-5 downgrade (coward) that's a start, but it's also a fair question; I was born in Canada and I'd like to know what you think...
Nothing. When I was a child we used to get a parcel of gifts from a Canadian family every Christmas, just because my father had met them during the war. One of my junior school teachers was Canadian and he was a good teacher. Other than that I've never met any.
Have actually been thinking about moving North myself.....
Nothing. Don't know any personally.
that they're not "aboot" democracy they're "aboot" respect:) no grudge toward canadians at all, maple syrup is awesome
They sneak across the border disguised as Americans ;)
I have several very close friends who live in different provinces around Canada. I visit regularly, and can tell you that I think Canada is an awesome country full of awesome people.... I only dislike two things about Canadians. 1. They are WAY too proud of their beer(It's good, but it's not "all that") 2. The beer costs way too much. (Currency exchange aside, you can still be paying $8.00 a six pack).
I don't think I can say that I "dislike" anything about Canadians. The "eh" thing can get a little annoying somtimes thoguh.
Nothing; why?
I dont dis like them... i think they are very nice people and there resturant food is awsome!!
I didn't DR you but I'm very surprised with this question as it asks for a negative answer. The Canadians I've met have been very international, much more so than most Americans. By international I mean speaking different languages, more aware and appreciative of cultural differences, etc. If you've seen 'Bowling for Columbine' or other (real?) documentaries involving Canadian attitudes most of them are portrayed in a positive light. I don't know that the reverse is as true...although I did enjoy the scene Michael Moore walked into someone's home (the point was almost everyone in this Canadian town didn't lock their doors, implying this was the norm) and the gentleman was wearing a "I <3 New York" t-shirt. As a side note if you have ever been to Niagara Falls and visited both sides the Canadian side is much more beautiful and clean. It's also more expensive even allowing for the currency difference, lol.
Nothing at all , I played in Canada and the people there were great + up
I have nothing against Canadians, in fact there's one on here from Vancouver who is actually a brilliant man. I'm confused, you answered your own question by calling yourself a coward???
I think it's walking dangerous ground to lump all different kinds of people together as one group, as though they share the same traits, experiences and vision. That said, every Canadian I've met has been friendly and polite.
i am Canadian, so i'll have to say seal clubbing =(
I dont dislike them =)
Nothing I wouldn't dislike about anyone else. I find Canadians very charming and friendly and haven't met a bad one yet in all my years of visiting. Even the young people have been positively a breath of fresh air, at least the ones away from the bigger cities, and even then, most are very nice.
They're cheap and rude!
Canadians are fortunate to have socialized medicine and Americans don't have any.
There is nothing about Canadians that I dislike.
They way "they" always say, "Ay" at the end of a sentence. ;o) When I lived in a border town, we were happy to take their spending dollars, but it did bother me that the shoppers would leave loads of trash around. I doubt that is ALL Canadians though! In general, I like Canada and it's people.
I dont feel any different about Canadians than I do people from any other nation or state. I was a part of Canada Day several years ago.
is sucks because of racism, expensive cost of the living and housing, is sucks because government of canada hold $80 of land in own land ? for what? when so many immigrant landing in canada why they should pay so expensive to live here
I don't like that they have people from Southwestern Alberta there.
Poutine. Seriously.
How they think hockey is there sport and how they think they are better than everyone.
They are insanely good looking and very intelligent. :)
Their fake money is now better than mine
I've encountered several of them in my line of work, they're more even-tempered than Americans so I don't see why I'd dislike them. Very reasonable people. ^_^
They're just so damn.. Canadian.
I just dont like it when I hear them talking bad about Americans.. other than that I dont have a reason to not like them.
Nothing, my family is from Canada!
Ay and aboot. Actually nothing to be honest.
My grandparents are Canadians. I have nothing but love for Canada and Canadians.
Most Canadians i've dealt with were very polite and helpful people as well as pretty fun loving. I have run into some out East, especially Toronto and of course Montreal who were a bit stuck up and acted as though they were better than us Americans, but I do not think that is the norm for Canada, especially out west. Alberta is my favorite province for sure. I think the thing I hate the most about Canadians is their style of football. Too much passing and wide open football and not enough smashmouth defense and running the ball.
You can't generalize all Canadians into one category, especially since Canada is a very diverse country.
There is absolutley nothing to dislike....The World prefers Canadians over Americans Eh!
Nothing! I had a GREAT friend who was from Canada...I miss talking to her so much!
(Yes, I hate people who live in the same country as me) CAN'T THEY JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT THEIR FREAKING HOCKEY?!?!?!?!?!
As a Canadian, I would just like to say how much I appreciated all the nice comments about Canadians. Sometimes we can lose site of whats really important in life,and knowing that people in other countries respect you, gives you hope that maybe the world isn't such a bad place after all.
We are to apathetic.
I don't dislike Canadians at all. They are the most warm, friendly unassuming people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. The woman are tremendous! Sexy and exciting! There sense of humour is brilliant. Very much akin to the Brit humour. There is nothing I can think of that would cause me to dislike a Canadian person at all.
There is nothing to dislike about Canadians. Everytime I have gone away to another country and I tell ppl I'm Canadian, there is a sense of relief. They tell me they prefer Canadians over Americans anyday. I've been to the U.S, and even Americans will say that Canadians are just generally kinder ppl. I'm proud to be Canadian!
I live in Ottawa, the capital of Canada....I love this place, even if I won a 100 million bucks this would still be home to me. BUT, Damn people drive slow out here, we need an Autobond.(Or maybe I just drive to fast) LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.
From a Canadian...Thanks, eh?
I don't dislike anything from Canadians,I would say that the only thing that I would dislike about Canada Is that It's to cold in Canada by this time of febuary.
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