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The taste of a woman's vagina isn't something that can be described easily in words. So unless Answerbag adds a remote smelling feature, no one is going to be able to answer your question. But this man likes the taste very much :-) [Edit: "How can you taste the vagina?" Easy! By licking it with your tongue. Whether goats do it or not is irrelevant. It is an enjoyable taste. If you do not enjoy doing it, that is your prerogative, of course.]
A womans vagina has a unique smell . I believe every woman has a slightely different aroma . I would describe it as a sweet smell of innocence mixed with a touch of naughtyness and delightful excitement!!! . A irrisistible combination that once experienced you'll always remember her .You females are so beautiful in every way .............
It vary's from woman to woman but the scent of a woman is quite delicious, the senses are stimulated by a combination of hormones, (like estrogen which has a calming effect on males), and pheromones. The smell in most instances may take some getting used to for some males, it takes time for some people who are a bit quesy about performing cunnilingus. The sensation of a females secretions on your tounge is not really that differant from that of kissing her on the mouth, only much more fluid secretions are emitted from the vagina. Performing such art on a female can be quite rewarding as a woman is very sensitive to oral stimulation and much, much more suseptible to orgasm than intercourse in the majority of the populus. It may take you some adjustment, but the smell, the taste, the sensation, etc. etc. all lead to a very good and pleasureable addiction. There is no sweeter nectar than that of a woman. --- Experience,.
My husband says "Warm Apple Pie".. but honestly... I think it is more like "Ripe Grape Tomato"
A healthy vagina is faint of smell and taste, but it's sweet. To the ladies reading this: You should know what you taste like! It's not nasty or gross, and gives you and idea of what your partner dives into . . . Douches or vaginal deodorant sprays is not good for maintaining a healthy vagina. Those products upset the balance of a woman's natural bacteria, which could result in an infection. Doing a "finger douche" in the shower works best - It's using a mild soap, such as Dove, and gently inserted soapy fingers slightly (NOT deep thrusting!). Rinse the area well, and dry to keep your vagina naturally clean and fresh. Since you asked, perhaps you don't already know - If ever "it" is not so sweet smelling, or pretty looking, Do Not Procede! Pussy should never be fishy or fowl smelling. Any sense of a stinky smell, or any extra frothy, creamy discharge, is not a good sign. There's probably something brewing there you don't want to interact with(in) that will make it worse, or that you could contract yourself. Enjoy!
if she has washed it should smell slightly musky and taste pretty neutral. that's just my experience, actual mileage may vary.
i agree with the ripe grape tomato answer. it is slightly acidic but has a pleasant "female" aroma. a clean, healthy pussy doesnt stink, but u know its pussy. it has a distinct scent.
like heaven
A woman's vagina smells and tastes exquisite!! I personally love both!! Although, I don't think I could identify the taste in a lineup, it's more of a sensation on the tongue, the word slightly metallic comes to mind for some reason, at least when you put your tongue in deeper. One thing I definitely noticed (and many other western men here) is that Japanese women have hardly any smell compared to western women. I don't know why, but I kinda miss it!!
The vagina tastes like a cold lasagna noodle. It smells like stagnant creek water. But dont get it confused with stank squish.
All these answers will never really come near answering your question, because its one of those things in life where there is only one way to find out the answer - dive in and see for yourself.
How does the saying go - something about sugar and spice!
like buttermilk, it has a rich milky taste and smell. sometimes the secretions are a bit salty.
Its a beautiful scent that attracts a Man to a Woman. Its the animal in all of us that reacts to this scent of a woman. One of the most wonderful experiences in life.
When I was with my woman, I was shocked to smell the vagina's odor when we were naked and horny in bed. She hoped that I would taste hers. I was not ready for that. When I told her what was that odor? She said it's vagina odor. I said oh. She looked so upset in nice way. But the smell was my fingers. I did not wash it for one day. I smelled it at worked and even handshook few people! OMG! She still hopes that I will lick hers very soon! It would be hard for me to lick hers cuz of my bad past experience. My babysitter ,who was woman, molested me when I was very young. I never report on them to anyone. I had a mental scar for years and years. I remembered to smell that one. It links to my woman's odor. I am trying to forget it. Anyway, how can I overbeat it? SEP
Hmm... I have tasted quite a few.. The ones I remember are: 1. Fresh and rose-like... intoxicating 2. Smellin like fish sauce.. tasteless tho... 3. Totally sterile and tasteless... slightly acidic in the morning... 4. I will describe my wife's.. coz I have been eating it for the last so many years... Right after marriage, she had a flavor like rotten spinach. After a dose of antibiotics and clotrimaoxazole cream, she started having a flavour of pineapples, which lasted many years. Now, after many years of marriage, she is flavorless, with a slight musky odor. But she gives off a nasty whiff from her cunt sometimes, which soon subsides.. So vaginae have variable flavors with age / medical treatment / child delivery?????? God alone knows..
Angel Food Cake. It taste and smells just like it. Next time you go to the store buy some, and compare the two. Eating out (so to speak) is heaven for all participants. Dive in and trust me your little "angel" will be in heaven, so will you.
As a woman it is good to know that most men like the smell and taste. I won't feel guilty next time I receive oral! :)
The tastiest juice on the earth. The taste increases once eating becomes vigoros. Vaginal aroma is so special! rose, jasmine!!. once the pussy gets more more happy it gives the awesome reward for the job well done. We never miss this wonderful act.
smells quite fishy, but taste kind of salty yet a bit sour. Not easy to describe really.
If it is kept clean, SUSHI!
arck men you are sooooooooooooooo discusting i m gay and prefer so suck a dick and eat cum, pussy look s like and taste like smoke meat euhhhhh very grosss i m prefer much more to eat a cute ass
I just ate out a pussy tonight, and i agree with the grape tomato answer. But it is a little more acidic/sour than you would normally think. But it actually tastes pretty well, don't have her use any fragrances or anything. Just do it and i guarantee you will like the outcome.
Just watch it, one slip and you are in shit.
Okay,the truth... It smells and tastes different on all women all the time. I love to eat pussy. I am great at it and I have found this to be straight up! It can smell clean, after a shower and taste like soap, it can smell like urine and taste like it when she ejcaulates in your mouth while u eat her, it can smell like sweat after she gets home from her legs rubbin all day on a hot day and taste salty, it can also smell like a fish store from a hot day or just before her period and taste like it as well, it can taste like urine after she has just gone to the bathroom and taste acidic but good, it can smell like vinegar and taste like it after she douches,it can smell like baby powder and taste kinda dry,it can smell like perfume after she sprays it with perfume or female vaginal deordorant and taste like it smells. Yes a woman's vagina smells and tastes different all the time. Hope this helps
It varies from one woman to another, but I like to tell people: "Clean pussy smells like fish and tastes like cherries." Seriously though, a vagina tastes like the best chicken you have ever eaten and does smell like fish.
Perfection! There are a lot of multiples in your question though; Ethnicity, diet, does she smoke, activity level, weight neither is a negative just different in a multitude of ways. My answer- Imagine a beautiful flower that was also a tangy/sweet fleshy fruit that gave more juices as you ate it. One that made you bury your tongue in side as you did so, to taste it with every taste bud. Lips and texture that only add to the experience. And this flower sings and moans with the delight of being eaten. Every woman has a different taste though similar; they are all exquisite to those who favor the WORLDS PERFECT FOOD! And Yes, they do taste different when they cum, well at least strong and that's great. As for the smell, it’s harder to delineate one woman from another. I have never found this so called fishy smell and I have been down many a road in this respect. =0P>-}
If there's an infection...Fishy smell, and not sure about the taste during that time, wouldn't want to go there. However, in a clean vagina, the smell is a very light scent of whatever her skin smells like, and kinda sweet. As for the taste of a clean pussy, I can only vouch for my own...sweet & salty mixture, with a honey consistency. Very edible and would make me want to go there if I were a lesbian. If a woman can stand to french kiss her man after he's just taken his tongue down there, it must be pretty good, I know that's my favorite part!
now do you think some womens pussy is fowl? like fat women or just skanky women that has sex with anything?
as long if its clean the pussy it taste good like salty now if she didnt clean it it smells like rottin fish and you dont want to go there and it taste nasty .
it has a pretty smell kinda like roses i have alot to do with pussy its not a play toy its somethin special that u shud love an if u have a wife or a gf than u should treat her with respect.the taste is like u are on a cloud an u can taste the honey in the air.
it's it smells like fish it's a dish, if it smells like trout eat it out...if it smells like cologne leave it alone. stupid thing I heard when I was a kid. After a variety of pussy errr vagina that I've experienced (lost count), I would say that when it's healthy and clean it is so sublime, intoxicating, and devilishly addictive. When it's so good that you take your entire mouth and envelope the sweet folds of her labia and take every drop of her goddess sweet nectar consume it into your mouth let it become one with you and simply delight in this heavenly gift of pure perfection and poetic ecstasy. My girlfriend just walked in and loved what I wrote...she wants me to do as I just described! Man I'm a lucky SOB!!!
It depends on the woman, hygene, diet, genetics, all women are different and I believe most love a good licking. Of course the human body can emit destestable oders caused by glanular secretion, but I love everything about the female anatomy. Especially a tight pussy of a mature experienced women. So its the anticipation of vaginal penetration that make me conclude a woman's pussy.... Smells like flowers and tastes like honey....:-))
It varies widely. Some women have pussies that taste like ambrosia to you and smell like heavenly breezes to you. Some women have pussies that taste and smell awful to you. It depends on your taste, mostly. Some guys will think a girl has a great smelling and tasting pussy, and some other guys will think her pussy is nasty. My recommendation is to get your face down there and taste it and sniff it. If you like it, it's a good one for you. If you don't like it, just find another that you do like. Have fun!
i was eating the sweetest pussy i have ever had the pleasure to eat for hours on end until a little something went fowl maybe ass juice.
i think it smells like playdough! ive had much experience(im a lesbian)ohhhh baby yeah push harder huh uh huh ohhhh!!!
If u insert ur finger into ur bellybotton and smell it there is the vaginal smell. If u taste ur inner lip theres the taste
tastes like chicken!!!
You have to be there. It is a heavenly moment to love making.
Like sweet apple pie.;-)
I know all vaginas taste different. I know what mine tastes like. It is creamy and reminds me of a sour green apple. It's tangy and sweet. I don't know where people get the idea that vagina tastes like fish... BTW When i'm horny and wet, my vagina juice doesn't taste like anything at all. It also changes texture. It gets sort of slippery :D mmm fun I love my vagina
I shower with Lever 2000, Perfectly Fresh scent every day,,, sometimes twice a day. Mine smells like a bunch of wildflowers all the time and probably tastes like dandelions... ;~p
Wow, taste is the easiest, salty and slightly acidic. Smell, musk. Every woman has her own musk. There is none of the get past the smell garbage. If it's your first time, it is because it's a mew smell to you. If it is a woman who is new to you, you are going to find her different, perhaps unpleasant until you have bonded with her. Then it is her sent only that will smell lovely to you. I am trying to find the anthropological and biological reasons (biology is easier, to attract males and to let them know when you are close to ovulation) anthropologically, I believe that it is to let other females know that he has been with another female and also to mark him through his sense of smell that he is attracted only to you girl and all other women do not smell good to him. I used to love to go through the day with my wife's scent still on my fingers and lips. I know her scent anywhere. Lovely.
I think it taste really good. It's like....MY MOUTH IS HAVING A ORGASM. Oh god. The taste....Hmm. Hard to describe.....Kinda like....It's sweet.... I guess you can say. But a weird sweet. But it still tastes good you know?
A bit musty w/ the sweet smell of urine. This is what drives man insane. Must have the slight smell of urine as this is the fluid where the female species emits her sex stimulating hormones. Why do you thing dogs, cats and just about every mammal (we are mammals) sniff the oposite sexes ass. I wish that I could go around sniffing every womens ass ab vagina w/o getting commited to an insane asylam...Anyone out there who disagrees is either extremely Gay or just a virgin
A bit of urine which contains the madening female hormones that have brought down kingdoms. I have been blessed to have experienced, smelled and tasted over 100 vaginas. I have initially taken every single one orally. All feel, taste and smell different but most are delicious. The ones that did not rock my boat were ones that did not have a natural human odor. Oh, you know what I mean. The ones that smell like nothing or worst yet like a fruit or perfume...The natural secresions of a female vagina is the long sought after love potion. Rock on Girlz
Steven Why don't you post to a GAY chatroom as it is very apparant that you do not appreciate God's masterpiece (womans vagina) Go suck a sweaty dik big boy and leave us Vagina worshipers alone
every vagina tastes and smells differently. I've only experimented with my own, but i notice that with a change of diet you can actually change the flavor of how you smell or taste. Some women smell sweet and musky while others are a bit more salty. If you prefer the sweet-smelling scent, you can ask a girl to change to a diet with a bit more fruits and citruses. This will make her emissions smell and taste a bit sweeter. Hope this helps
Smell - Depends on the woman Taste - Best when full of cum
Pussy has an acidic taste/feel on the tongue, and has a body odor/armpit/musk smell. Some women have a ripe cheese like urine smell. Some have a rotten shrimp smell, and all are somewhere between these descriptions.
first off guys if you really love women so much try to call it by the name it should be called "vagina" not the nasty p word.. no girl im sure likes that because it makes her sound trashy and dirty.. im sure a few guys will agree and most women with me on this one. As for the taste you really must experience its textures and smells yourself. Its unexplainable, some guys like it and some however just dont. It is true every female varies with her smells and tastes. Yes it is true a clean vagina smells sweet like and also very femanin and as for the taste it should be sweetish also but not probably like your expecting... like i said just give it a try and remember to call it vagina please!
Shouldn't that be said: a "womans beautiful pussy"?...It tastes and smells like woman...there is no other description....if you have to ask.....than you haven't enjoyed it yet.
If it's a clean pussy, then it smells like fish and tastes like chicken.
Sugar and spice and everything nice,,,, I'm just guessing cuz they're not on my menu... ;~)
It's kind of a "thick" smell - if that makes any sense.
yummy, imagine a faint sweet and sour sauce, with a little bit of citric acid.. and it smells good most of the time, some chics gotta break out the lysol..
really don't think anyone could put in to words,the aroma, smell ,and taste you get from a womens vagina,,, i know i can't,,,,,heaven is all i can manage,,,,
I think the smell is so wonderful! Quite sweet and very tasty. I love a man's penis berfore and after the sex.
tastes beautiful and life heaven!!
like feta cheese
It tastes somewhere between splenda and red Gatorade.
a womans vaginal smell is unique, it doesn't match any smell that we know of only that is is signicifant to that vagina, how ever its seduction is great, and kind of pulls your closer, as for the taste, it is rather salty, but you either enjoy it or you don't. for me, i seriously love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scent varies with the woman and wher she is in her menstural cycle. Anything from a gentle baked bread, to canned tomatoes, some fish (strong fish is not normal, amonia) with different degrees of musk. Taste varies from lightly salty, to more so, with differing degrees of acidity. Women are acidic, men are basic (which is why she says your cum is bleachy). Stronger fishy odor occurs after you have cum inside her. She should never taste "bad". If she has been out all night drinking and dancing, it is sweat and urine that is giving her a stong odor, absent any yeast or bacterial infection.
Like nothing else in this world. But be careful one smell or taste and you'll be hooked for life.
Asian girl: Girls locker room smell. Mainly a combination of freshly caught fish (sashimi grade) with slightly salty and slightly sour smell plus slight antifreeze sickly sweet smell plus Charmin bath tissue perfume all in very subtle proportions. Caucasian girl: Deep/meaty smell like armpit or taco bell ground meat. Salty, umami taste. All in all definitely a damp/warm smell with either meaty taco smell for caucasian girls or thinner fresh raw chicken/fish smell for asian girls.
If she keeps herself clean, and if she's not diseased, a woman's pussy smells like Paradise, tastes like ambrosia.
"A sweet smell of innocence mixed with a touch of naughtiness and delightful." I couldn't have said it better.I use to hid my fetish.In my early relationship with my wife before we wed, I was insecure cause I know she could have done better than me with all the guys hitting on her.At lunch on the job one day I pulled out a pair of her panties along with a sandwich she prepared for me and was ready to have a laugh at her when I got home. To my surprise her response was, "I know you like to smell my panties and I don't want you thinking about any other woman but me. There's too many hussies shaking their tails at your job and the way you've been fucking me I don't like to think about another woman getting the same." I was never insecure again and she didn't think it was gross and realized that it was that "little twang in her thang" that acted like an aphrodisiac on me and keeps me hard,hot and horny and we both feel the need to be constant.When we're going at it she'll put the crotch of her panties to my nose to keep me optimum. I will admit that the only time I'm the one in control in our relationship is when I'm giving her 3 or 4 orgasms to my one and it is that technique that she gave me the title of her own personal dixman and on the morning of my 50th birthday she said, "At 50 you can still give pussy a black eye, happy birthday."The reason why I'm here tonight is because I'm horny, she's been helping her mother up in Vancouver BC for the past 2 weeks and she said that she is in need also but the panties she left me are fading in scent. I love that woman and our kids say we don't act like normal parents. I wonder what they know?
i smell a fishy
I guess I can agree with all of you. Every vagina is different. My ex's pussy stank when she tried to get me to eat her. I just pulled away. It smelled like she had not taken a shower for few days!! I tasted one and it tasted so deliciously yummy. It tasted like clams or clam juice. I would love to eat it again. :)
My answer, from a girls point of veiw. Smells can vary but they taste WONDERFUL!!!!
Mine tastes like Duck Sauce, I been told
If the woman is healthy, it's heaven, if not then leave the State.
It can't be explained in words.
It tasted like the terminals of alkaline batteries.......
A woman's vagina smells of raw oninan and crushed mustard flowers and leaves.
Every man I've ever been with says I have the most amazing smelling/tasting pikachu ever. I wash very well with femfresh twice a day and always make sure I freshen up before any thing sexual begins. If the lady uses femfresh they should smell like vanilla and flowers =) if not.. It shouldn't really smell like anything, maybe a light musky scent. I personally believe that if a vagina smells too strongly it isn't a healthy one. lol
sour pizza
Mine smells like baby products . I use them to wash because they are good for your skin & hair . Johnson's is the best .
Hot Garbage
my husband says my vag, smells like a pleasant woodsy, musky sent and tastes sweet and pure. he can't wait till next time.
Don't know about comparing it with the smell of anything else, but sure does tend to taste good.
It tastes like sex candy. Magic sex candy.
How one smells and tastes varies some throughout the month. But we wouldn't eat them if we didn't like the taste.. I'm a bit older and have eaten more 50 of them.
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