Haha thats a simple answer, My girlfriend.
My wife.
You know...myself and I have had some pretty good conversations in the past...I know I'm crazy;) But seriously, my favorite was my ex, talked about everything. I can't do that with anybody else at the moment.
my husband :o) we're still learning things about each other, and we usually agree - but sometimes we have really interesting debates. Otherwise, I'd pick my dad, whom I'm solidly convinced knows everything and is the most fascinating person to talk with.
My mom. She's great to bounce ideas off of.
Mine is not so much a favourite person but favourite people and that is all you answer baggers.
Mah gee eff.
my husband.
My daughter..
My son first-- my family, and the baggers! :D
My husband, because I feel like I can say just about anything to him, at any time, like in the middle of the night when I wake up scared or feeling lost. And he's there and understanding.
My baby.
Well this is sort of depressing consider everyone else on here is reffering to someone close to them but honestly my therapist Rhonda. family wise I suppose it's my cousin Vanessa.
My husband, of course.
My boyfriend.
My BFF, Annie.
Sadly I have had the very few people i trust break my trust and I dont trust anyone to talk to anymore...Its hard holding it all in the only way I get myself positive again is music or keeping myself occupied so i dont have to think about anything that bothers me. Its not healthy i know, so if you have advice, im open for suggestions.
I'd say my gay best friend. I just love him
(((My grandpa)))
my mum and sister
I would have to say my best friend. She never leaves me with nothing to say, she and I teach each other things, she has an old soul.. She's my sister for life
Here lately it would be myself or the shadows on the wall :)
My best friend in the whole wide world...she is an excellent listener, an excellent advice giver, and we have awesome conversations...and she always has the best gossip!
Ninjitsu grande master Emiko Tanaka.
my bf - he is so smart and fun to talk to
my sister :)
my best friend debbie
My favorite person to talk to is my boyfriend because he has very nice conversation and he makes me laugh and i cant stay mad at him for a long time because he always take his time to explain things when we have problems to whereas it benefits the both of us. That way we both get something out of the deal: Im happy that we solved the problem in a civilized way and he understands from both our point of view and he understands that next time he wont make that same mistake
My mother I usually have both the best and worst conversations with.
My mom, seriously, she's amazing!
my sister-in-law that lives close to me
My Sister :)We were never very close untill recently, when she was in a bed car accident, and thigs just fell into place. Probably from the 2 months I stayed in the hospital with her, haveing all those hart felt conversations :) We are sooo tight now <3
either my boyfriend, luke. or my bestfriend, mikey. mikey =]
My children. they tell me honest things about myself i did'nt even know. That & they do & say the darndest things just like that show says!
the one that will truly listen
my bestfriend... or random people.
My best friend.
Used to be my grandmother but she passed away last year. My husband doesn't listen and niether do my kids, so not them, um, i'll have to go with my parrt. We may not agree all the time, but he does listen.
ummm idk, my sister i guess since shes my room mate
I agree Myself..I'm the best listener!
my husband
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