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Yes. No consent.
Not that I promote Bestiality but really, can you tell when an animal is okay with you patting him/her? I don't think it's animal abuse. I don't know if I think it's ok or not...
Depends. I'm sure there's some stud horses out there who are pretty sure they know what they're doing.
While some say there isn't any consent on the animals part consider this. If the animal humps first is it implying consent? If the animal shows interest in it then whouldn't that become consent beings how at anytime they could stop the process by growling, barking, baying or whatever? And if the animal achieves orgasm how was it not enjoying the act? I think that there isn't any harm to it,they animal gets laid and so do you.
I assume so, if you are caught n some places having sex with sheep you can be charged as if they were a human because their parts are like a woman's
If it is a human female and a male dog then the human female has to allow the male to mount her. If it is a human male and a female anyhting, its probbaly not consensual.
Absolutely. The animal cannot agree (or disagree) with what is going on.
ummm yeah!
Aye.. indeed. What animal in its right mind wants to have sex with a perverted human?
Unless of course the perpetrator has an animal on their hands that's just as perverted and they are... Then yes, I'd say so.
No it isn't cruelty, a male animal, with female human, it is obvious that the woman would have to consent, and if the animal mounted, its obvious they want it too. Human male and female animal is different, but consent is possible, when the female backs into your crouch bucking their hips against you, that is consent if i ever saw it.
I'm pretty sure it's considered animal cruelty whether the animal likes it or not.
No it is not in my eyes because like someone else has written a male dog mounting a female human is concensual by the woman and in my case I allow my dog to mate with me
I think so ,i would never look at an animal in that way.
Yes, the human is using force and/or cunning behavioural conditioning techniques like that to an innocent child. The only difference is no one is taking it as a serious crime as with the case of pedophilia. Afterall, the much gruesome crime is in the act of eating them and even judges of justice commit that, so who is holier in this hellish world to righteously define it as a crime?
I'd have to say DEFINATELY on this one .... If a person can't find a HUMAN to have sex with ; then buy a blow up doll ... BUT; leave the animals alone ..
Yes, it is a form of animal cruelty; it is immoral and illegal.
If you are forceful or hurt them than yes for sure, but if they like it or love it than no. In Fact I would be willing to bet if you had a couple that had a dog and they both treated it equally good and they loved the dog and the dog loved them back but one of them started getting the dog off,(and it doesn't matter who) the dog would always go to that person first when call by both at the same thing.
Woof woof, I'm a dog, can I have sex with you please? Why are you calling me a bad dog? I just want to hump you, it feels good. Why did you chain me up outside? It's cold out here, I want to be inside the house and have sex with you, don't you love me? Where are we going? The vet? No. What does neutering mean? They're going to remove my testicles?!? Why?? Don't let them do this, please. Nooooooooooooooooooo... ...I thought you loved me...
People always use the 'no consent' argument, but it just doesn't hold water. If you try to do something to an animal that it really doesn't want you to do, then you find out all about it. And if the animal has teeth or claws, then it can be a lesson you don't forget. Yes, animals can consent to sexual activity with people. Indeed, anyone who's had their leg humped by a dog knows about consent. I am not advocating bestiality here, but I am saying that if you are trying to find an argument against it, consent is something that won't work. Animals don't consent to have explosive bolts driven into their skulls and then be hung up with their throats cut, but we do it anyway, to millions and millions of them.
It is animal abuse.
Nothing wrong with it. I do it too; and you're listening to someone with a lot of research back-up. As a philosopher in sexology and generic terms, I say... Ignore people when they say, it is (like) 'pedophilia'; because it can't be compared, unless you have sex with an underage animal. Animals, like dogs reach the age of maturity and majority (therefore consent), at the age of two maximum. Animals (in mammalia and similar) have been proven to consent in all my studies. Just consider and respect that the animal has lower intellectual intelligence, and make sure the animal initiates itself (rather than you, taking advantage of it, by your initating; let's bear in mind it may be having lesser intellectual intelligence, compared to the human-kind; so you must take less initiation yourself, or it may be considered as 'taking the advantage'). Like LGBT, it is a recreational activity, call it a sexual perversion or not, in your opinion; people use the word 'perversion' as 'gross' and 'disgraceful'; it truly means different to the overall percentage, hereby I respect being called a pervert, etymologically, but not in the way most people use the word. There are two forms of inter-specific sex (bestiality): *Bestiosexuality (bestiality often typically means this). *Zoosexuality. Bestiosexuality means any combination of these: *Having No Lust Towards Animals. *(Nonconsensual) Raping Of Animals. *Zoosadism (physical, brutal harm of an animal for self-gratification). Zoosexuality means any combination of these: *Zoophilia. *Consensual Sexual Activity With Animals. Zoophilia means any combination of these: *Love (Romance) For A Specific Animal. *Love (Romance) For Animals. *Love (Romance) For An Animal Species In-Particular. *Love (Sexual) For A Specific Animal. *Love (Sexual) For Animals. *Love (Sexual) For An Animal Species In-Particular. *Friendship For A Specific Animal. *Friendship For Animals. *Friendship For An Animal Species In-Particular. Being a bestiosexual is against the animal's welfare; if you are one, switch to zoosexual immeditiately, in respect for your animal; if you are not, and are zoosexual; there's no problem with the way you are! Opinions are opinions in the end of the day. It will be a good idea to find out the legality of 'bestiality', where you are; some countries are fulfilled with anti-bestiality policies, because of religion or overall opinion. Call it biased or the wilfull 'perversion' of alternative lifestyle freedom (and freedom in general), it is still against the law in some cases. I understand that bestiality should be banned in some countries on the case of bestiosexuality, where the overall, if not entire, population is ruthless towards animals. But bestiosexuality is dragging zoosexuality down with it; and that's the problem for us people. I hate it when the anti-zoo misrepresent about bestiosexuality and zoosexuality is the same thing. But I understand people only accept views based on the mix up of information; I don't condemn them, I pity them, and I also forgive them. It is an easy mistake to make, without the research behind it; I thought I was wrong, and gross. I hope this helps.
I think it is because anytime you seek to manipulate someone against their WILL it is abusive. An animal is unable to make an informed, consenting decision to have sex with a human. So in my OPINION that's as abusive as seducing a child or someone of diminished mental abilities. It's just WRONG...morally and in every possible way... You can not justify it by saying..."oh but they will also FEEL GOOD TOO... beyond the pale.
Yes, as the animals can not give informed consent.
Well according the the state of Washington it depends on whether you are topping or bottoming. A guy died from wounds received while allowing a horse to have sex with him. The person was not considered to have committed a crime since the horse was penetrating the man.
I like the thread from "oscer's Bitch" better.
It is 100% not abuse if the animal is able to show consent and is not avoiding the act. If an animal or a person does not like what one may be doing sexually, and they have the ability to let you know that they do not like it, and one still performs the act, then it is rape. If the animal and you both enjoy it, then where is the harm? It is quite easy to find harm in something that you do not agree with. Something extremely taboo. To me our society seems to be out of wack. We think it is ok to shoot and kill animals for sport or food, but when we pleasure them it is evil. Would a dog for instance enjoy ejaculation from a human? yes it is obvious from my observations from my research that the dog is very much so enjoying the situation. If you think about it, truly think about it, does it make sense that it is ok to lock an animal up away from other animals and dis-allow it to engage in a sexual act? To me that seems the most cruel of all. If you are the type that finds it disturbing, then dont engage in it. But to condone others that have a natural love for it and wish to do it, is wrong as well. Especially when you have not researched and weighed the pros and cons. The "If it feels good do it" theory does not apply to right or wrong pertaining to this action. Because there is no proven evidence that harm can come from it. In other words, cigarettes, tobacco, caffeine, and or other drugs are definately wrong, because they are harmful to the body in which we do not own. If there is someone out there that has proof or evidence other than religion or law, that an act between a consenting animal and a human is wrong for either the animal or the human, please post it.
If it is "Forced" (And you'd better be damn careful) it can be such. I'd go into this further, but obvious opinions from hypocrites abound.
Yes they don't know right from wrong.
Why of course it is! Because any animal can not say too any human that they want too ha have sex with them. Do they? You see madam! Only humans can get an animal too want too have sex with them. The humans them selves are the main inteigers through this aweful behavior! I truly feel so sorry for all of these harmless animals that are just acting curious!
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