For much the same reason that one gay guy can call another a faggot and not be insulting. The word is only insulting when it is meant to be insulting.
Who is the real racist here, I think your question answered it by it self, there is a saying that says in Dutch, from what the heart is full the mouth will over flow of. do you actually listen to that crap they sing, about killing, rapping, drugs, fuck your mother and kill your father, I don’t think it has got such a good idea, they are all a bunch of gang bangers, you get one of them alone, they are humble, turn your back and they will smoke you’re ass, what they sing is what they do, it is they’re lifestyle, and they do this cause they don’t know of anything better. Maybe they should consider getting an education...
Urban Spaceman
It is they are lifestyle? How is that supposed to make sense?
It's a question of taking something that used to be negative and turning it into something that's a positive. Kinda the same as a woman calling a female friend a bitch. The thing is, these artists who use this word freely in lyrics, interviews, and everyday life have basically given the go ahead for everyone to use the word and desensitized the generation now who is listening to the music to the negative history behind it.
I'm not knowledgeable about rap music..but I think this may be changing among some rap artists. I've heard that a few of them have decided to eliminate the use of that word, and also the denigration of women, from their music..I think if a word has horrible connotations associated with it, no one should use it..I'm sure the rap artists feel they have a "right" creatively to say whatever they like and that it is an abridgement of artistic freedom..but there is also the question of bringing up hurtful things, good taste and trying to make things better in the world and not keep regurgitating the bad stuff over and over and over. :)
Context is the important part! I must have answered this same type question 10 times now! No word is bad. The context behind the word is the bad part.
It is always context. The word that' non dares speak its name' is just the Spanish word meaning Black. The poor southerners could not pronounce Negra correctly. It has only become an insult because people used it or took it in a derisory manner.
If you use the "n" word in a derogetory manner of course it will be frowned on....Do you like being called names out of spite?
For the same reason they think they deserve reparations and token placements in jobs. Those are the few black people who don't want to be treated EQUAL. They want to be be given things they didn't earn and be treated like they deserve EXTRA. Or special treatment just because they are black. They are usually the ones that are prejudiced against every other race and theirs is the only one that deserves to be treated special. They are the ones that have that worn out black oppression card from trying to play it all the time. My black friends don't act like that. Most black people that I know don't act like that. But you have people like that in every race and walk of life, so its really not fair to single out black rappers for this kind of thing. Although the rappers you speak of are probably these kinds of people or at least playing the role to front for their fans.
The N-word is frowned upon no matter who says it.
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