Bad and inconsiderate drivers who put the lives of others in danger.
Beaker Five-O
I agree with you. I think half of the drivers near me have not even passed a driving test.
Whether the refuge men will come.
Beaker Five-O
Is that all you worry about ? -
Ice man
I can see where it would be a problem if they don't. I was watching a program where the council in Liverpool were selling off a section of old abandoned and run down row houses for 1 pound each. I was amazed at the piles of garbage in the streets, where little kids were playing. -
Beaker Five-O
1 pound sounds expensive, for Liverpool !!
Having enough to pay the bills
Ice man
Oh yeah, that's big one.
Only things I personally have control over.
as opposed to say natural disasters? -
I dont worry about those. I have no control over them.
Nothing. As 99.7% of things worried about, never happen.
Linda Joy
82% of statistics are made up. -
4 out of 5 dentists surveyed recommend sugarless gum for their patient who chew gum. -
Archie Bunker
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet just because Snopes says it's real." - Abraham Lincoln
I don't worry. I make other people worry.
not being able to get a job
What? Me worry? I don't even care!
nuclear war
I do not worry. This is not an area the Lord God burdens me with as I put my total trust in Him.
Hacuna Matada my friend! Don't worry, be happy!
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