15 cups of coffee in a day.
On days that I drink tea, maybe 2 cups.
Almost always at least one. It can vary from 1-4. I'm talking about a mug full, not exact measurements. Hot drinks and I go together like PB & J!
One or none.
2-3 a day and they are huge mugs
perhaps 2
All depends on how big that cup is. I drink about a gallon per day during the winter. And more during those hot summer days. Now you know why I stay up so long..........................M.C.S.
Six cups per day
I'm in the southern US so of course! Lots! (Must be sweet iced tea) but we enjoy hot teas as well.
1 cup in the morning
On work days it's coffee and if it is an off day then it is tea and green tea at that. So I guess my answer is about 5 cups in one day, every two weeks or so. I brew a pot of that stuff.
Every day.We start the day with tea(a glass,generally), and its also always part of our refreshments.
Yes I do but not everyday. I enjoy more the herbal teas and Chinese formulas like Bojenmi tea.
as much as 6-8 per day. I love tea.
I don't drink tea every day, but I'll have 2 or 3 cups a week..
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